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Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung, 7 Bände Petersburg 1879-1889
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crefminusbib, part 12 #51

Closed drdhaval2785 closed 8 years ago

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

23 continued

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯¯GOP.BR:t:Capitalization issue
¯VIKR. ‹ed.› ¯BOLL@apakzalopa@apakzalopa@5842:¯VIKR.ed.BOLL:t:

Elipsis issue noted separately.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


9,16¯BOLL@kAryavinimaya@kAryavinimaya@26993:¯MA7LAV.ed.BOLL.9,16:p:Also a new resource.
21,12¯BOLL@kAryavinimaya@kAryavinimaya@26993:¯MA7LAV.ed.BOLL.21,12:p:Also a new resource.
8,10 ¯BOLL@vastuka@vastuka@:¯MA7LAV.ed.BOLL.8,10:p:Also a new resource.
¯MUN2D2. ‹U. 2 , 2 , 6.›@raTanABi@raTanABi/@92527:¯MUN2D2.UP.2,2,6.:t:

¯MA7LAV.ed.BOLL is a new resource.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯TAITT.PRA7T@avaDitva@avaDitva@10403:¯TAITT.PRA7T:n:New resource. Total 5 occurrences.

¯TAITT.PRA7T is a new resource. Noted at

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯Ausg@karAwa@karA/wa@24728:¯Ausg:n:Name of an author. Need to identify which work of that author.

@zaaf2 may like to find out the works referred to by these references. pwbib0 has a lot of books having Ausg.


    Line 50346: <H1>100{karAwa}1{karA/wa}¦ ²1) •m. ‹Bein. †Gan2ec2a's› ¯MAITR.S.2,9,1. ²2) •*n.? ¯SIDDH.K. #{karawa} ‹neue› ¯Ausg.2,630. PW24730
    Line 91657: <H1>100{tantula}1{tantula}¦ ²1) •Adj. {%fadenziehend%} ‹(Schleim)› ¯BHA7VAPR.HDSCHR. ‹(fehlt in der› ¯Ausg.3,12). ²2) •*n. {%Wurzelschoss des Lotus.%} PW44489
    Line 109966: <H1>100{dravadIqa}1{dravadIqa}¦ •Adj. (•f. #{A}) ‹mit› #{iqA} {%schliessend%} ¯TA7N2D2JA-BR.8,3,7 ‹nebst› •Comm. ; ‹vgl.› ¯SV. ‹(Calc.› ¯Ausg.).5,67,129. PW53330
    Line 168672: <H1>100{maRIvaka}1{maRIvaka}¦ ²1) •m. ‹ eines Sohnes des †Bhavja› ; •n. ‹ des von ihm beherrschten †Varsha› ¯VP.².2,198. ‹Die gedr.› ¯Ausg.2,4,60 ‹hat› #{zaRIvaka}. ²2) •*n. {%Blume.%} PW81837
    Line 170606: <Caus.> ²1) {%Jmd ehren , Jmd Ehre erweisen.%} #{saMmAnayitvA} ¯KA7D.91,23 ‹fehlerhaft für› #{mAnayitvA} , ‹wie die andere› ¯Ausg.164,15 ‹liest.› ²2) {%Etwas beachten.%} ²3) {%Jmd%} (•Gen.) {%Etwas versichern.%}
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


den› ¯BRA7HMAN2A@Uza@U/za@21220:den› ¯BRA7HMAN2A:n:Gasyoun should find out what is meant by these words den?

@gasyoun Please examine the following entries and try to figure out what is meant by this 'den' word in these contexts. If Gasyoun says that this is a new resource, we will add it to the new list. Otherwise it seems a generic reference to brAhmaRas to me.

