sanskrit-lexicon / PWK

Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung, 7 Bände Petersburg 1879-1889
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crefminusbib, part 8 #43

Closed drdhaval2785 closed 8 years ago

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

23 continued after order alteration in #42.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯BURNELL.T@maDvaBAzya@maDvaBAzya@82746:¯BURNELL,T:t:There is only one entry with BURNELL,T. All others are BURNELL.T. But the scan is always BURNELL,T. Therefore converting to it.

There is only one entry with BURNELL,T. All others are BURNELL.T. But the scan is always BURNELL,T. Therefore converting to it.

See capture capture

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯C2A7N5KH@aGAhan@aGAhan@849:¯C2A7N5KH:n:stands for SANKAyana, but it is not sure which work it refers to. There are three works by this name - a brAhmaRa, a SrOtasUtra, a gfhyasUtra.

No change. It is name of an author. The work is not specified. Added to new resources (author - just like KA7TJ etc).


@zaaf2 may like to verify which of these three known resources are referred to by this entry.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

With Bühler and Burnell - an easy catch. Actually the urnell part is small caps and not caps. So just a change of font should be enough, like Charter Capital, instead of changing small letters to capital letters.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯HEM. ‹Par.› ¯@SI@SI@115016:¯HEM.PAR.:t:
¯K4AMAPAKA@rahitatva@°rahitatva@93133:¯K4AMPAKA:t:Extra A
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

105 This entry needs exhaustive changes.

¯Vardh@paryAya@paryAya@64793:¯MBH.ed.Vardh:t:It is an edition of MBH

It is an edition of MBH pwbib0.txt needs correction. There is no delimiting '='. See

MBH. ed. Vardh. ist die auf Kosten des Fürsten von Vardhama7na (Burdwan) gedruckte Ausg. des MAHABHA7RATA. Sie enthält nur die 12 ersten Parvan. (vol. 3)

It should be

MBH. ed. Vardh. = ist die auf Kosten des Fürsten von Vardhama7na (Burdwan) gedruckte Ausg. des MAHABHA7RATA. Sie enthält nur die 12 ersten Parvan. (vol. 3)

In pw.txt - this entry is used quite varying manners.

