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Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung, 7 Bände Petersburg 1879-1889
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crefminusbib, part 9 #45

Closed drdhaval2785 closed 8 years ago

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

23 continued.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯K4ARARA@udamehin@udamehin@18709:¯K4ARAKA:p:It is not a typo. Print error.

A print error. See capture

has to go to printchange

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯PAN4K4AT.ed.Bomb@antarvAsika@antarvAsika@5371:¯PAN4K4AT.ed.Bomb:n:Separate resource.

New resource. Noted at

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯R.GORR@aDiyoDa@aDiyoDa@2889:¯R.:p:pwbib0.txt says that R. stands for rAmAyaRa of GORRESIO. No need to mention it again.

See pwbib0.txt entry

.R. == RA7MA7JANA. Das 1ste und 2te Ka7n2d2a nach der Ausg. von SCHLEGEL, das 3--6te nach der von GORRESIO, das 7te nach der Bomb. Ausg., wenn nicht ausdrücklich eine andere Ausgabe genannt ist. Eine eingeklammerte Zahl bezieht ist sich auf ed. Bomb. (vol. 1)
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯C2a7n5kh. ¯Gr2hj.@upasTa@upa/sTa@20180:¯C2A7N5KH.GR2HJ.:t:
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯BA7DAR.S@anupraveSa@anupraveSa@4632:¯BA7DAR.S:n:Seite thing
¯BHA7G.P.ed.Bomb@anudapAna@anudapAna@4432:¯BHA7G.P.ed.Bomb:n:There are two editions Burnoff's and Bombay. Both mentioned in the explanation of pwbib0.txt
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯A7PAST.GAUT@Atmavant@Atmavant@14243:¯A7PAST.GAUT:n:Needs examination.

There is no work like Apastamba gOt. Therefore, it is not proper. But I am not able to conclude which work is this. So marking nochange as of now. @zaaf2 may verify the source whether this is Apastamba's gfhyasUtra / SrOtasUtra or some work of gOtama or two different references. Pending till then.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯GR2HJ@digvyAGAraRa@digvyAGAraRa@50109:¯GR2HJ:n:There are multiple occurrences. Handling it as a separate issue.

Not possible to correct all occurrences here. Needs some programmatic help to analyse. Noting separate issue.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯MALLIN. ‹zu› ¯@aparicita@aparicita@6129:¯MALLIN.zu.:t:It is mallinATa's commentary on some work. Both don't deserve a tag. The commentary-work combination deserves a ls tag.

Mallinatha is a commentator. It doesn't deserve a separate tag and the work on which he commented another tag.

Actually they are separate work e.g. mallinAtha's commentary on kumArasaMbhava is separate from kumArasambhava. So deserve a new work identification.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯A7RJABH.S@atyazwi@atyazwi@2280:¯A7RJABH.S:n:Seite thing
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯Z@rucika@rucika@94356:¯Z:n:Needs investigation. See
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯VARDHAMA7NAK4@lohAcArya@lohAcArya@96933:¯VIKRAMA7N5KAK4:n:New resource.

New resource.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯C2M5K. ‹zu› ¯BA7DAR@kalpitavya@kalpitavya@25642:¯C2AM5K.zu.BA7DAR:t:New resource too.
¯C2AM5K. ‹zu› ¯BA7DAR@kalpitavya@kalpitavya@25642:¯C2AM5K.zu.BA7DAR:t:

New resource and a minor correction.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯K4AKRAD. ‹zu› ¯SUC2R.@cipiwaka@cipiwaka@40221:¯K4AKR.zu.SUC2R.:t:zu correction and K4AKRAD->K4AKR
¯K4AKRAD@kfzRaka@kfzRaka@30313:¯KA7D:t:Wrong entry instead of kAdambarI.

New resource and one typo.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

128-133 It originally was only one entry. But there are too many errors in its brothers. So manually added to the file and posted here.

