Closed drdhaval2785 closed 8 years ago
61 CUNNIGHAM.Arch.Surv->CUNNINGHAM,Arch.Surv Missing 'N'. Total 6 occurrences
Line 43675: <H1><h><key1>jvAlAmuKa</key1><key2>jvAlAmuKa</key2></h><body><divm type="e" n="1">1)</divm> <gram n="m">m.</gram> <divm type="n" n="a">a)</divm> <i>eine Art Gespenst.</i> <divm type="n" n="b">b)</divm> <noti> eines Brahmara7kshasa.</noti> <divm type="e" n="2">2)</divm> <gram n="f">f.</gram> <s>I</s> <divm type="n" n="a">a)</divm> <i>brennendes Erdöl oder Gasströmungen aus dem Boden</i> <ls>BHA7VAPR.2,84.</ls> <divm type="n" n="b">b)</divm> <i>eine Form der Durga7</i> <noti>und</noti><noti> eines Oertlichkeit , wo dieselbe verehrt wurde und wo</noti> <i>Gas ausströmt</i> , <ls>CUNNINGHAM,Arch.Surv.5,170.fgg.</ls> <divm type="n" n="c">c)</divm> <i>ein best. Zauberspruch.</i> PW43673</body><tail><L>43671</L><pc>2280-3</pc></tail></H1>
Line 90575: <H1><h><key1>yaSorAta</key1><key2>yaSorAta</key2></h><body><gram n="m">m.</gram> <noti>dessgl.</noti> <ls>CUNNINGHAM,Arch.Surv.6,60.</ls> PW90572</body><tail><L>90571</L><pc>5133-3</pc></tail></H1>
Line 90580: <H1><h><key1>yaSovarDana</key1><key2>yaSovarDana</key2></h><body><gram n="m">m.</gram> <noti> eines Mannes</noti> <ls>CUNNINGHAM,Arch.Surv.6,60.</ls> [Page5.134-1] PW90577</body><tail><L>90576</L><pc>5133-3</pc></tail></H1>
Line 95765: <H1><h><key1>lampawa</key1><key2>lampawa</key2></h><body><divm type="e" n="1">1)</divm> <gram n="Adj">Adj.</gram> (<gram n="f">f.</gram> <s>A</s>) <i>gierig , lüstern , lüstern , ~ nach</i> (<gram n="Loc">Loc.</gram> <noti>oder im Comp. vorangehend).</noti> <gram n="Nom">Nom.</gram>abstr. <s>°tva</s> <gram n="n">n.</gram> <divm type="e" n="2">2)</divm> <gram n="f">f.</gram> <s>A</s> <i>eine best. Personification</i> <ls>CUNNINGHAM,Arch.Surv.9,66.</ls> PW95762</body><tail><L>95761</L><pc>5218-1</pc></tail></H1>
Line 105536: <H1><h><key1>vizRuvarDana</key1><key2>vizRuvarDana</key2></h><body><gram n="m">m.</gram> <noti> verschiedener Fürsten B. A. J. 2 , 11.</noti> <ls>CUNNINGHAM,Arch.Surv.6,60.</ls> <noti>Auch</noti> <s>kali°</s> <noti>und</noti> <s>kubja°</s> <ls>Ind.Antiq.7,16.</ls> PW105530</body><tail><L>105532</L><pc>6137-2</pc></tail></H1>
Line 106182: <H1><h><key1>vIrendra</key1><key2>vIrendra</key2></h><body><gram n="m">m.</gram> <divm type="e" n="1">1)</divm> <i>ein Fürst unter Helden</i> <ls>110,21.</ls> <divm type="e" n="2">2)</divm> <gram n="f">f.</gram> <s>I</s> <noti> einer Jogini7</noti> <ls>CUNNINGHAM,Arch.Surv.9,69.</ls> PW106176</body><tail><L>106178</L><pc>6146-2</pc></tail></H1>
<H1><h><key1>sitapuzpAy</key1><key2>sitapuzpAy</key2></h><body>, <s>°yate</s> <i>dem Jasmin gleichen</i> <noti>(von einem Lachen gesagt)</noti> <ls>RUDRAT2A7LAM5KA7RAT.132,</ls> <noti>b.</noti> PW125045</body><tail><L>125047</L><pc>7130-2</pc></tail></H1>
And pwbib0.txt was able to locate a work with 'wippaRaka' at the end. So, no reason to keep 't' at the end in pw.xml
Only one occurrence
<H1><h><key1>nEgeya</key1><key2>nEgeya</key2></h><body><gram n="m">m.</gram> <gram n="Pl">Pl.</gram> <i>eine best. Schule des</i> <ls>SV.A7RJAV.47.12.</ls> PW61189</body><tail><L>61187</L><pc>3241-3</pc></tail></H1>
The text is
It refers to a special branch of sAmaveda. See google translate.