    Line 133831: <H1>100{paryAya}1{paryAya}¦ •m. ²1) {%Umgang , Umlauf.%} ²2) {%Umdrehung , Windung.%} ²3) {%Ablauf%} ‹(einer Zeit)› , {%Wechsel der Zeiten%} ¯Spr.3996. ²4) {%regelmässige Wiederkehr , Wiederholung.%} #{caturTe paryAye} {%beim vierten Male.%} ²5) {%Aufeinanderfolge , Reihenfolge.%} #{paryAyaScApyagastyasya samapadyata} {%die Reihe kam auch an%} ‹A.› #{paryAyeRa} ‹und› #{paryAya°} {%der Reihe nach , abwechselnd.%} ²6) {%eine regelmässig wiederkehrende Reihe , Wendung , Satz%} ‹(in Formeln , liturgischen Handlungen u.s.w.)› ; ‹im Ritual insbes.› {%die drei Umläufe der nächtlichen Ceremonien mit dem †Soma-Bechern im †Atira7tra%} ; {%Strophe , Satz%} ‹(eines Liedes u.s.w.).› ²7) {%Wechselbegriff , Synonym.%} ²8) {%Berührungspunct.%} ²9) {%Art und Weise.%} #{anena paryAyeRa} {%auf diese Weise%} ¯VAG4RAK4K4H.33,8,9. ²10) {%Wahrscheinlichkeit.%} ƒPage4.052-3ƒ ²11) {%eine best. rhetorische Figur%} ¯KA7VJAPR.10,31. ²12) ‹bei den †G4aina› {%der regelmässig
    Line 152104: <H1>107{prAkkoSala}1{prAkkoSala}¦ #{(°sala}) •Adj. {%zu den östlichen †Koc2ala gehörig%} ‹(Fürst)› ¯MBH.,.2,117. = ‹ed.› ¯Vardh.2,31,13. #{prAkowaka}. ‹v.l.› PW73826
    Line 156847: <H1>000{balla}1{balla}¦ ¯MBH.7,1217 ‹fehlerhaft für› #{valgA} , ‹wie ed.› ¯Vardh.7,26,23 ‹liest.› PW76131
    Line 196462: <H1>001{rohita}1{rohita}^2¦ ‹(vom› •Caus. ‹von 1.› #{ruh}) •n. {%Versetzung ~ , Translation in%} (•Loc.) ¯MBH.4,271. = ‹ed.› ¯Vardh.4,8,28. PW95163
    Line 201147: <H1>000{vaNkU}1{vaNkU}¦ ¯MBH.2,1846 ‹fehlerhaft für› #{vaNGu} , ‹wie ed.› ¯Vardh.2,50,22 ‹liest.› PW97331
    Line 201747: <H1>000{vawakaRikA}1{vawakaRikA}¦ (¯NI7LAK. ‹zu› ¯MBH.12,218,29) •f. , #{°kaRIkA} •f. (¯MBH.ED. ‹Bomb. und› ¯Vardh.12,218,29.30) ‹und› #{°kaRIya} {%die kleinste Partikel vom indischen Feigenbaum.%} PW97612
    Line 220026: <H1>100{vfkzavAspaniketa}1{vfkzavAspaniketa}¦ •m. ‹fehlerhaft für› #{°vAsyaniketa} ¯MBH.,.2,399. ‹ed.› ¯Vardh.2,10,17. PW106308
    Line 243952: <+> #{A} ²1) ‹•Act.› ³a) {%anhängen , aufhängen an%} (•Loc.) ; •Med. {%sich (sibi) anhängen , anlegen.%} ³b) {%Jmd%} (•Dat.) {%Etwas anhängen ; Jmd%} (•Loc.) {%Etwas zuschieben , zuschreiben.%} ³c) ‹Jmd› (•Loc.) {%Etwas aufladen , aufbürden , übertragen.%} ³d) #{vEram} ‹so v.a› {%Feindschaft beginnen mit%} (•Instr. ‹).› #{Bayam} {%Jmd%} (•Gen.) {%Angst einjagen%} (¯BHAT2T2.). ³e) {%sich lehnen ~ , sich klammern an%} (•Acc.). ³f) {%sich hängen an%} , ‹so v.a.› {%Jmd%} (•Acc.) {%auf der Ferse folgen.%} ²2) ‹Pass.› #{Asajyate} {%angehängt werden , hängen bleiben an , sich heften auf%} (•Loc.). ²3) ‹pass.› #{Asajjate} {%Jmd%} (•Acc.). {%auf der Ferse folgen.%} #{Asajja} ¯MBH.7,79 ‹fehlerhaft für› #{Asajya} {%sich (sibi) anhängend , anlegend%} ; ‹ed.› ¯Vardh.7,228 #{Asajjya}. ²4) #{A/sakta} ³a) {%angehängt , aufgehängt , hängend ~ , geheftet an , gelegt an%} ‹oder› {%auf , geheftet ~ , gerichtet auf%} (•Loc. , ‹[aus
    Line 259130: <+> #{upa} {%abwehren , ~ abhalten von%} (•Abl.) ¯MBH.7,42,8. ‹Richtige› #{upa} ‹ed.› ¯Vardh.7,41,8.

In my opinion we should change the occurrences to ¯MBH.ed.Vardh. and ¯MBH.ed.Bomb. (printchange)

So based on them the submissions are

‹wie ed› ¯Bomb.6,84,50. ‹und ed› ¯Vardh.6,81,50.:‹wie› ¯MBH.ed.Bomb.6,84,50. ‹und› ¯MBH.ed.Vardh.6,81,50.
‹ed.› ¯Vardh.:¯MBH.ed.Vardh.
‹wie ed.› ¯Vardh.:‹wie› ¯MBH.ed.Vardh.
‹ed.› ¯Vardh.:¯MBH.ed.Vardh.
¯MBH.ED. ‹Bomb. und› ¯Vardh.:¯MBH.ed.Bomb. ‹und› ¯MBH.ed.Vardh.
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

I guess I will close this submission here. Too many peripheral details.

zaaf2 commented 8 years ago

@drdhaval2785, Re ¯C2A7N5KH@aGAhan@aGAhan@849

That is what I could find:



funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Re pwbib entry MBH. ed. Vardh.