    Line 43137: <H1>100{Uza}1{U/za}^1¦ ²1) •m. ³a) {%salzige Erde , Steppensalz.%} ³b) {%Vieh%} ‹(nach den› ¯BRA7HMAN2A.). ²2) •f. #{UzA} = ‹1)a)› ¯KA7TJ.C2R.4,8,16. ²3) #{UzI} {%mit Salz geschwängerter , unfruchtbarer Boden.%} PW21221
    Line 48603: <H1>100{kadru}1{ka/dru}¦ ²1) •Adj. {%schwärzlichgelb , rothbraun.%} ²2) •f. #{kadru} = #{kadrU} ³c) ²3) •f. #{kadrU/} ³a) {%ein best. †Soma-Gefäss.%} ³b) ‹eine best. Personification , nach den› ¯BRA7HMAN2A. {%die Erde.%} ³c) ‹ einer Tochter †Daksha's , Gattin †Kac2japa's und Mutter der Schlangen.› PW23919
    Line 68721: <H1>000{Kalu}1{Ka/lu}¦ •Indecl.› {%ja (unbetont) , freilich , allerdings , gewiss , atqui ; nun , nun aber.%} ‹In den› ¯BRA7HMAN2A ‹sehr beliebt sind eine Verbindungen› #{a/Ta Ka/lu} ‹(auch in buddh. Schriften)› , #{u Ka/lu , vE Ka/lu} ‹(› {%nun aber%} •Comm. ‹Einl. zu› ¯NJA7JAS.4,2,1), #{Ka/llu vE/} ‹(› {%freilich , allerdings%} •Comm. ‹zu› ¯NJA7JAS.3,2,60.76). #{na Kalu} {%ja%} ‹(unbetont)› {%nicht%} , #{na Kalu vE} ‹dass.› •Comm. ‹zu› ¯NJA7JAS.4,1,60. #{Kalvapi} {%nun auch%} ‹(beim Uebergange zu etwas noch zu Besprechendem)› ¯Chr.227,22.233,6.239,5,244,3. #{kiM tu Kalu} •Comm. ‹Einl. zu› ¯NJA7JAS.4,2,1. ‹Häufig in Fragesätzen. Ausnahmsweise am Anfange eines Satzes.› PW33626
    Line 194869: <H1>108{rudra}1{rudra/}¦ ‹(auch dreisilbig)› ²1) •Adj. ‹als Beiw. verschiedener Götter nach den Erklärern› {%heulend , heulen machend , mit Gebrüll laufend , schrecklich%} ; {%Uebel vertreibend%} ; {%zu preisen%} ‹u.s.w.› ²2) •m. ³a) {%der Sturmgott%} , ‹Name des Beherrschers der †Marut. Schon in den› ¯BRA7HMAN2A. ‹wird †Rudra zuweilen als eine Form des †Agni aufgefasst› ; ‹in der Folge wird †C2iva mit ihm identificirt.› ³b) •Du. ‹s.› #{BavArudra/} ‹und› #{somArudra}. ³c) •Pl. {%die Söhne †Rudra's , eine best. Schaar von Winden , die †Marut%} ; ‹später werden sie auch als Kinder †Kac2japa's und der †Surabhi gefasst. Man nimmt ihrer› {%eilf%} ‹(die Namen variiren stark) und auch› {%dreiunddreissig%} ‹an.› ³d) ‹Bez.› {%der Zahl eilf%} ¯RA7G4AN.4,176. ³e) {%der eilfte.%} ³f) ‹abgekürzte Bez.› {%der an †Rudra gerichteten Sprüche%} ¯MA7N.C2R.11,2,1.¯GR2HJ.1,4. ¯GAUT.19,12. ¯VASISHT2HA.22,9. ³g) ‹Bez.› {%des
    Line 265590: <H1>500{sU}1{sU}^1¦ , #{su} , #{suva/ti} ‹(in den› ¯BRA7HMAN2A ‹•Med.)› #{savati} , #{sOti} ‹(erst in› ¯C2AT.BR. ) ; ‹Partic.› #{sUta} ‹und› #{suta}. ²1) ‹(in Bewegung setzen) veranlassen , zum Vorschein bringen , in Thätigket setzen.› ²2) ‹bescheren› , ƒPage7.175-1ƒ {%schicken%} ‹(von †Savitar's Wirkung).› ²3) {%aufstellen , bestimmen , weihen für Etwas%} ; ‹•Med.› {%sich weihen%} ‹u.s.w.› {%lassen. #{suzuvARa/}…in…Weihe…begriffen…,…geweiht.%} ²4) {%Ermächtigung geben zu Etwas , gestatten ; Jmd%} (•Acc.) {%ermächtigen.%} ²5) {%schleudern%} ¯BHAT2T2. ‹--› ‹•Intens.› #{sozavIti} {%heftig erregen%} ‹u.s.w. (von †Savitar gesagt)› ¯R2V.3,52,7.
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯K4HA7ND. ¯UP.@lohita@lo/hita@96943:¯K4HA7ND.UP.:t:
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯GELDNER@vas@vas@99304:¯GELDNER:n:New resource. Author. Always used after 'nach'

