sanskrit-lexicon / PWK

Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung, 7 Bände Petersburg 1879-1889
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PWK VN and SCH #70

Open funderburkjim opened 2 years ago

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

In discussion with @thomasincambodia , consideration was given to typing the [VN Vol 7 of PWK]() p. 289 ff


These could then be added as new entries to the digitization pw.txt of PWK.

Thomas has emphasized the relation between PWK-VN and Schmidt's dictionary (digitized as sch.txt). @Andhrabharati has also similarly commented (see this issue comment and following).

This issue devoted to question: Do we need to type VN Vol 7 of PWK ? Or, can we derive everything needed in PWK VN from the Schmidt digitization?

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

Schmidt meta data 'type'

Here is an excerpt from sch-meta2.txt:

! !}    492  : Homonym number for word in PWK dictionary
{part=,seq=1,type=,n=1} : This exemplifies a coding that appears for
 each entry, at the end of the body of the entry. 
 - part  when blank, the entry occurs in the main part of the dictionary
         when 'N', the entry occurs in the supplement (German Nachtrag).
 - seq  a sequence number for the entry in the original digitization.
   For about 350 cases of homonyms merged in the original digitization,
   a variant of this might be, e.g., seq=6109a.
 - type - Some entries appear with a preceding code (*, º, +).
    For example, ºaMSumatPala, *aMSumatPalA, *+jyotiriNgaRa.
 - n This is the number of lines taken by the entry in the printed edition.

The key piece of metadata is the value of the 'type' parameter. I speculate that the Schmidt entries that come from the PWKVN material are those where the value of the type parameter is the empty string.

There are about 17000 sch.txt entries with empty string as value of type parameter. There are an estimated 16000 entries in the 100+ pages of VN-7 of PWK. This crude comparison favors the speculation.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

Here is an excerpt from schmidt scans, first page that shows entries with 3 different types:


And here are the digitizations from sch.txt for these three entries:

{#aMSuDAraya#} {%aṃśudhāraya%}¦  m. Lampe , Maitryup. 6 , 35. {part=,seq=12,type=,n=2}
{#aMSumatPala#} {%aṃśumatphala%}¦  [m.] Musa sapientum , S I , 159 , 11 v.u. (Ko.; {%aśu°%} gedruckt); 538 , 11 v.u. (Ko.). {part=,seq=13,type=º,n=3}
{#aMSumatPalA#} {%aṃśumatphalā%}¦  Musa sapientum , S I , 101 , 9 (Ko.). {part=,seq=14,type=*,n=2}
funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

The aMSuDAraya example

Note aMSuDAraya has type= (empty string) in the digitization. So by the speculation, it should be in VN Vol7 PWK. This is seen in the first comment above.

The VN Vol7 PWK entry shows roman-numeral 1, so we expect PWK VN for Vol 1 to have aMSuDAraya; Here is extract from p. 282, where the PWKVN for vol 1 begins: image

Note that the text is identical to that of Sch.

This example is compatible with the speculation.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

SCH front matter

It seems likely that the symantics of the 'type' parameter are explained in the front matter of Schmidt.

Perhaps our German-fluent readers can paraphrase in English the relevant parts.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

Other cases to examine

One favorable case does not prove the speculated hypothesis.

I hope others will be interested to trace some other examples.

If the hypothesis withstands scrutiny, then we can consider some of the implementation details transferring sch.txt entries to pw.txt.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

It seems likely that the semantics of the 'type' parameter are explained in the front matter of Schmidt.

'°' means that the word, or the meaning, or the gender does not appear in the pw. [He should've used some other symbol, as '°' being already in use as an abbr. mark for the Sanskrit words.]

'*' means that there for the same points no supporting documents are given. [The same is indicated in PWG and PWK for words found only in Lexical works but not otherwise; MW used L. for denoting the same.]

+ahimaruci is actually †ahimaruci (daggar, not plus) kavacay(ati) is actually †kavacay(ati) (though marked as type=+, the meta line or the body has no + mark!!) kīrtana is actually †kīrtana (though marked as type=+, the meta line or the body has no + mark!!) jyotiriNgaRa is actually †*jyotiriNgaRa (wrongly marked as type=*+, it should've been type=+*, the meta line or the body has no such marking!!) [I am referring to sch.txt file contents, as I am looking at it.]

Yet to find what '†' means, as the Schmidt's NACHTRÄGE (Dictionary) and his two referred articles in WZKM 29 & ZDMG 71 also mention only the ° & *, but not this †.

On the whole, it appears these markings are just for academic purpose.

There are about 17000 sch.txt entries with empty string as value of type parameter. There are an estimated 16000 entries in the 100+ pages of VN-7 of PWK.

BTW, Schmidt says, in his Vorwort that, he has added about 12000 new entries while the pw VN entries clubbed together amount to 14450.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

At the ending of NACHTRÄGE (p.396), Schmidt says thus- '†' denotes words that are already listed above.

BTW, the book has a Schlusswort after the p.396 (running into 2 pages) and written in 1928. (The Vorwort is dated 1924!)

Probably the Cologne team might wish to get these 2 pp. also "done" and add at the csldoc area.

These pages have few more lexical works listed, and also says "Meine Zusätze zu Böhtlingk (neue Belege) stehen meist in [ ]."

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

Or, can we derive everything needed in PWK VN from the Schmidt digitization?

Theoritically all new words should be covered by Schmidt. But words that should be deleted or that are wrong now, will be left such, if we ignore the Nachtrage.

Do we need to type VN Vol 7 of PWK ?

I would say I'm suprised to understand it was not done before. So yes, I believe so.

Perhaps our German-fluent readers can paraphrase in English the relevant parts.

We had made and uploaded an English translation of it years ago, as I remember. Thanks to @fxru maybe.

He should've used some other symbol, as '°' being already in use as an abbr. mark for the Sanskrit words.

Degree sign and abbreviation sign in devanari should be two unicode different signs.

(daggar, not plus)

Nice catch.

it appears these markings are just for academic purpose

Disagree, they are of practical use for us as well.

Schmidt says, in his Vorwort that, he has added about 12000 new entries while the pw VN entries clubbed together amount to 14450.

Yes, I've noticed it before the numbers do not match.

written in 1928. (The Vorwort is dated 1924!)

Yes, it was a long journey. Nobody really wanted to help him for a long time. He tried to get an approval from Russian Academy, but failed.

Cologne team

Welcome to the team :)

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

Cross reference to partial translation of Schmidt forward:

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

vn pdfs

Pdfs of scanned images from PWK of the VN (Nachträge und Verbesserungen = Supplements and improvements) pages are stored on Cologne server. There is a separate pdf for each volume (1-7), at the urls that follow:

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

Translation of VN7 convention

The parenthetical comment of the general index (see image in opening comment of this issue)

German text

Eine arabische Ziffer bezeichnet den Band, in welchem das nachgetragene Wort steht, eine voranstehende romische, dass das Wort auch in dem Haupttheile des Werkes sich befindet.

Google Translate

An Arabic numeral denotes the band, in which the added word is, a preceding Roman, that the word is also in the main part of the work.

DeepL Translate

An Arabic numeral indicates the volume, in which the word is written, a preceding roman numeral, that the word is also in the main part of the work.

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

AI translations correct.

Andhrabharati commented 1 week ago

Now that all the VN pages of pwk volumes got digitized (courtesy Jim & Thomas), various issues on pwkvn and SCH could be closed now.

What do you say, @funderburkjim ?