‹Ins.› ¯St.@avAcaka@avAcaka@10837:¯Ind.St.:t:
ind.› ¯St.@kumudacandra@kumudacandra@28854:¯Ind.St.:t:
‹Inf.› ¯St.@krama@kra/ma@28854:¯Ind.St.:t:
‹Ins.› ¯St.@vyay@vyay@108390:¯Ind.St.:t:
‹(Inst.› ¯St.@sacetana@sacetana@117779:¯Ind.St.:t:
‹Int.› ¯St.@svArTin@svArTin@133127:¯Ind.St.:t:
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

The crefminusbibsubmission file has been updated till point 133. @funderburkjim may use this file.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

I end submissions in this issue.

zaaf2 commented 8 years ago

Re: ¯A7PAST.GAUT@Atmavant

PW: image

This is a lexicographer error. The confusion may have arisen from the fact that both Āpastamba’s and Gautama’s Dharmasūtras were published in the same edition in 1879 by George Bühler. Cf. Dharmasūtras: The Law Codes of Āpastamba, Gautama, Baudhāyana and Vasiṣṭha (Oxford 1999):


The word आत्मवन्त् (=आत्मवत् “mfn. self-possessed, composed, prudent” M-W) is found in the Dharmasūtra of Gautama 9,62: image

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago


Did a study of all the lines in pw.txt containing ¯R.. 1098 lines have this form.

¯R.<number>      in 775 lines   No need to worry about these
¯R.<not a number> 318
 This 'not a number' class subdivides as:
¯R.ed.Bomb 200
¯R.ed.…Bomb  1 err
¯R.ed.BOMB   2 err?
¯R.ED.Bomb. 11 typos, capitalization 
¯R.ed.Bomp   1 typo
¯R.ed.GORR  12
¯R.GORR     69
¯R.Gorr      6 typo
¯R.gorr      1 typo
¯R. ¯GORR    2 err
¯R.¯GORR     1 err
¯R.GOBH      1 typo for R.GORR
¯R.<space>   6
¯R.,         1
¯R.Schl      1 
 ‹(R.› ¯ed.Bomb.2,3,20)  1 typo
 ¯R.V.@¯R2V.@t@ 3 cases

Based on this, I think we should think of R.GORR, R.ed.GORR, R.ed.Bomb. and R.Schl as aliases that refer to the one record of pwbib0 for Ramayana.

Thus, these four forms are being added to pwbib_new.txt and the typographical errors above are being corrected.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Re ¯BHA7G.P.ed.Bomb

Here is a similar study of all `¯BHA7G.P. cases.

There are 731 lines in all.

552 lines have a following number, so no further action needed.

183 lines have a following non-number, analyzed as follows:

 1 ¯BHA7G.P.¯C2IC2  (two references)
  9 ¯BHA7G.P.ed.Bomb. 
 88 ¯BHA7G.P.<space>
 43 ¯BHA7G.P.)
  4 ¯BHA7G.P.<end-of-line>
 18 ¯BHA7G.P.ED.Bomb  (typo: ED -> ed.)
  1  ‹(so› ¯BHA7G.P.ED. ‹Bomb.) und›  (typo)
  1 ¯BHA7G.P.EDBomb.   (typo)
  1 ¯BHA7G.P.üBERALL  (typo-> ¯BHA7G.P. überall)
  9 ¯BHA7G.P.¯ed.Bomb.  (typo)
  1 ¯BHA7G.P.BOMB  (typo, -> ¯BHA7G.P.ed.Bomb.)
  1 ¯BHA7G.P.P. (typo -> ¯BHA7G.P.)
  1 ¯BHA7G.P.ST. (typo -> ¯BHA7G.P. ‹st.›, headword 'Dam')
  1 ¯BHA7G.P.,  (ok, may add a space before the comma)
  1 ¯BHA7G.P.L. ¯ed.Bomb. (typo, -> ¯BHA7G.P.ed.Bomb.)
  1 ¯BHA7G.P.edBomb. (typo)
  1 ¯BHA7G.P.BISWEILEN ‹auch› (typo, -> ¯BHA7G.P. ‹bisweilen auch›
  1 ¯BHA7G.P.-*DESID. (typo -> ¯BHA7G.P. ‹--› •*Desid.)  (hw = 'ru')