So, the Sv. seems to be part of explanation.
is the referred work.
It is already listed in pwbib0.txt as .A7RJAV. == A7RJAVIDA7SUDHA7KARA, Bombay 1868 (KERN). (vol. 1)
special branch of sAmaveda - indeed it does. Seems like a modification of the A7RJAV abbreviation.
64 KSHITIC2->KSHI7TIC2 There has to be 'kzitIS' in pwbib0.txt
65 BÜHLER,Rep.1872-73->BÜHLER,Rep. Total 315 matches in pw.xml
66 DEVIBHA7G Not found. Even if found, it has to be DEVI7BHA7G devIbhAgavatapurARa (Note the I)
67 Lot.delab.l -> Lot. de la b. l. It seems a french one with spaces. pw.xml should have this form. See
68 WEBER.Max Not found in pw.xml Max is also not found ins 'ls'.
By the logic in, the pwbib abbreviation will then be BHAVISHJAP
70 BHARAT2AKA No change No idea why sortedcrefs missed it.
71 MAHIDH->MAHI7DH in pwbib0.txt mahIDara intended.
72 Beitr.z.k.d.ig.Spr->Beitr in pwbib1.txt 'ls' always has 'Beitr.' and not the full form.
73 MED.avj->MED.AVJ in pwbib0.txt or MED.avj in pw.xml
Print has MED.avj
74 G4AT2A7DH4.->G4AT2A7DH. in pw.xml
75 C2RUT.(BR.)->C2RUT. in pwbib1.txt (BR.) stands for edition etc.
76 DEVATA7DHJ.BRA7HM Not found in pw.xml
DEVATA7DHJ.BRA7HM. == DAIV. BR. <NF> (vol. 1)
77 LOKAPR(AKA7C2A)->LOKAPR the bracket is supplied by pwbib0
78 MA7LATIM->MA7LATI7M in pwbib0.txt mAlatImADava (See the capital I)
79 KAP.(BALL.)->KAP. Bracket supplied in pwbib0
80 HAM5SOP.->HAM5SOP.S. I am not sure what S. would mean in German But all occurrences have S following. See
Line 33906: <H1><h><key1>Kedana</key1><key2>Kedana</key2></h><body><divm type="e" n="1">1)</divm> *<gram n="Adj">Adj.</gram> <i>stossend , durch.</i> <mdash/> <ls>NIR.11,37.</ls> <divm type="e" n="2">2)</divm> <gram n="n">n.</gram> <i>Erschlaffung</i> <ls>HAM5SOP.S.411.</ls> PW33904</body><tail><L>33902</L><pc>2142-1</pc></tail></H1>
Line 35237: <H1><h><key1>gAtraBaYjana</key1><key2>gAtraBaYjana</key2></h><body><gram n="n">n.</gram> = <s>gAtraBaNga</s> <ls>HAM5SOP.S.411.</ls> PW35235</body><tail><L>35233</L><pc>2163-2</pc></tail></H1>
Line 39870: <H1><h><key1>ciYciRI</key1><key2>ciYciRI</key2></h><body><divm type="e" n="1">1)</divm> <gram n="Indecl">Indecl.</gram> onomatop.› <ls>HAM5SOP.S.410,fg.</ls> <divm type="e" n="2">2)</divm> <gram n="m">m.</gram> <noti> eines Joga-Lehrers.</noti> PW39868</body><tail><L>39866</L><pc>2226-3</pc></tail></H1>
Line 59039: <H1><h><key1>nirABAsa</key1><key2>nirABAsa</key2></h><body><gram n="Adj">Adj.</gram> <i>ohne falschen Schein</i> <ls>HAM5SOP.S.406.</ls> PW59037</body><tail><L>59035</L><pc>3211-2</pc></tail></H1>
81 Ind.Str->Ind.St
Ind.Str is Not found. Only Ind.St. is found
82 Z.f.d.K.d.M Not found
83 SUPARN2.undSUPARN2A7DHJ There are two separate entries SUPARN2 and SUPARN2A7DHJ
They deserve to be separated.
EJF. This is tricky, as author is statint in pwbib0 that he uses two different abbreviations for the same work. The second one appears only once in pw.txt. I propose to treat this second one as a print change, introduced to impose consistency.
And to modify so it uses 'SUPARN2' for the matching.
85 Va7rtt->VA7RTT 169 occurrences. Needs to be capitalised.
86 MUN2D2.Up->MUN2D2.UP already done
87 LAGHUR Not found
EJF. There are actually two pwbib0 entries for this work:
And both of these occur in abbrvlist. needs to be adjusted so it doesn't drop the (A.) while cleaning.
89 ALAM5KA7RAC2 There are only two occurrences of ALAM5KA7RAC One has full alaMkAraSeKara entry and the other has alaMkAras.
