sanskrit-lexicon / PWK

Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung, 7 Bände Petersburg 1879-1889
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links to BOESP #81

Open funderburkjim opened 2 years ago

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

Aim to activate links to Boehtlingk's Indische Sprüche in the displays of PW dictionary.

The link target will initially be as described in (web1).

This issue devoted to preparation on the PW digitization and display code.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

update pw.txt

For interface with the display programs (basicadjust.php), we need references to Indische Spruch in pw to have one of two forms: <ls>Spr. N...</ls> or <ls n="Spr.">N...</ls>, where N is a verse number (digit sequence).

Before adjustments, there are

2933 matches in 2907 lines for "<ls>Spr[.]" in buffer: temp_pw_00.txt
2452 matches in 2439 lines for "<ls>Spr[.] +[0-9]+[.]</ls>" in buffer: temp_pw_00.txt

So the common form <ls>Spr. N.</ls> is absent sometimes. These cases need to be investigated, and some changes made to the pw digitization. change_01.txt shows the changes. These may also be seen in the commit e66d896 in csl-orig (see link above). After these changes, we see:

2930 matches in 2904 lines for "<ls>Spr[.] [0-9]+" in buffer: temp_pw_01.txt
136 matches in 124 lines for "<ls n="Spr[.]">[0-9]+" in buffer: temp_pw_01.txt
funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

changes to basicadjust.php

In order for the displays to have active links to the web1 boesp display, some upgrade to the basicadjust.php display module are required. The revised version is first developed in csl-websanlexicon directory (see link above). Then basicadjust.php is copied to the csl-apidev repository, so the enhancements will be available to the simple-search display.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

link target location

Currently, the displays generate web links to the boesp-prep repository of the funderburkjim Github user, e.g.

At some point, it likely would be better to have the link target to be elsewhere.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago


Try the Spr. links at

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

Any remaining unmarked?

I seem to recall @Andhrabharati or @thomasincambodia mentioning some references to Indische Spruch in PW and/or PWG that are represented as 'naked' numbers. But I've lost track of the details. If there are some such instances, we should devise some means to identify them and add appropriate markup.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

PWG links also

There are 5000+ references in PWG to second edition of Spruch indicated as <ls>Spr. (II) N</ls> . These are also now active links in the PWG displays. For instance:

There needs to be an examination and enhancement of markup to some of these, such as

<ls>Spr. (II) 130. 203.</ls> 
<ls>Spr. (II) 130.</ls> <ls n="Spr. (II)">203.</ls> 
gasyoun commented 2 years ago

What an amazing done in such a short term. Not only you invest your money, but your time giving as the level of interlinkage scientists in XIX century could not even dream of.

Can we:

Saying 1234, Page 1.234
[saying 1234, page I.234]

I would double the font size:


on the Cologne server under

For sure.

Try the Spr. links at

They work, hurray!

mentioning some references to Indische Spruch in PW and/or PWG that are represented as 'naked' numbers

Yes, it was @drdhaval2785 initially and @Andhrabharati found it documented it in PWG Preface.

Indische Sprüche -> Indische Sprüche (2nd edition)

or year of publication of the volume would be needed.

gasyoun commented 2 years ago @funderburkjim

Spr. 3665. and Spr. 3297 remain without links, why?

— d) अहमेव गुरुः सुदारुणानामिति हालाहल मा स्म तात दृप्यः so v. a. der schrecklichste von Allen Spr. 3665. 
— e) गरीयसीर्गिरः Sāh. D. 95, 21.  मुहुर्निन्द्यं रूपं कविजनविशेषैर्गुरु कृतम् so v. a. hoch gehalten Spr. 3297 ; vgl. गुरुकृत .


Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

Simple! They are from Spr. [I], not Spr. (II), which had been digitised.

<D n="814" a="3665">
<D n="7186" a="3297">

One easy way is to use the a="x" field to link the first ed. Spr. citations in PWG and pwk, to their 2nd ed. counterparts.

And I recall suggesting to do the same, sometime earlier already (though indirectly). [Almost all the first ed. Spr.s are addressed in the 2nd ed.; only very few (175) are missing.]

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

They are from Spr. [I], not Spr. (II), which had been digitised.

@funderburkjim did you had a chance to fix this one?

Andhrabharati commented 1 year ago

Better still, these can be linked to the original Spr. I volumes' scans, as the process is now well established (with MBh., Hariv. and R.)


Any thoughts on going back to the "scan-linking" again?

I can spare sometime making the "index" files for you, and of course with good scans "sourced" [for any of the works mentioned in PWG/pwk].