There are five occurrences of GELDNER in pw.txt pwbib0.txt has 19 entries which have GELDNER. @zaaf2 will have to find out which reference is for which work.

    Line 205629: <+> #{anu} {%den Lauf richten nach%} (•Acc.). ‹Nach› ¯GELDNER (¯KUHN'S.Z.27,216.fg. )› {%verzehren.%} PW99302
    Line 206250: <H1>100{vastos}1{va/stos}^2¦ •Abl. •Infin. ‹zu 7.› #{vas} ¯R2V.1,174,3. ‹Nach› ¯GELDNER (¯KUHN'S.Z.27,217 ) {%vor dem Verzehren.%} PW99610
    Line 207909: <H1>100{vAtApi}1{vA/tApi}¦ ²1) •Adj. {%windschwellend , gährend%} (†Soma). ‹Nach› ¯GELDNER (¯KUHN'S.Z.27,216 ) {%den Wind zum Verbündeten habend.%} ²2) •m. ‹ eines †Asura , den sein Bruder †Ilvala in einen Bock verwandelte , von Brahmanen verspeisen und dann wieder aus ihren Bäuchen herauskriechen liess. Zur Strafe wurde er von †Agastja verspeist.› PW100384
    Line 207921: <H1>100{vAtApya}1{vA/tApya}¦ ²1) •Adj. = #{vA/tApi} ‹1). †R2.V. 10 , 26 , 2 ist nach› ¯GELDNER (¯KUHN'S.Z.27,216 ) #{vAtApyam = vAta[m] Apyam}. ²2) •n. {%das Anschwellen , Gähren.%} PW100390
    Line 274394: <H1>100{svarRar}1{svarRar}¦ •Adj. , ‹nur› •Voc. •Sg. (¯R2V.1,70,5 ‹nach› ¯GELDNER ) ‹und› •Pl. #{svarRaras} ¯R2V. PW132646
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


¯GAUT.A7past@Arogya@Arogya@15555:¯GAUT.A7PAST:t:It also needs further investigation per

This is the same issue like @zaaf2 may verify which work is referred where.

    Line 31438: <H1>100{Arogya}1{Arogya}¦ ²1) •n. {%Gesundheit%} ¯GAUT.A7past.1,14,29. #{°vraha} ‹und› #{°pratipadDrata} •n. {%eine best. Begehung.%} ²2) •f. #{A} ‹ein Name der †Da7ksha7jan2i.› PW15555
    Line 132629: <H1>100{parivAda}1{parivAda/}¦ •m. ²1) {%üble Nachrede , Tadel%} ; ‹die Ergänzung im› •Loc. , ‹oder im Comp. vorangehend.› ¯GAUT.A7past. ²2) {%*ein Werkzeug zum Spielen der indischen Laute.%} PW64198
    Line 144192: <H1>100{pESuna}1{pESuna}¦ •n. (•adj. ‹Comp.› •f. #{A}) •n. {%Zuträgerei , Hinterbringerei , Verrath , Verleumdung%} ¯GAUT.A7past. PW69887
    Line 144520: <H1>100{pOra}1{pOra}^2¦ ²1) •m. ³a) {%Städter , Bürger%} ¯GAUT.A7past. ³b) ‹Bez.› {%eines kriegführenden Fürsten unter bestimmten Verhältnissen.%} ‹Auch von Planeten beim› #{grahayudDa}. ³c) •Pl. ‹ einer Dynastie.› ²2) •*f. #{I} {%das Gerede der Palastdienerschaft.%} ²3) •*n. {%ein best. wohlriechendes Gras.%} PW70051
    Line 237765: <Caus.> #{SrApa/yati , Srapayate} ‹(metrisch)› {%kochen , braten , rösten%} , ‹überh.› {%gar machen.%} ‹Töpfe u.s.w.› {%brennen%} ¯GAUT.A7past.2,20,3.¯VAITA7N.
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago


(¯BR.39)@tadanu@tadanu@44301:(¯C2RUT.BR.39):p:An edition of SrutaboDa. See pwbib0.
‹Gop.› ¯BR@pitryupavIta@pitryupavIta@67068:¯GOP.BR:t:
‹Ait.› ¯Br@punaraByAkAram@punaraByAkAram@67808:¯AIT.BR:t:
drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

I close submissions in this issue. is updated till entry 227. @funderburkjim may use this file for correction processing en masse till 227.

zaaf2 commented 8 years ago

Re. Ausg@karAwa Ausg. is an abbreviation for the German Ausgabe, which means edition. Neue Ausg. means new edition.

drdhaval2785 commented 8 years ago

great. Ausg is an edition. Third word added in my German dictionary. :)

zaaf2 commented 8 years ago

Re. There are five occurrences of GELDNER in pw.txt

Geldner is one of the scholars mentioned in the PW preface as having sent contributions to the dictionary:


“Nach Geldner” means “according to Geldner”. The references are to articles published in KUHN'S.Z., that is, “Kuhn’s Zeitschrift”.

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

die, das, den - German articles. In den = inside ...

zaaf2 commented 8 years ago

Re. ¯GAUT.A7past@Arogya etc.

The following are references to the Dharmasūtras of Āpastamba (The screenshots are from the translation Dharmasūtras: The Law Codes of Āpastamba, Gautama, Baudhāyana and Vasiṣṭha Oxford 1999):

Observe that the references to the Dharmasūtras of Āpastamba have three numbers, xx,yy,zz; the references to Gautama’s Dharmasūtras have only two: xx,yy. (v.

The following are given without reference number, making it impossible to establish the source:

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Re ¯Ausg

This occurs 5 times. I'm not sure how to change, so am making no change for now. Though, some change seems to be warranted.

Here are the cases from pw.txt

  50346:<H1>100{karAwa}1{karA/wa}¦ ²1) •m. ‹Bein. †Gan2ec2a's› ¯MAITR.S.2,9,1. ²2) •*n.? ¯SIDDH.K. #{karawa} ‹neue› ¯Ausg.2,630. PW24730

 <H1>100{tantula}1{tantula}¦ ²1) •Adj. {%fadenziehend%} ‹(Schleim)› ¯BHA7VAPR.HDSCHR. 
‹(fehlt in der› ¯Ausg.3,12). ²2) •*n. {%Wurzelschoss des Lotus.%} PW44489

<H1>100{dravadIqa}1{dravadIqa}¦ •Adj. (•f. #{A}) ‹mit› #{iqA} {%schliessend%} 
¯TA7N2D2JA-BR.8,3,7 ‹nebst› •Comm. ; ‹vgl.› ¯SV. ‹(Calc.› ¯Ausg.).5,67,129. PW53330

<H1>100{maRIvaka}1{maRIvaka}¦ ²1) •m. ‹ eines Sohnes des †Bhavja› ; •n. 
‹ des von ihm beherrschten †Varsha› 
¯VP.².2,198. ‹Die gedr.› ¯Ausg.2,4,60 ‹hat› #{zaRIvaka}. ²2) •*n. {%Blume.%} PW81837

 Caus.> ²1) {%Jmd ehren , Jmd Ehre erweisen.%} #{saMmAnayitvA} ¯KA7D.91,23 
‹fehlerhaft für› #{mAnayitvA} , ‹wie die andere› ¯Ausg.164,15 ‹liest.› ²2) {
%Etwas beachten.%} ²3) {%Jmd%} (•Gen.) {%Etwas versichern.%}

The last one occurs under headword 'man', near the top of column3 of page 5021-3

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Re ¯GAUT.A7PAST. From @zaaf2's comment, it appears to me that this ¯GAUT.A7PAST. form should be always considered as two references to the two authors., and thus coded as ¯GAUT. ¯A7PAST.

