sanskrit-lexicon / PWK

Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung, 7 Bände Petersburg 1879-1889
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Missing markup #67

Open gasyoun opened 7 years ago

gasyoun commented 7 years ago


I checked for Ir at and I see that in

— Mit ā Simpl. und Caus. Act. Med.

Caus. Act. Med. all are bolded, but Simpl. is not - should be.

— Caus. — Caus. zerspalten , zertheilen , theilen Ç,3,1,13.
— *Caus. ehren.

Same. Can I make a list of abbreviatures to be bolded?

gasyoun commented 7 years ago



— 4) warten auf , erwarten Spr.7829. harren auf 436 (Conj.).

Conj. left unbolded, bold it.

— 7) mit na nicht ansehen können , ~ leiden. Mit vyapa -> Line break missing, should be (otherwise @drdhaval2785 regex will not count vyapa as an upasarga combination):

— 7) mit na nicht ansehen können , ~ leiden. — Mit vyapa

gasyoun commented 7 years ago

Is (?) in adhi (?) erwarten in Ikz related to meaning or the adhi itself, no idea. I would want to see all such cases than contain a ? in it. It's something that should be retained, no, @drdhaval2785 ?

gasyoun commented 7 years ago


— Mit anuvi deutlich ~ , klar werden (!) Comm. zu Av.prât.4,107.

Should Comm. be bolded? Guess not, otherwise all abbreviations should.


gasyoun commented 7 years ago


The * in

— Mit abhi besuchen , einkehren. — Mit ava hinabgehen.

Should retain, it has meaning and an important one. As far as I remember, that it's not known from a text.


gasyoun commented 7 years ago


— 2) beseelt , von Verlangen erfüllt Etwas zu thun (Inf.). — Mit saṁpra bitten , Jmd bitten zu *Inf.)

Inf. should be bold.

gasyoun commented 7 years ago


— Mit *vi Partic. ved. vyemāna.

ved. not bolded. Should we?

Same with

2 , āste ep. auch āsate und āsti.

ep. in As

gasyoun commented 7 years ago


— *Inten. arāryate umherirren ; zu Jmd ( Acc. ) sich hinbegeben.

Inten. should be bold.

gasyoun commented 7 years ago


— Caus. arhayati Jmd Ehre erweisen , mit Etwas (instr.) beehren , -beschenken.

(instr.) is not bolded, because it is not (Instr.). @funderburkjim can we check for such cases for all abbreviations?

Same in


— Mit sam verbinden , aneinanderreihen , zusammenlegen , ~ fügen , ~ thun Çulbas.1,50,2,12.76. Pass. zusammengesetzt werden (gramm.) mit (instr.). samasta

Where (gramm.) is not bolded.

gasyoun commented 7 years ago


— 1) sein , da ~ , vorhanden sein , existiren ; Statt finden , geschehen , sich ereignen. ayamasmi da bin ich 39,26. Mit na

From new line — Mit na

— 4) Pass. voll werden. — Partic. āpta

Bold missing.

— 1) erreichen , gelangen zu , stossen auf , antreffen. avāpta auch mit act. Bed.

act. is Act. in other places = Parasmaipada, so a grammar term and should be bolded. act. Bed. means Parasmaipada meaning.

Similar in

— Intens. īyate (auch in pass. Bed.) iyate , īmahe , Partic. iyāna (auch in pass. Bed.).

pass. Bed. in i

gasyoun commented 7 years ago


ārdrī [L=15671] [p= 1185-2] Adv. mit kar

There is a whole group of words with Adv. mit kar. I would want to see instead of

ArdrI@prati@pratyArdrI@31671@1 ArdrI@prati@pratyArdrI kar@31671@1

In such cases. Agree, @funderburkjim ?

gasyoun commented 7 years ago


— 11) in einer Handlung begriffen sein , in eines Zustande oder Verhältnisse sich befinden. Die Ergänzung ein Partic. Praes.

Praes. to be bolded.

gasyoun commented 7 years ago


1) entzünden. Auch Act. ausnahmsweise = Pass. entflammt werden , flammen. sāmaddha entzündet , entflammt. °tama Superl.

Superl. to be bolded.

gasyoun commented 7 years ago

iyakṣ [L=17198] [p= 1207-3] iyakṣati , Partic. auch Med.

Partic. usually bolded, but not here, why?

gasyoun commented 7 years ago


— Mit samā , samveṅkṣva,9. FEHLERHAFT für samvintsva.

FEHLERHAFT -> fehlerhaft. fehlerhaft means that the word is wrong. I would want to count and know where it is, some markup would not hurt, but I guess it should be different than the grammar markup.

Same with

— samudīryati Ç WOHL fehlerhaft für samuddīpayati.

in Ir

gasyoun commented 4 years ago

@funderburkjim doable? Am I clear enough?

funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

There seem to be several different topics in this issue.

Please tell me again what you want?

gasyoun commented 4 years ago

There seem to be several different topics in this issue.

Yes and no. Not all structural parts of articles are bolded.

Caus. Act. Med. all are bolded, but Simpl. is not - should be.

funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

Partic. usually bolded, but not here, why?

In PWK, Partic. is never bolded, AFAIK. Rather, it is coded as an abbreviation. image

funderburkjim commented 4 years ago


This occurs 74 times, and is NOT currently coded as an abbreviation in PWK.

What is the abbreviation expansion ?

gasyoun commented 3 years ago

What is the abbreviation expansion ?

@funderburkjim Simpl. stands for Simplex

Andhrabharati commented 7 months ago

@gasyoun / @funderburkjim

Isn't this issue closeable now, as all the abbr. are "marked" in pw?

Andhrabharati commented 1 week ago

No response still from @gasyoun or @funderburkjim !!