Based on this, I think we should add a BHA7G.P.ed.Bomb to pwbib_new as an alias for BHA7G.P in pwbib0. And, of course make indicated corrections.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

Good going. You are good at batch processing. I will explicitly mention where I come across such issues where batch examination may prove useful.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Incipient cross-eyed condition. Will continue tomorrow. Glad you're pointing out all these fertile grounds.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago


image Compare the spacing between A7PAST and BHA7G here to that between A7PAST and GAUT above. The spacing is about the same to my eye. In connection with BHA7G, my limited research makes me think there is no commentary or such by Apastamba on BAgavata purARa,, so the coding ¯A7PAST.BHA7G.P is wrong and should be ¯A7PAST. ¯BHA7G.P (two references). Similar logic could be applied to prefer the two-reference coding ¯A7PAST.¯GAUT

For now, my solution is to treat ¯A7PAST.GAUT as a new literary source.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago


Am adding to pwbib_new, just for the purpose of getting it out of the way of our current matching goal.

Probably agree that there may be a better coding.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

¯VARDHAMA7NAK4@lohAcArya@lohAcArya@96933:¯VIKRAMA7N5KAK4:n:New resource.

Presume VIKRAMA7N5KAK4 was a typo in the correction.

Agree with new resource = ¯VARDHAMA7NAK4 . @zaaf2 Any idea of the full name here? (it occurs in 7 places in pw: lohAcArya , vinayAdiDara , viSAKa , Sivadatta , SrIdatta , suDarman , suBadra

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

It is varDamAnacarita

My typo (forgot to remove computer generated suggession for correction)

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago


I have put K4AKR.zu.SUC2R into pwbib_new, per your suggestion. But am unsure about this.

There is a pwbib entry: +.K4AKR. == K4AKRADATTA, Commentator von K4ARAKA und SUC2RUTA, Hdschr. (ROTH).

As with many of these X zu Y instances in PW, I am uncertain of the interpretation.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Here are all the typos developed. not yet installed