More specifically, GAUT refers to the work .GAUT. == GAUTAMA'S DHARMAC2A7STRA,

and A7PAST refers to the work .A7PAST. == A7PASTAMBA'S DHARMASU7TRA,

In all but two cases, there are no numbers following this form,

I will arrange to code things this way, unless others object.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Analysis completed on these. Changes not yet installed

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Changes installed.

Corrections now installed, and matching code rerun.

Here's the updated scorecard.

bibminuscref.txt still has 0 items. There are 927 cases in crefminusbib.txt. (previously there were 995).

zaaf2 commented 8 years ago


Re. karAwa PW: image

करट neue Ausg. 2,230 means that in the new edition of this work (neue Ausgabe) the word कराट appears as करट at 2,230.

The reference Siddh. K. is found only in the PWG preface: image

Re. tantula PW: image

That means that the word तन्तुल appears as such in the Bhāvapr. manuscript but is absent in the [printed] edition, at. 3.12. Observe that Bhāvapr. is a reference both to a printed edition (Calcutta 1873) and to a manuscript: image (Hdschr. = Ger. Handschrift = Eng. manuscript)

Re. dravadIqa PW: image

vgl. = Ger. vergleiche = Eng. compare = Cf. = Lat. conferre
Translation: Cf. Sāmaveda (Calc. edition) 3,67.129

Re. maRIvaka PW: image

That means that the word मणीवक appears as such in the second ed. of Wilson’s translation of the Viṣṇu Purāṇa (VP2, edited by Hall., v. PW preface), at 2.198, but the printed edition (Ger. die gedr[ückte] Ausgabe) has instead the word षणीवक at 2.4.60.

V. PW Preface: image

It is not clear which printed edition is here meant, perhaps the Sanskrit text of the Bombay edition (VP). Perhaps Wilson’s translation (Ger. Uebersetzung) was based on a manuscript.

Re. Caus.> ²1) {%Jmd ehren , Jmd Ehre erweisen.%} #{saMmAnayitvA} ¯KA7D.91,23 ‹fehlerhaft für› #{mAnayitvA} , ‹wie die andere› ¯Ausg.164,15 ‹liest.›

Trans.: {saMmAnayitvA} Kād. wrong for {mAnayitvA}, as the other edition has it at 164,15. Observe that the PW prefaces mention two editions of this work: PW Preface (vol.1): image

PW Preface (vol. 3): image (Translation: Kād. the numbers inside parentheses refer to the Calc. edition of 1872)

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

Agree with @zaaf2 ¯Ausg is nor author, nor work, it should be killed as such. It's just the word "edition".

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

@zaaf2 's explanations are certainly informative. They deserve a place in some future authoritative enhanced digital edition of PW.

However, in the context of our more modest current goals, I agree with @gasyoun's suggestion, and will remove the ¯ from ¯Ausg , and, will instead put that ¯ on the following numeric details. For example, in the karAwa example:

¯Ausg.2,630.  => Ausg. ¯2,630.
gasyoun commented 8 years ago

@funderburkjim KUHN'S.Beitrr -> KUHN'S.Beitr as per

KA7VJA7D (27) Possibly kAvyAdarSa
KAUTUKAS (25) Possibly kOtukasarvasva
NAIGH (21) Possibly nEGaRwuka
PAT (3) pataYjali
KUHN (1) Author. 
KUHN'S.Beitrr (1)  Another work by Kuhn?
VISHN2U (1) headword sahADyAyin.  May be a print error and not a reference.
funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

Re 'Beitrr' - I put 'rr' to agree with print:


Is the 'rr' a print error ?

gasyoun commented 8 years ago

A print error. Impossible in German.

zaaf2 commented 8 years ago

A print error indeed. Kuhn's Beitr. seems to be a reference to the Beiträge zur vergleichenden Sprachforschung or Kuhn-Schleichlers Beiträge, a journal that was later absorbed by Kuhns Zeitschrift, according to this Wikipedia article.

funderburkjim commented 8 years ago

@gasyoun @zaaf2 Thanks. I'll make the change to one 'r' in next batch, and in pwbib_new.

@zaaf2 You've discovered another completion to pwbib_new re the #56 project.