Line 120631: <H1><h><key1>samuttejana</key1><key2>samuttejana</key2></h><body><gram n="n">n.</gram> <i>das Anfeuern , Aufreizen</i> <ls>MUDRA7R.55,19</ls> (88,12).<ls>ALAM5KA7RAC17,b,1.</ls> PW120625</body><tail><L>120627</L><pc>7065-1</pc></tail></H1>
Line 134368: <H1><h><key1>hAwakIya</key1><key2>hAwakIya</key2></h><body><gram n="Adj">Adj.</gram> <noti>dass.</noti> <ls>ALAM5KA7RACEKHARA18,a,1</ls> <noti>nach</noti> <ls>AUFRECHT.</ls> PW134362</body><tail><L>134364</L><pc>7270-1</pc></tail></H1>
EJF I propose we treat the ALAM5KA7RACEKHARA instance as a print change for consistency:
And there is also another one that needs a slight adjustment:
EJF There are actually 4 records beginning with 'GAN2ITA' in pwbib0:
And GAN2ITA occurs only twice in PW:
The first of these (76609) agrees with the third item from pwbib0, but the pwbib0 needs a slight adjustment of a space before the paren so the abbreviations match:
The second of these (69606) requires a change to pw (capitlization) and a tweak to pwbib0 (space before paren):
The last two pwbib0 references are added to unused list
@funderburkjim This ends correction submission in this third part.
1) .und = and, so sure 2 different.
2) I am not sure what S. would mean in German
But all occurrences have S following.
@drdhaval2785 It reads as S[eite] = p[age], it's page reference.
3) eitr.z.k.d.ig.Spr->Beitr should at least be Beitr.
= Additions
Re 85 Va7rtt
Many (perhaps all, I don't know) of the instances of Va7rtt occur like this example:
हारिकेयी [p= 7271-1] : f. Patron. Pat. zu P.4,1,15, Vârtt.1. [L=134422]
This is digitized in pw.txt as 3 references:
•f. •Patron. ¯PAT. ‹zu› ¯P.4,1,15, ¯VA7RTT.1.
Would someone help me to know how to understand this?
In the pwbib0, there is a '.PAT. ZU P. == PATAN4G4ALI ZU PA7N2INI.' This suggests to me that, perhaps we should properly code the above as 2 references:
•f. •Patron. ¯PAT.zu.P.4,1,15, ¯VA7RTT.1.
Any thoughts on this?
@funderburkjim I agree with all your observations on the submissions.
Re 85 Va7rtt
Based on, a separate issue has been dedicated to this examination of commentary references. It may be dealt there. Too tricky an issue to be dealt in a single post. It requires some policy decisions. @thomasincambodia is the best judge as to the conventions used by them.
•f. •Patron. ¯PAT.zu.P.4,1,15, ¯VA7RTT.1.
Note - Try to put extensive references inside preformatted text i.e. between ```. Otherwise we mention 30 people in thee same post like
Beginning install at correction issues # 206. Installation done.
The PWK repository updated to take these corrections into account.
The pwbib unused list now has 6 more: 21 MAHA7B 22 C2RIMA7LA7M 26 Bydragen 28 HARISV 29 gan2a 33 SVAPNAK4(INTA7MAN2I) 14 LEUMANNA,Aup.Gl 38 VA7RA7HAP 41 PRAG4A7PATI 43 MAITR.PADDH 51 KHAN2D2APR 59 ALAM5KA7RAS
Discounting these unused abbreviations and the duplicate abbreviations of pwbib, there remain 467 pwbib abbreviations.
Of these, after rerunning based on the above changes, 427 match (91%). :grinning:
63748 of the 73264 abbreviation instances (87%) match.
bibminuscref.txt, etc. are also now updated in pw_ls/pwbib.
2 reference coding makes sense.
Re Try to put extensive references
Not sure what you are suggesting here - what's does 'mention 30 people in same post' mean?
Who are you?
Armin Hrkic
Il giorno 20 dic 2015, alle ore 21:23, funderburkjim<> ha scritto:
Re Try to put extensive references
Not sure what you are suggesting here - what's does 'mention 30 people in same post' mean?
Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
Dear @suka, our text data had @suka in it. So github may have converted it to a mention. Inconvenience regretted.
@funderburkjim, @ is used in github to mention people. The data structure we are following has a lot of @ . Therefore github converts them to mentions if such a user exists. See, one of them even responded (suka). If we put them in triple quotes, github would not try to parse them. So inconvenience to unrelated members may be avoided.
@drdhaval2785 Ah! I didn't know that. Will put pw text extracts in triple quotes from now on.
Probably backquotes
don't get parsed also, and are also safe.
@suka -- Please excuse the inconvenience.
18 continued.