The way I've handled similar cases, where the '==' notiation is absent in pwbib0 (and in the scan), is to force the abbreviation recognition in, This case is slightly different from the other cases, but I am still going to handle it in Maybe all these cases should be 'pushed' down into pwbib1,py which creates pwbib1.txt from pwbib0.txt.

@drdhaval2785 Your idea of altering pwbib0 by inserting a '==' would also work. But at the moment I'm not sure why some of the Preface records have an '==' and some do not, so am reluctant to insert the '=='.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

@zaaf2 I find 7 'naked ' C2A7N5KH references in pw.txt.

So, the only open case left is 'asyagra'. What do you think about this one ?

Incidentally, there is one instance of AryaRyaka, under headword saMSlezaRa.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

These are typo/print errors for this issue: not yet installed

; Incidental corrections noticed re  C2A7N5KH
¯C2A7N5KH.¯Gr2hj@¯C2A7N5KH.GR2HJ@t@ capitalization & markup
¯C2A7N5KH.¯GR2HJ@¯C2A7N5KH.GR2HJ@ markup
¯C2A7N5KH.gr2hj@¯C2A7N5KH.GR2HJ@t@ capitalization
¯C2A7N5KH.c2r@¯C2A7N5KH.C2R@t@ capitalization
¯C2A7N5KH. ‹gr2hj› ¯62.@¯C2A7N5KH.GR2HJ.62.@t capitalization & markup
¯C2A7N5KH.¯gr2hj@¯C2A7N5KH.GR2HJ@t@capitalization & markup
¯C2A7N5KHC2R@¯C2A7N5KH.C2R@t markup
¯C2A7N5KH. ‹BR. 27 , 4.›@¯C2A7N5KH.BR.27,4.@t@ markup
¯C2A7N5KH. ‹BR. 12 , 5.›@¯C2A7N5KH.BR.12,5.@t@markup
¯C2A7N5KH.GR.@¯C2A7N5KH.GR2HJ.@p@ GR. -> GR2HJ. for consistency
¯C2A7N5KH.¯C2a.@¯C2A7N5KH.C2R.@t@ capitalization & markup
¯C2A7N5KH.¯C2R.@¯C2A7N5KH.C2R.@t@ markup
¯C2A7N5KH. ¯GR2HJ.@¯C2A7N5KH.GR2HJ.@t@ markup
¯C2A7N5KH.¯A7R.@¯C2A7N5KH.A7R.@t@ markup. C2A7N5KH.A7R new literary source
¯C2A7N5KH. ¯Gr2hj.@¯C2A7N5KH.GR2HJ.@t@ capitalization & markup
¯C2A7N5KH. ‹Br.› ¯8,3@¯C2A7N5KH.BR.8,3@t@ capitalization & markup
¯C2A7N5KH. ‹BR. 1 , 1.›@¯C2A7N5KH.BR.1,1.@t markup
¯C2A7N5KH.) ‹BR. 21 , 5. 26 , 9) und›@¯C2A7N5KH.BR.21,5.26,9 ) ‹und›@t@
 ¯C2A7N5KH. ‹BR. 4 , 14.›@ ¯C2A7N5KH.BR.4,14.@t@
¯C2A7N5KH. ‹BR. 2 , 8. Wohl fehlerhaft.›@¯C2A7N5KH.BR.2,8. ‹Wohl fehlerhaft.›@t@
¯C2A7N5KH. ‹BR. 25 , 10.›@¯C2A7N5KH.BR.25,10.@t@
¯¯C2A7N5KH.BR.@t@ capitalization
¯C2A7N5KH. ‹BR. 16 , 8.›@¯C2A7N5KH.BR.16,8.@t@ markup
¯HEM. ‹Par.› ¯@SI@SI@115016:¯HEM.PAR.:t:
¯K4AMAPAKA@rahitatva@°rahitatva@93133:¯K4AMPAKA:t:Extra A
‹wie ed› ¯Bomb.6,84,50. ‹und ed› ¯Vardh.6,81,50.@‹wie› ¯MBH.ed.Bomb.6,84,50. ‹und› ¯MBH.ed.Vardh.6,81,50.@p@ to match with Bibliography in Preface
‹ed.› ¯Vardh.@¯MBH.ed.Vardh.@p@ to match with Bibliography in Preface
‹wie ed.› ¯Vardh.@‹wie› ¯MBH.ed.Vardh.@p@ to match with Bibliography in Preface
¯MBH.ED. ‹Bomb. und› ¯Vardh.@¯MBH.ed.Bomb. ‹und› ¯MBH.ed.Vardh.@p@ to match with Bibliography in Preface
; hw = har (page 7257-1)
; hw = vAdita
; hw = saptadaSastoma
; hw = sasraj
 ¯C2A7N5KH.12,16,2@ ¯C2A7N5KH.CR2.12,16,2@t@
; hw = sUtakaBojana
; per ZAAF2 research
¯C2A7N5KH.4,15,11.@¯C2A7N5KH.C2R.4,15,11.@p@ Refer PWK/issues/43

