sanskrit-lexicon / PWK

Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung, 7 Bände Petersburg 1879-1889
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unmarked abbreviations #88

Closed funderburkjim closed 10 months ago

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

There are quite a few unmarked abbreviations in pw.txt. Derive a procedure for identifying and marking many of these.

Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago

Good news to share--

Got pwkvn, SKD and VCP data almost fully.

funderburkjim commented 11 months ago

Version 10 pw

Main goal was to resolve differences in italic text fragments and devanagari text fragments. A few other miscellaneous differences resolved. See:

Next step will be to harvest the <hom> tag markup which AB developed.

funderburkjim commented 11 months ago

re restored data

@Andhrabharati Good to know you've got much of the lost work back!

gasyoun commented 11 months ago

Got pwkvn, SKD and VCP data almost fully.

@Andhrabharati can you make cloud backup? Send the files in Telegram to me?

drdhaval2785 commented 11 months ago

One good way to go about it can be google drive or private github repository.

I use private github repository for works which are not completed. Gives better version control and also safeguards against the data loss.

gasyoun commented 11 months ago

I use private github repository for works which are not completed. Gives better version control and also safeguards against the data loss.

@drdhaval2785 I believe not all of them are to be uploaded, like rare PDF scans @Andhrabharati has gathered. Anyway it's of utmost importance and value for me as well. @Andhrabharati has proved himself dedicated to Sanskrit lexicography. He is one of the best out there.

funderburkjim commented 11 months ago

Version 11 pw

Add hom markup to cdsl pw.txt, based on Andhrabharati markup.

Work done in hom directory.


display revisions

Revisions to csl-websanlexicon and csl-apidev for display of the hom markup



9 matches for "</hom> <is>" in buffer: temp_pw_11_work.txt
8063 matches in 7768 lines for "</hom> {#" in buffer: temp_pw_11_work.txt

Should these 9 be considered print errors in PW?



Resolve differences in markup involving the <ls> tag.

Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago

9 matches for " " in buffer: temp_pw_11_work.txt ... Should these 9 be considered print errors in PW?

No harm in assuming so, and changing those to {#...#}; especially as they are followed by the meaning 'number' of the particular entry words {#...#}.

In fact, my understanding is that majority of the <is> elements denote the entry words in the dictionary [while mostly being 'proper nouns']. But we need to guess why they were rendered in Roman script instead of Devanagari!!

Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago

<hom>3.</hom> <is>Kāvya</is> 4〉a〉 <hom>1.</hom> <is>Nārāyaṇa</is> 1〉 <hom>2.</hom> <is>Karaṇa</is> 4〉n〉 <hom>2.</hom> <is>Karaṇa</is> 4〉n〉 <hom>1.</hom> <is>Nidhana</is> 5〉 <hom>2.</hom> <is>Vrātya</is> 1〉 <hom>1.</hom> <is>Dvaipāyana</is> has only one (and thus, unnumbered) meaning. <hom>1.</hom> <is>Mahābhairava</is> has only one (and thus, unnumbered) meaning.

However, <hom>2.</hom> <is>Vrātya</is> is a case of exception (L-109138)!! Probably, it could also be made as having 1〉, as at L-109137 and L-109139.

[The above material is as in my version.]

Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago

Just seen that a total of ~190 <is> entities have a meaning 'number' followed in pwk.

funderburkjim commented 11 months ago

version 12: ls tag resolution

See ls/readme.txt.

The next step is to resolve differences in parenthetical text groups, about 1000 cases. I think (hope?) the end is near in this worthwhile but lengthy resolution process.

gasyoun commented 11 months ago

I think (hope?) the end is near in this worthwhile but lengthy resolution process.

It sure is, as it's the top-3 dictionary we have.

Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago

It sure is, as it's the top-3 dictionary we have.

What are the other two, in your opinion? PWG and MW?

For most Indian users, I guess, AP90/57, VCP, MW, and SKD are the topmost Sanskrit lexical references.

Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago

I just wish @funderburkjim changes his mind from keeping the pwkvn data separate from the pwk main data (thus 'hidden' for most of the users); it is presently lying in some very deep link, to be known to the prospective users, instead of in a proper 'publicly' known place/interface (or did I miss this, if done so already?).

