sanskrit-lexicon / PWK

Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung, 7 Bände Petersburg 1879-1889
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crefminusbib, part 6 #34

Closed drdhaval2785 closed 8 years ago

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

23 continued

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯KA7D.ed.Bomb@vAYC@vAYC@100166:¯KA7D.ed.Bomb:n:New reference. pwbib0 has only Calcutta and  some german one.

New reference. See

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯C2IVA`S@vihuRqana@*vihuRqana@105863:C2iva's:t:Not a reference.

Not a reference. See ![Uploading capture.PNG…]()

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯KAMALA7KARA,¯C2U7DRADH@sakIla@sakIla@117241:¯KAMALA7KARA,¯C2U7DRADH:n:New reference too.

New referene. The first entry an author and the second seems a work. author, work type of an entry. See capture

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯Katha7s@AhUtavya@AhUtavya@16585:¯KATHA7S:t:Capitalization issue

There are too many capitalization issues. They need a separate treatment, so that repetitive submissions can be minimized. Will note in a separate issue.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

86 to 90

¯MAHA7V@varDana@varDana@98882:¯MAHA7VI7RAK4:t:This is the only entry having short version. All other have full version.
¯WABER,¯KR2SHN2AG4.@varDApay@varDApay@98906:¯WEBER,KR2SHN2AG4.:t:author,work pair. and also E->A in WEBER.
¯C2A7N5HK.GR2HJ@ruh@ruh@94617:¯C2A7N5KH.GR2HJ:t:KH reversed


drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


†A7c2v.› ¯GR2HJ.PARIC@vidAraka@vidAraka@102578:› ¯A7C2V.GR2HJ.PARIC:t:Mis-tagging

I tried my level best to understand the conventions of subheading generation, but failed. The whole entry is

<H1>100{vidAraka}1{vidAraka}¦ ²1) •Adj. {%zerrissend , zerspaltend%} (•Comm. ‹zu› ¯K4HA7ND.UP.S.31,¯Z.2 ‹v.u.)› , {%zerfleischend.%} ²2) •*m. {%eine Pfütze in einem ausgetrockneten Flussbette.%} ²3) •f. #{°rikA} ³a) {%®Hedysarum_gangeticum.%} ³b) {%®*Batatas_paniculata%} ¯RA7G4AN.7,99. ³c) {%eine Art von Abscessen%} ¯K4ARAKA.6,17. ³d) ‹ einer Unholdin› ¯AGNI-P.40,19.¯HEMA7DRI.1,655,14. ¯VA7STUV.545. ²4) •f. #{I} = ‹d) †A7c2v.› ¯GR2HJ.PARIC2.4,2. PW102576

I could understand that there was mistagging. A7C2V. was missed from the resource tag. But the subheadings seem to have some error. Not able to understand what. @thomasincambodia may like to correct the line. See capture

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯KUSUM.S@anumitsA@anumitsA@4712:¯KUSUM. S:t:Seite separation
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯K4AN2D2IDA7SA. ‹zu› ¯KA7VJAPR.nach ¯AUFRECHT@sarvasvAy@°sarvasvAy@122205:¯K4AN2D2IDA7SA. ‹zu› ¯KA7VJAPR. ‹nach› ¯AUFRECHT:n:zu issue. Only nach given a bracket and a space before.

See capture

Can be treated a new resource. A commentary on kAvyaprakASa from caRqIdAsa. Noted in Aufrect.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯MABIDH@paripati@pa/ripati@63941:¯MAHI7DH:t:pwbib0.txt has MAHIDH which needs correction. It is mahI and not mahi.

pwbib0.txt also needs change from MAHIDH->MAHI7DH. mahIDara.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

96 to 100

¯KA7D.II@aBipAta@aBipAta@7445:¯KA7D. II:t:See
¯VAKA7H@madayantikA@madayantikA@82204:¯VARA7H:t:print unclear
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

@funderburkjim I conclude the correction submissions for this thread.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

Will take a break till Jim installs these submissions in 'standard format' and some generic corrections to pw.txt. Will try to regenerate the files after these corrections. Let us see if #30, #32, #33, #35, #36 when corrected, give a cleaner pw.txt and subsequently pw.xml and other 'ls' related files or not. Keeping my fingers crossed.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Re †A7c2v.› ¯GR2HJ.PARIC

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Re 93: ¯K4AN2D2IDA7SA. ‹zu› ¯KA7VJAPR. ‹nach› ¯AUFRECHT

Adding new resources:

It may be that we will want to revise this into one reference at some time, but for now adding these as new resources will take care of the matching.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Re K4A7D Should be KA7D

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Here are the typos/print errors. NOT YET INSTALLED

¯C2IVA`S@C2iva's@t@Not a reference.
;¯Katha7s@¯KATHA7S@t@Capitalization issue PREVIOUSLY CORRECTED
¯MAHA7V.184,19.@¯MAHA7VI7RAK4.184,19.@p@This is the only entry having short version. All other have full version.
¯WABER,¯KR2SHN2AG4.@¯WEBER,KR2SHN2AG4.@t@author,work pai. and also E->A in WEBER.
¯C2A7N5HK.GR2HJ@¯C2A7N5KH.GR2HJ@t@KH reversed
†A7c2v.› ¯GR2HJ.PARIC@› ¯A7C2V.GR2HJ.PARIC2@t@Mis-tagging
¯K4AN2D2IDA7SA. ‹zu› ¯KA7VJAPR.nach ¯AUFRECHT@¯K4AN2D2IDA7SA. ‹zu› ¯KA7VJAPR. ‹nach› ¯AUFRECHT@t@zu issue. Only nach given a bracket and a space before.
; ¯KA7D.II@¯KA7D. II@t@See
¯VAKA7H.jogaj@¯VARA7H.JOGAJ@t@print unclear

Here are the additions to pwbib_new:

; Next two from PWK/issues/34 (case 93)
AUFRECHT  (47) AUFRECHT occurs many times, including re case 93.
funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

corrections now installed.