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Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung, 7 Bände Petersburg 1879-1889
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bib minus cref, part 4 #22

Closed drdhaval2785 closed 8 years ago

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

91 KA7TJ.C2RA7DDHAK not found All are GOBH.C2RA7DDHA

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

@drdhaval2785 Suggest you start the 'doubtful' file you mention. I was unsure of what you wanted to put in that file, hence was unsure what to name it. The file should probably go in pw_ls/pwbib since it pertains to matching, and that directory is where the crefmatch code resides.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

This file contains the abbreviations of pwbib that are believed to be unused in the literary citations of pw.txt.

I do not understand your wording. Abbreviations found: In book - In Preface + Did I understood it right?

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

@gasyoun Apologies for so long a time before commenting.

The abbreviations in that pwbib_unused file should satisfy two conditions:

Technical detail:

This file is actually not consulted directly during the program's matching. however, a variable pwbib_unused in the program appears to contain the same abbreviations.

This list of unused abbreviations DOES play a role in, specifically when it comes time to compute bibminuscref.txt , which by definition contains all the references mentioned in pwbib but not yet matched. Currently, this bibminuscref file is empty; and this means that there are no pwbib abbreviations unaccounted for. Consider the second abbreviation in the pwbib_unused file, C2RIMA7LA7M, which is the work ŚRIMĀLĀM (ĀHĀTMYA) mentioned in pwbib. If we didn't have this abbreviation in pwbib_unused, then it would make an appearance in bibminuscref, since there is (as far as we currently know) no reference in pw.txt with C2RIMA7LA7M as its abbreviation.

It is possible that some of the as yet unresolved references (those in crefminusbib) is a misspelling of one of the items in pwbib_unused; and we need to keep this possibility in mind as we study crefminusbib.

But, when we eventually identify all the resource abbreviations appearing in pw.txt, there will still almost surely be some references of pwbib that nowhere occur in pw.txt. and pwbib_unused will contain the list of such.

Note: The very first item of the file pwbib_unused.txt contains the abbreviationMAHA7B. However, this abbreviation occurs NOWHERE in pwbib0. However, there is a 'MAHA7BH' (MAHĀBHĀṢYA) in pwbib, Conclusion, we made a correction at some time to pwbib which originally contained 'MAHA7B' (according to pwbib_orig.txt at line 182). This example shows that pwbib_unused is slightly out of date.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

there will still almost surely be some references of pwbib that nowhere occur in pw.txt


This example shows that pwbib_unused is slightly out of date.