And I look forward to see him putting the VN data atleast beneath the resp. pwk entries as done in GRA recently [VN data at the bottom of the main entry, in addition to the corrections getting 'integrated' inside the entry itself], if not 'integrated' inside the main matter; the 'new' entries anyway have to be separately shown.

funderburkjim commented 11 months ago

version 13: parenthesized text

See paren/readme.txt.

Resolve differences between AB version and cdsl version in

funderburkjim commented 11 months ago

Refer change_pw_13.txt and change_pw_ab_13.txt.

funderburkjim commented 11 months ago

DAtu markup

AB version has added markup to verbs in pw (this markup not present in pw print)

Should the cdsl version include this? I think yes. Should also the '!' be in cdsl version? Not sure.

Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago

167 lines of pw_ab changed

There are 176 changed lines, not 167!

* many of these made at in-line page breaks, to facilitate comparisons between ab-version and cdsl version.

About 50% of the changes are to shift the page-breaks outside (either to left-side or right-side) of the parentheses; though this is not a big point to debate upon (I had already copied Jim's corrections into my latest file), I see no "important" reason to do this!! [The reason for such corrections, that I had implemented, within <ls> entities is to make those strings continuous, thus facilitating easier identification of the entities.]

However, some of the others at "Mit [Pagexxx] {#prefix#}" are nice changes, bringing in uniformity among all the Mit {#...#} strings.

Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago

; <L>46218<pc>3034-2<k1>tuwi<k2>tuwi<e>000 226361 old {#tuwi#}¦(*<lex>m.</lex> <lex>f.</lex>) {%kleine Kardamomen%} <ls>UTPALA</ls> zu <ls>VARĀH. BṚH. S. 78,1</ls>. ; 226361 new {#tuwi#}¦ (*<lex>m.</lex> <lex>f.</lex>) {%kleine Kardamomen%} <ls>UTPALA</ls> zu <ls>VARĀH. BṚH. S. 78,1</ls>. ;---------------------------------------------------

cdsl file has 4 more places to do similar correction (i.e., to add a space after ¦) 24084: {#anta/rikza#}¦) -> {#anta/rikza#}¦

240313: *{#daRqagrAha#}¦<lex>m.</lex> -> *{#daRqagrAha#}¦ <lex>m.</lex>

247524: {#dASASvameDa#}¦<lex>m.</lex> -> {#dASASvameDa#}¦ <lex>m.</lex>

258481: <hom>2.</hom> {#devakzatra#}¦<lex>m.</lex> -> <hom>2.</hom> {#devakzatra#}¦ <lex>m.</lex>

Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago

; <L>76880<pc>4223-2<k1>bAhAdura<k2>bAhAdura<e>100 377536 {#bAhAdura#}¦ <lex>m.</lex> als <ab>Beiw.</ab> von neuerer Zeit so <ab>v. a.</ab> {%Held%} (<lang n="arabic">بهاتور</lang>, <lang n="UNK">???</lang>, <lang n="russian">богатырь</lang>). 377536 {#bAhAdura#}¦ <lex>m.</lex> als <ab>Beiw.</ab> von neuerer Zeit so <ab>v. a.</ab> {%Held%} (<lang n="arabic">بهاتور</lang>, <lang n="russian">богатырь</lang>). ;---------------------------------------------------

;;AB remark <lang n="UNK">???</lang>, could be changed with the Mongolian string <lang n="mongolian">ᠪᠠᠭᠠᠲᠦᠷ???</lang>, thus filling the missing text in digitisation.

Pl. see these posts-- 1, 2 and 3.

Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago

Finally, there are still 5 nos. of ".)," and one ".)." in the cdsl file.

funderburkjim commented 11 months ago

@Andhrabharati Please provide response regarding !√, so I will know the meaning and how to handle in cdsl.

Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago

Would you mind deciphering the info from the below?--


MW: <L>1378.1<pc>1309,1<k1>aghaya<k2>aghaya<e>2
✮<s>aghaya</s>, ∆ <ab>Nom.</ab> <ab>P.</ab> <s>agha°yati</s>, ◊¦ to do evil, sin, <ls>Dhātup.</ls> <LEND>

pwk: <L>843<pc>1-010-b<k1>aGAy<k2>aGAy<e>500 !√{#aGAy#}¦ {#°ya/ti#} {%Schaden zufügen wollen%}. <div n="p">— Mit {#aBi#} das. <LEND>

[They are what are termed 'Nominal verbs' in various works.]

Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago

BTW, the das. also needs to be marked as an abbr. like dass. I seem to have missed this earlier!! [Just seen that my PWG work had this duly marked as an abbr.]

Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago

Realised that I gave a wrong word from MW, to compare with pwk entry.

Here is the actual intended one-- image

funderburkjim commented 11 months ago

There are 176 changed lines, not 167!

According to change_pw_ab_13.txt, there are 167 'change transactions' (' [0-9] old ' occurs 167 times).
@Andhrabharati Where do you get 176?

Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago

I did not count them as such, but just added the following from your file:

; Part 1: 108 resolve (X) differences between cdsl and ab versions ; Part 2: 3 resolve diffs in <lex>X</lex> ; Part 3: 0 [.]</X>[.] -> .</X>
; Part 4: 46 Misc. changes (4a,4b,4c). See readme ; Part 5: 19 resolve diffs in <div> tag

funderburkjim commented 11 months ago

there are still 5 nos. of ".)," and one ".)." in the cdsl file.

These 6 are consistent with print. That's why.

Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago

Did you forget that we've been changing at quite some places, wrt print matter?

Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago

And this PWG entry is the "base" for the above MW and pwk entries--

<L>606<pc>1-0045<k1>aGAy<k2>aGAy {#aGAy#}¦ (<ab>denom.</ab> von {#aGa#}), <ls n="Padapāṭha">padap.</ls> {#aGay#} {%Schaden zufügen wollen, bedrohen%}: {#ja\hi yo no^ aGA\yati^#} <ls>ṚV. 1,131,7.</ls> <ab>Partic.</ab> <ab>act.</ab> {#aGAya/nt#} <ls n="ṚV.">1,91,8. 5,24,3.</ls> <ab>u. s. w.</ab> <ls>AV. 10,9,1. 4,10.</ls> <div n="v">— <ab>V. l.</ab> {#aGay#}. <div n="p">— {#aBi#} <ab>dass.</ab> {#yo na\H kaScA^ByaGA\yati^#} <ls>AV. 7,71,3.</ls> <LEND>

funderburkjim commented 11 months ago

Did you forget that we've been changing at quite some places, wrt print matter?

No, nor did I forget that we generally are faithful to the print.

From your comment, I infer that in these 6, you believe we should make this (minor) change to the print. I'll do that in the next version.

funderburkjim commented 11 months ago

added the following from your file:

Part 4: of change_pw_ab_13.txt should count as '37' -- the '46' is my error.

Now corrected. Now the sum is 167.

funderburkjim commented 11 months ago

@Andhrabharati Does 'das.' mean the same as 'dass.', namely dasselbe - the same ?

Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago


funderburkjim commented 11 months ago

version 14

Add !√ and √ markup to cdsl based on AB version. Make additional corrections based on suggestions by @Andhrabharati since yesterday.


gasyoun commented 11 months ago

@funderburkjim I only now see the

dhatu directory

but where are the dhatus to be found? Only the scripts I see in the folder.

maltenth commented 11 months ago

no, it doesn't. without looking at the context, i think expanded it is 'daselbst' meaning 'at that same place'.

On Wed, Nov 8, 2023, 02:53 funderburkjim @.***> wrote:

@Andhrabharati Does 'das.' mean the same as 'dass.', namely dasselbe - the same ?

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Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago

Great to see you back again, @maltenth !

Would you pl. go through all the global abbr. expansions also once, just like the local abbr. that you had recently looked at? [I expected you or @fxru would be doing the job; but somehow I felt it was @funderburkjim himself that had done the work.]