Here are the new references (additions to pwbib_new.txt):

C2A7N5KH.A7R (1)
; next is author. No work indicated in pw.txt reference
C2A7N5KH (1) 

And there was that one change to abbreviation derivation in, for MBH.ed.Vardh

zaaf2 commented 8 years ago

@funderburkjim Re. अस्यग्र [L=13010] [p= 1154-1] n. Messerspitze Çâñkh. in,331.

The reference is to the gṛhyasūtra of Çâñkhāyna.

The article in, from page 267 to 412 is about the gṛhyasūtras. image

At page 331 we have: image

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

@zaaf2 Re asyagra, Will enter print change:

¯C2A7N5KH. ‹in› ¯Ind.St.5,331.@¯C2A7N5KH.GR2HJ. ‹in› ¯Ind.St.5,331.@p@ Refer PWK/issues/43

I still have a question on one detail. In the above reference, it says 'Ind.St.5'

In the PW bibliography we have C2A7N5KH.GR2HJ. == C2A7N5KHA7JANA'S GR2HJASU7TRA, herausg. von OLDENBERG in Ind. St. 15.

Any idea why one says '5' and one says '15'? Also, In looking at your link, I have no idea what the '15' (or '5') refers to.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

I would go for 15, as the above printscreen from scan has Çâñkhāyna 1, 12-18., so 15 fits in between, but is under 13, actually, as per it.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

I would go for 15

A minor amount of exploration in the Ind.St archive org, and comparisons with pwbib and with ¯C2A7N5KH.GR2HJ references in pw.txt suggest that the exact interpretation of pw references is likely to be quite difficult.

Some factoids:

I see no generalization from these examples. Sigh!

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Corrections installed.

zaaf2 commented 8 years ago

@funderburkjim Any idea why one says '5' and one says '15'?

Indische Studien is an academic journal edited by A. Weber. It contains not only articles by various scholars (including Weber himself) but also editions of various Sanskrit texts. For example, vol. 7 contains an edition of the Rig-Veda by Theodor Aufrecht.

The reference Ind.St. 5,331 at PW अस्यग्र means that the passage is found at volume 5, page 331.

C2A7N5KHA7JANA'S GR2HJASU7TRA, herausg. von OLDENBERG in Ind. St. 15. refers to vol. 15, which contains an edition of C2A7N5KHA7JANA'S GR2HJASU7TRA by Oldenberg.

@funderburkjim ¯C2A7N5KH.GR2HJ references in pw.txt suggest that the exact interpretation of pw references is likely to be quite difficult When the PW reference is to the Sanskrit work itself, as in ¯C2A7N5KH.GR2HJ.1,18. (under aputriya), the numbers refer to the chapter and verse where the word is found. In conclusion, the PW uses two different ways to refer to the same work: by vol./page in the Indische Studien and by chapter/verse when it mentions the work itself. I think this causes no confusion, since in the first case the reference seems to be always under “Ind. St.”

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

vol./page in the Indische Studien and by chapter/verse when it mentions the work itself - interesting observation.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

@zaaf2 Thanks for the explanation of Ind.St. Have you considered collecting your observations on how to read PW into a document that might be separately published or otherwise made available to scholars or students who depend on PW as one of their primary Sanskrit dictionaries?