¯K4ARARA@:¯K4ARAKA@p@It is not a typo. Print error.
; Correction re ¯R.
¯R. ¯GORR@¯R.GORR@t@
¯R.,@¯R. ,@t@ space improves markup
‹(R.› ¯ed.Bomb.2,3,20)@¯R.ed.Bomb.2,3,20)@t@
¯R.V.@¯R2V.@t@ 3 cases
¯C2a7n5kh. ¯Gr2hj.@¯C2A7N5KH.GR2HJ.@t@
; Corrections re BHA7G.P
¯BHA7G.P.)@¯BHA7G.P. )@t@ space improves markup
¯BHA7G.P.,@¯BHA7G.P. ,@t@ space improves markup
¯BHA7G.P.ED.Bomb@¯BHA7G.P.ed.Bomb@t@ capitalization
‹(so› ¯BHA7G.P.ED. ‹Bomb.) und›@(‹so› ¯BHA7G.P.ed.Bomb. ) ‹und›@t@
¯BHA7G.P.üBERALL ‹richtig›@¯BHA7G.P. ‹überall richtig›@t@
¯BHA7G.P.ST.@¯BHA7G.P. ‹st.›@t@
¯BHA7G.P.L. ¯ed.Bomb.@¯BHA7G.P.ed.Bomb.@t@
¯BHA7G.P.BISWEILEN ‹auch›@¯BHA7G.P. ‹bisweilen auch›@t@
¯BHA7G.P.-*DESID.@¯BHA7G.P. ‹--› •*Desid.@t@
; typos re 'A7P'
¯A7PAST.bha7g.P.@¯A7PAST. ¯BHA7G.P.@t@
¯A7PARST.Gobh.@¯A7PAST. ¯GOBH.@t@
¯¯AIT.A7R.421,11.@¯A7PAST. ‹in› ¯AIT.A7R.421,11.@t@
¯A7PAST.Ma7n.Gr2hj@¯A7PAST. ¯MA7N.GR2HJ@t@
¯A7PAST.WOHL ‹fehlerhaft.›@¯A7PAST. ‹Wohl fehlerhaft.›@t@
¯A7PAST.WOHL ‹nur fehlerhaft für›@¯A7PAST. ‹Wohl nur fehlerhaft für›@t@
¯A7PAST.WOHL ‹fehlerhaft für›@¯A7PAST. ‹Wohl fehlerhaft für›@t@
¯A7PAST.K4araka.@¯A7PAST. ¯K4ARAKA.@t@
¯A7PAST.(@¯A7PAST. (@t@
¯A7PAST@¯A7PAST. @t@
¯A7PAST.vag4rak4k4h.@¯A7PAST. ¯VAG4RAK4K4H.@t@
¯A7PAST.Vag4rak4k4h.@¯A7PAST. ¯VAG4RAK4K4H.@t@
¯A7PAST.VIELLEICHT ‹ist›@¯A7PAST. ‹Vielleicht ist›@t@
¯A7PAST.PL.@¯A7PAST. •Pl.@t@
¯A7PASH. ‹BR.›@¯A7RSH.BR.@t@
¯A7PAST.Hema7dri.@¯A7PAST. ¯HEMA7DRI@t@
‹eines Sohnes des› ¯A7PA@‹eines Sohnes des †A7pa› @t@
(¯A7PA ‹ST. 2 , 14 , 2) oder›@(¯A7PAST.2,14,2 ) ‹oder›@t@
¯A7PAST.G4aim.@¯A7PAST. ¯G4AIM.@t@
¯A7PAST.Na7rada.@¯A7PAST. ¯NA7RADA.@t@
¯A7PASH. ‹BR.›@¯A7RSH.BR.@t@
; 115-116
; typos re '¯A7R'
¯A7RJAB.@¯A7RJABH.@p@  Assume print error
¯A7RDRA7@†A7rdra7 @t@ not a reference
¯A7R. ¯UP. ‹S. 20.›@¯BR2H.A7R.UP.S.20.@t@
¯A7RSH., ‹BR.›@¯A7RSH.BR.@t@
¯A7RSU. ‹BR.›@¯A7RSH.BR.@t@
; 120
; typose re Z
;224 matches for "¯z" in buffer: pw.txt  (case-insensitive match)
; 97 ¯ZACH.Beitr. ok
; 39 ¯Z.d.d.m.G. ok
;  1 ¯Z.f.d.K.d.M.  ok 
; 3 ¯ZIMMER  ok literary source
;  7 cases ¯Z.<number>  -> Z.<number>
;  Probable abbreviation for Zeile (line) or Zahl (number)
;    Ref  
¯R2ET.1,¯Z.4,@¯R2KT.1,Z.4,@t@  fktantra
¯BA7DAR.S.1134, ¯Z.5.@¯BA7DAR.S.1134,Z.5.@t@
¯BA7DAR.1,4,14 (¯S.374, ¯Z.5).@¯BA7DAR.1,4,14(S.374,Z.5).@t@
¯BA7DAR.2,1,6 (¯S.428, ¯Z.1)@¯BA7DAR.2,1,6(S.428,Z.1)@t@
¯BA7DAR.1,1,4. (¯S.76, ¯Z.9)@¯BA7DAR.1,1,4.(S.76,Z.9)@t@
¯BA7DAR.1,1,4 (¯S.76, ¯Z.6)@¯BA7DAR.1,1,4(S.76,Z.6)@t@
; 30 cases of "¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. <number> ›
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 41.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.41. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 90.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.90. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 67.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.67. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 23.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.23. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr.21.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.21. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 84.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.84. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 84)›@¯ZACH.Beitr.84. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 91›@¯ZACH.Beitr.9. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 84)›@¯ZACH.Beitr.84. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 89.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.89. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 85.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.85. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 21.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.21. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 89.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.89. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 87.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.87. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 79.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.79. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 14.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.14. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 79.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.79. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 67.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.67. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr.56.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.56. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 92.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.92. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 73. 74.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.73.74. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 73.74.89.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.73.74.89. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 66. 85.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.66.85. @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 14. 15.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.14.15. @t@
‹(vgl.› ¯ZACH. ‹Beitr.).›@(‹vgl.› ¯ZACH.Beitr.).@t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.@t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 14. 15 und›@¯ZACH.Beitr.14.15 ‹und›@t@
‹(vgl.› ¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 90) und› @(‹vgl.› ¯ZACH.Beitr.90 ) ‹und› @t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 67 , 84.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.67,84.@t@
¯ZACH. ‹Beitr. 15 , 16.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.15,16.@t@
¯Zach. ‹Beitr. 42.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.42.@t@
¯Zach. ‹Beitr. 89.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.89.@t@
¯Zach. ‹Beitr. 86.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.86.@t@
¯Zach.Beitr.84)@¯ZACH.Beitr.84 )@t@
¯Zach. ‹Beitr.75.›@¯ZACH.Beitr.75.@t@
; 124-125
¯C2M5K. ‹zu› ¯BA7DAR@kalpitavya@¯C2AM5K.zu.BA7DAR@t@New resource too.
¯C2AM5K. ‹zu› ¯BA7DAR@kalpitavya@¯C2AM5K.zu.BA7DAR@t@
; 126-127
¯K4AKRAD. ‹zu› ¯SUC2R.@¯K4AKR.zu.SUC2R.@t@zu correction and K4AKRAD->K4AKR
¯K4AKRAD.113,7.@¯KA7D.113,7.@t@Wrong entry instead of kAdambarI.
; 128-133
‹Ins.› ¯St.@¯Ind.St.@t@
‹†Siddhasena's ind.› ¯St.@‹†Siddhasena's› ¯Ind.St.@t@
‹Inf.› ¯St.@¯Ind.St.@t@
‹Ins.› ¯St.@¯Ind.St.@t@
‹(Inst.› ¯St.15,385@(¯Ind.St.15,385. @t@
‹Int.› ¯St.@¯Ind.St.@t@
‹ind.› ¯St.@¯Ind.St.@t@
funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Here are the new entries into pwbib_new:

; PWK/issues/45
PAN4K4AT.ed.Bomb (9)
; aliases for pwbib0 'R.' Ramayana entry
R.GORR  (70, approx.)
R.ed.GORR (12, approx.)
R.ed.Bomb. (200, approx.)
R.Schl (1)
; alias for pwbib0 'BHA7G.P' BagavatapurARa
; Next possibly is from a work by Buhler (see PWK/issues/45)
; Next is an author.  Ref PWK/issues/45 for discussion of whether
; this should remain a separate literary source.
; One instance of ZACH under hw=hugga.  Not sure how to handle,
;   so am putting it here for now
ZACH (1)
C2AM5K.zu.BA7DAR (376)  This is a large number
K4AKR.zu.SUC2R. (5?)
gasyoun commented 8 years ago

ZACH from Zachariae, Theodor

zaaf2 commented 8 years ago

Re. K4AKR.zu.SUC2R

K4AKR.zu.SUC2R means that the word is found at Chakradatta’s commentary to (Germ. zu) the Sushruta Samhita.

PW Preface to vol. 1:



gasyoun commented 8 years ago

Hdsrch. = Handschrift meands a MSS that is held in Roth's library

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Corrections installed.

Here is the current scorecard for reference matching:

It seems odd that abbrvlist now apparently has almost a thousand fewer entries than previously. (72758 - 71827 = 931)

This needs to be explored.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

I think the concern indicated in the previous issue is misplaced.

An approximate account of that 931 difference is:

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Another way to look at the statistics.

79064 abbrvlist.txt (all instances of 'ls') 6437 purenumberabbrvlist,txt (those from abbrvlist that are 'pure numbers')

72627 properrefs.txt (= 79064 - 6437) These are available for match

66722 instances from abbrvlist that match to pwbib0.txt 800 instances from abbrvlist that match to pwbib_new.txt

67522 Total number of matches

total number of matches divided by matchable = 67522 / 72627 = 93.0 %.

Also, crefminusbib.txt has 1621 abbreviations - this is the number of distinct abbreviations corresponding to the 5105 (72627 - 67522) unmatched abbreviation instances.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

crefminusbib.txt has 1621 abbreviations - most interesting part, adore stats.