funderburkjim commented 11 months ago

@maltenth -- This extract of das. may provide some context

19 matches for "<ab>[dD]as\.</ab>" in buffer: temp_pw_14.txt
   1981:{#agaRya#}¦ <lex>Adj.</lex> <ab>Das.</ab> <ls>Spr. 7688</ls>. <ls n="Spr.">7745</ls>.
   3862:{#aGavinASin#}¦ <lex>Adj.</lex> <ab>das.</ab> <ls>Spr. 7853</ls>.
   3903:<div n="p">— Mit {#aBi#} <ab>das.</ab>
   8899:{#atimanohara#}¦ <lex>Adj.</lex> <ab>das.</ab> <ls>R. 1,9,55</ls>.
 115066:<div n="1">— 1) {%Affe%}. <ab>Das.</ab> *<lex>f.</lex> {#kapi#} und {#kapI#}.
 201789:<hom>2.</hom> *{#CA#}¦ <lex>m.</lex> (<ab>Nom.</ab> {#CAs#}) {%ein Junges%}. <ab>Das.</ab> <lex>f.</lex> <ab>s. u.</ab> {#Ca#}.
 257535:{#dfQaBaktika#} und {#°Baktimant#} (<ls>R. GORR. 2,11,28</ls>)¦ <lex>Adj.</lex> <ab>das.</ab>
 309847:<div n="1">— 7) <ab>das.</ab> Auge, den Blick {%werfen —, richten auf%} (<ab>Loc.</ab>).
 338900:<div n="2">— a) (nur die Formen {#puru/, pu/rU/, pu/rU/Ri, pu/rU/RAm#} und <ab>das.</ab> <lex>f.</lex> {#pUrvI/#} in verschiedenen casus) {%viel, reichlich%}. In der späterren Sprache nur am Anfange einiger Composita. <lex>Adv.</lex> {#puru/#} und {#pu/rU/#} {%viel, oft, sehr%} (auch mit einem <ab>Compar.</ab> und <ab>Superl.</ab>). <div n="p">— Mit {#si/mA#} {%allenthalben;%} mit {#uru/#} {%sehr weit, weit und breit;%} mit {#tira/s#} {%weithin, weither;%} mit {#vi/Sva#} {%durchaus jeder, aller und jeder;%} vor Zusammensetzungen mit {#puru#} noch weiter steigernd.
 340496:<div n="1">— 5) bisweilen verwechselt mit {#puzpy#}; <ab>s.</ab> <ab>das.</ab>
 359891:{#prapARika#}¦ <lex>m.</lex> <ab>das.</ab> <ls>CARAKA. 5,8</ls>.
 395541:<div n="1">— 1) <ab>Caus.</ab> von <hom>1.</hom> {#BU#}; <ab>s.</ab> <ab>das.</ab>
 445101:{%Gedanken „—“%} übersetzen (<ls n="Chr.">304,1</ls>. <ls n="Chr. 304,">12</ls>. <ls n="Chr.">323,19</ls>). <ab>Das.</ab> <ab>Relat.</ab> verbindet sich gern mit andern <ab>Pronomm.</ab>: {#ya/stva/m#}, {#yo/ 'ya/m#}, {#yaH saH#}, {#ya eza/H#}, {#yo'sO#}, {#sa/ ya/H#}, {#asO yaH#}.
 475031:{#romodgati#}¦ <lex>f.</lex> <ab>das.</ab>
 476232:<div n="1">— 1) <ab>das.</ab>
 559994:{#SAtakumBIya#}¦ <lex>Adj.</lex> <ab>das.</ab> <ls>Ind. St. 15,434</ls>. <ls>DAMAYANTĪK. 2,24</ls>.
 562777:{#SAsanadevI#}¦ <lex>f.</lex> <ab>das.</ab> <ls>HEM. PAR. 9,93</ls>.
 663198:<div n="p">— Mit {#aBi#}, {#°zvajate#} <ab>das.</ab> <ls>ŚIŚ. 13,10</ls>.
 681073:<div n="2">— a) <ab>das.</ab>
funderburkjim commented 11 months ago

Where are the dhatus found?

@gasyoun This extract from pw.txt may be useful. temp__roots_pw_14.txt

Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago


; <L>81343<pc>4290-3<k1>BlAs<k2>*BlAs<e>500 400097 old *{#BlAs#}¦ <ab>v. l.</ab> für {#BlAS#}. 400097 new *{#BlAs#}¦ <ab>v. l.</ab> für √{#BlAS#}.

;;AB note-- this should have the entry word also "marked" 400097 new *√{#BlAs#}¦ <ab>v. l.</ab> für √{#BlAS#}.

