sanskrit-lexicon / PWK

Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung, 7 Bände Petersburg 1879-1889
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Formatting of Entries #4

Open gasyoun opened 9 years ago

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

It seems I write too much lately, so much I want, still let me document my feelings: 1) Sample from *ajātāri [L=1311] [p= 1016-1] Bein. †Judhishṭthira's. -> Bein. †Judhishṭthira’s. There is no good excuse to leave it. It's not as in the book. It's in every dictionary around.

2) What is the need to show the tail in web display (PW1317), that is identical with [L=1317]? Just a waste of screen property: ajānant [L=1317] Adj. nicht kennend , Etwas nicht wissend , [Page1.016-2] unerkannt mit ( Acc. ) 120,21. Spr.99.fg. PW1317

3) Please tell me the sacred reason for different spacing before body text in display bellow ajaneya

4) Why "ājāneya" can't be clickable, as a word that is referred from another entry "— 2) m. ein Pferd von edler Race. -- Vgl. ājāneya." ?

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

Re 1: Bein. †Judhishṭthira's. -> Bein. †Judhishṭthira’s.

Both sides of the -> look the same to me. What is suggestion?

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

Re 2) No need to display PW1317.
PWnnn is Thomas' record number markup, not always the same as L. I removed it from display, by adding the following line to bottom of function line_adjust in disp.php in webtc directory.

 $line = preg_replace('/ PW[0-9]+/','',$line);
funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

Re 3): There is no sacred reason. I agree this is an aesthetic flaw in the display. It is a side effect of some css setting - which one I am not sure. Maybe you can examine the css with a javascript debugging tool (like Chrome developer tools) and find what needs to be changed.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

Re 4) Why can't ājāneya be clickable?

For something to be clickable, the program which generates the display (in this case disp.php in webtc) has to alter the generated html to include a link:

<a href="..." target="xx">ājāneya</a>.  

Here's a Chrome developer tools look at the html (this is from List display, but the part we're talking about is the same in all the displays):


So in this case the change would be something like:

Change the current:
<span class="sdata">AjAneya</span>
<span class="sdata">
  <a href="" 

Clicking on this link would open a new window named "_Somewindow" and show the basic display for AjAneya in that window.

Generating this html could be done by disp.php and is meaningful since the contents X of X happens to be a Sanskrit word which is in fact in the PW dictionary.

However It is not always the case that X is a Sanskrit word in the dictionary. For instance, X might be a phrase, or X might be a feminine form. So, if the display were changed to have a hyperlink for ALL X, then many, probably, most of the links would end up showing 'not found.' or showing unhelpful links like for feminine endings 'A'.

So, to make hyperlinks useful requires preparation of the digitization pw.txt (or pw.xml), to identify via markup that a particular word is hyperlinkable. This is the hard part.

So, I've outlined how I think the implementation of such an enhancement would proceed.

funderburkjim commented 9 years ago

Marcis, do you have a local PHP development environment (Apache2 + PHP)? I know of at least two ways to set up such an environment under Windows (Server2go or Vagrant+Virtualbox).

You could download one of the 'web' downloads, put it in the development environment, and experiment with your local copy of PW.

Another approach would be to set up an AWS (Amazon Web Services) account with such an environment, to which we both (and Dhaval if he's interested) could have access.

The advantage from my point of view is that I would not be the only one involved in researching and implementing the various good ideas that you and others suggest. My current focus with regard to Sanskrit Lexicon s on corrections to the various dictionaries. I also have promised myself to spend time in becoming more proficient with Sanskrit; I'm currently working through Bhagavad Gita along with Sargent and the resources of Sanskrit Lexicon. And, I have a third long-standing interest, one in mathematics, which I hope to resume.

gasyoun commented 9 years ago

I've got XAMPP, it has even Tomcat. My main aim is also "corrections to the various dictionaries", above all - in headwords, root markup and lexical and statistical data for each possible entry. "most of the links would end up showing 'not found.'" - I wonder what kind of if statement would fix that. I could check them for 404, but that's not how this system works. "unhelpful links like for feminine endings 'A'." - wonder how many actually are there. I mean for example in Ozhegov's Russian dictionary we have lots of feminine words in full form, PWK has them "incorporated" - is it 10k, 30k? "Both sides of the -> look the same to me. What is suggestion?" - at 6.5 pm in Helvetica - I agree. bein "Maybe you can examine the css" - right, that's the only thing where I can be actually of real coding help. Been doing CSS since 99'. RegEx is my second passion and building UI elements is what I'm used to, and that's where I can help, but only if it has a chance of being implemented. Experiments for experiments I've done enough. And yes, Dhaval is our hope, hope he understands it as well. But he's more in the sandhi coding and decoding swamp now, reinventing the wheel because even Scharf's code is fully closed, Huet's & Kulkarni's - mostly, Hellwig's totally (for now). "It is not always the case that X is a Sanskrit word in the dictionary." - why not compare the word with headword list? If found, link, if not found - no need. Does not seems rocket sience to me after I've seen your Python skills in action. To code together we do not even need AWS. Something cheaper might do the task, or is it about the supported programming languages on the server?

Andhrabharati commented 8 months ago


Is this issue closeable now?

gasyoun commented 7 months ago

Is this issue closeable now?

@Andhrabharati no, it's still active. But @funderburkjim keeps ignoring it )