Andhrabharati commented 11 months ago

; <L>89314<pc>5113-3<k1>ya<k2>ya/<h>1<e>500 439876 old <div n="1">— 1〉 {%wer, welcher%}. ~~~ Das. <ab>Relat.</ab> verbindet sich gern mit andern <ab>Pronomm.</ab>: {#ya/stva/m#}, {#yo/ 'ya/m#}, {#yaH saH#}, {#ya eza/H#}, {#yo'sO#}, {#sa/ ya/H#}, {#asO yaH#}. 439876 new <div n="1">— 1〉 {%wer, welcher%}. ~~~ <ab>Das.</ab> <ab>Relat.</ab> verbindet sich gern mit andern <ab>Pronomm.</ab>: {#ya/stva/m#}, {#yo/ 'ya/m#}, {#yaH saH#}, {#ya eza/H#}, {#yo'sO#}, {#sa/ ya/H#}, {#asO yaH#}.

;;AB note-- there is no dot after Das in the entry, as such it is not an abbr. 439876 new <div n="1">— 1〉 {%wer, welcher%}. ~~~ Das <ab>Relat.</ab> verbindet sich gern mit andern <ab>Pronomm.</ab>: {#ya/stva/m#}, {#yo/ 'ya/m#}, {#yaH saH#}, {#ya eza/H#}, {#yo'sO#}, {#sa/ ya/H#}, {#asO yaH#}.

funderburkjim commented 10 months ago

Version 15

Refer rab directory

modify cdsl version

Also modify cdsl and AB versions for the two corrections mentioned in @Andhrabharati previous two comments.

Due to the large number of changes, no change_pw_15.txt file prepared.

The few (12) corresponding changes to pw_ab version are noted in change_pw_ab_15.txt.

Revised pwab_input.txt per @maltenth suggestion for 'das.' global abbreviation.

funderburkjim commented 10 months ago

There is no 'next step' that I see at this time. The cdsl version 15 now takes into account all the features of @Andhrabharati version that I have noticed. The cdsl version 15 is in csl-orig repository at commit 5fd4222ad497c894ed5d602fa652e4a2ec68c3cd. is the corresponding version of AB work.

@Andhrabharati Have I missed anything that needs to be done to cdsl version based on your version?

It remains to incorporate further revisions to global and local (unt, under) abbreviation expansions from @maltenth when they are available. We will also need to do another round of 'ls' tooltip review. But that can be worked on in another issue.

Andhrabharati commented 10 months ago
  • to use right-angle-bracket for section reference

This is for meaning numbers which I have introduced from GRA, for the open ended parenthesis (as an aid to match the right and left brace counts).

Good to note that you also liked the idea, @funderburkjim

There is one correction that you need to revert back,

; <L>63141<pc>4027-3<k1>par<k2>par<h>1<e>500 310304 old <div n="1">— 3〉 {#pUrta#} 310304 new <div n="1">— 3〉 {#pUrta#} 1〉

;;AB note the 1〉 is deliberately changed as a〉 here; it is similarly used in the next meaning 4〉in line-310308. This may be taken as a print change.

Andhrabharati commented 10 months ago

Let me go through the cdsl file tomorrow, to see if any changes wrt my V.1 file are missing still. [I was just about to retire for the day, before your post came up in my mail notification.]

Probably, I should give my V.2 file before the ls corrections are taken up.

Andhrabharati commented 10 months ago


As you have been mentioning all through, having the same line-counts is the basic & primary requirement for comparing two files.

Hence I started with making the cdsl file and AB file to have same number of lines, and the steps are detailed in this file-- matching line counts in pw with pw_ab_15.txt

The resulting files are in this zip-- [I thought pushing the intermediate files is not so necessary, so skipped adding them here.]

[Probably, you might also think of removing the 'extra' blank lines (and splitting the " <div" strings to start a new line) in the cdsl file, now that the corrections are almost over.]

Now, it will be very easy for you to identify [using your script-- (] that about 1500 differences are there in the two files-- which encompass (missing/extra/wrong) punctuation marks, (missing/extra) spaces/tabs, textual corrections etc. Many of these corrections are to be done in the cdsl file, and some are to be done in the AB file yet.

However, I have tried to make a diff file at my end (for the first time!!)-- pw_ab_15 differences.txt

Also, it is interesting that the ¦-count is lesser by 15 (135756), as compared with the L-count (135771), in the cdsl file.

Andhrabharati commented 10 months ago


@Andhrabharati Does 'das.' mean the same as 'dass.', namely dasselbe - the same ?


no, it doesn't. without looking at the context, i think expanded it is 'daselbst' meaning 'at that same place'.


Revised pwab_input.txt per @maltenth suggestion for 'das.' global abbreviation.


I think except at two places, where the "das. = at the same place" could be taken,

340496:<div n="1">— 5) bisweilen verwechselt mit {#puzpy#}; <ab>s.</ab> <ab>das.</ab> 395541:<div n="1">— 1) <ab>Caus.</ab> von <hom>1.</hom> {#BU#}; <ab>s.</ab> <ab>das.</ab>

the "das. = the same (as above)" appears to be more appropriate at all other 16 places.

I would be happy being declared as wrong, but you're requested to go through the above lines once, and confirm the abbreviations.

Sorry that I do not want to leave anything that I get involved into, without properly convincing myself. Pl. spare a few minutes of your time on this, again.

maltenth commented 10 months ago

I have gone through the 19 instances @funderburkjim provided and have compared them to the original b/w scan (I have also used the Robart pw colour scan on, which is better than the cologne scan), and you are mostly quite right.

Most of the "das." were just plain typos or due to the bad print of the edition used for keyboarding.

Here are my corrections:

[w.i.c.] stands for [which is correct]

after a forward slash you find some more, unrelated, corrections of the text.

•1981 .{#agaNeya#}¦ •Adj. original has "dass." [w.i.c] .{#agaNya#}¦ Adj. Das.

•3862 original has "dass." [w.i.c] .{#aghavinAzin#}¦ Adj. das.

•3903 original has "dass." [w.i.c] / below corr. Harre-Haare <+> {#abhi#} das.

•8899 .{#atimanorama#}¦ •Adj. (•f. {#A#}) original has "dass." [w.i.c] .{#atimanohara#}¦ Adj. das.

•115066 .{#kapiª#}¦ •m. original has "Das" [w.i.c] .{%Affe.%} Das. *f. {#kapi#} und {#kapI#}.

•201789 original has "Das" [w.i.c] .{%ein…Junges.%} Das. f. s.u. {#cha#}.

•257535 .{#dRDhabhaktika#}¦ und {#°bhaktimant#} (R. original has "dass."[w.i.c] .¶GORR.‡2¨11¨28) Adj. das. .{%niederwerfen…,…niederhauen%} , [Page4.013-3]

•309847 original has "das" [w.i.c] .²7) das. Auge , den Blick

•338900 original has "das" [w.i.c] / correct späterren->späteren .³a) (nur die Formen {#puruª…,…puªrUª…,…puªrUªNi…,…puªrUªNAm#} und das. f. {#pUrvIª#} in verschiedenen casus)

•340496 daselbst!? .²5) bisweilen verwechselt mit {#puSpy#} ; s. das.

•359891 original has "dass." [w.i.c] .{#prapANika#}¦ m. das.

•395541 daselbst!? / to correct von.-von .²1) •Caus. von 1. {#bhU#} ; s. das.

•445101 original has "Das" [w.i.c] / correct above sind;-sind: {%beim…[Page5.114-1]…Gedanken%} ``-x-´´ übersetzen (304¨1.12.‡323¨19). Das. Relat. verbindet sich gern mit andern Pronomm.: {#yaªstvaªm#} , {#yoª#} {#jyaªm#} , {#yaH#} {#saH#} , {#ay#} {#eSaª#} ; , {#yojsaª#} , {#saª#} {#yaªH#}. {#asaª#} {#yaH#}.

•475031 original has "dass." [w.i.c] .{#romodgati#}¦ f. das.

•476232 original has "dass." [w.i.c] ²1) das.

•559994 .{#zAtakumbhamaya#}¦ •Adj. (•f. {#I#} original has "dass." [w.i.c] .{#zAtakumbhIya#}¦ Adj. das.

•562777 .{#zAsanadevatA#}¦ •f. bei den †G4aina original has "dass." [w.i.c] .{#zAsanadevI#}¦ f. das.

•663198 original has "dass." [w.i.c] {#abhi…,…°Svajate#} das. .{%gelber…Jasmin.%} [Page7.284-3]

•681073 original has "dass." [w.i.c] .³a) das.

Andhrabharati commented 10 months ago

Thanks a lot, @maltenth !!

I have also noticed that the pwk typed text has quite many errors, as compared to the print [of course, the print is also having quite some errors!], and was thinking of doing a "complete" proof of the text once for all.

I think this pwk is one of the best (single-handed) compilations in Sanskrit lexicography, and probably the widely used one too (apart from MW).

Do you think the pwk proofing would be a worthy spend of the time?