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Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung, 7 Bände Petersburg 1879-1889
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Gorresio Ramayana links #90

Closed funderburkjim closed 2 years ago

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

Improvement of markup and display for Gorresio Ramayana in pwk.

There are 120 instances of 'GORR' in pw.txt. Within <ls> tags, these have one of three forms: <ls>R. GORR., <ls>R. ed. GORR. and <ls>GORR..

basicdisplay.php (in csl-apidev repository and in csl-websanlexicon repository) is adjusted to recognize all three forms for pwk (or pwg).

When one of these is followed by 3 numbers, the displays now generate a link to a scanned image, for instance,105,43.

In pw.txt, there are a few cases where multiple references occur, such as <ls>R. GORR. 2,62,2. 95,16.</ls>. These are adjusted so links are provided for each references. e.g. <ls>R. GORR. 2,62,2.</ls> <ls n="R. GORR. 2,">95,16.</ls>

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

R. multiple links.

Similarly added markup for multiple "R." links: Example

<ls>R. 4,7,2. 6,106,11.</ls>
 <ls>R. 4,7,2.</ls> <ls n="R.">6,106,11.</ls>

change_1.txt and change_2.txt have the changes for 'GORR' (12) and 'R' (18), respectively.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

R. x,y,z etc

According to pwbib_input.txt, we think the "R." abbreviation should refer to the Schlegel edition:

RĀMĀYAṆA. Das 1ste und 2te Kāṇḍa nach der Ausg. von SCHLEGEL, das 3--6te nach der von GORRESIO, das 7te nach der Bomb. Ausg., wenn nicht ausdrücklich eine andere Ausgabe genannt ist. Eine eingeklammerte Zahl bezieht ist sich auf ed. Bomb.

(English via Google Translate) The 1st and 2nd Kāṇḍa after the output of SCHLEGEL, the 3rd--6th after that of GORRESIO, the 7th after the bomb. Edition unless another edition is explicitly mentioned. A number in parentheses refers to ed. Bomb.

Yet there are such R. references for verses in Kanda's 3 and following, such as <ls>R. 4,7,2. 6,106,11.</ls> under headword anugrAhya.

(In fact there are 440+ matches to <ls>R. [3-7] in digitization pw.txt.)

A link to,7,2 leads nowhere.,7,2 leads somewhere, but the verse does not use the word anugrAhya.

Similarly, link to,106,11 leads nowhere.

BUT,106,11 leads to a verse which DOES use the word anugrAhya !

Thus the 'R.' references in PW remain puzzling.

AFAIK, we have no link target for the 'Bombay edition' of Ramayana.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

Surprising @funderburkjim, that in spite of looking at the translated text about R. abbreviation

(English via Google Translate) The 1st and 2nd Kāṇḍa after the output of SCHLEGEL, the 3rd--6th after that of GORRESIO, the 7th after the bomb. Edition unless another edition is explicitly mentioned. A number in parentheses refers to ed. Bomb.

you are saying

Thus the 'R.' references in PW remain puzzling.

All R. citations having the Kandas 3-6 refer to Gorresio; and all citations having Kanda 7 (most probably) refer to Bombay ed. (Need to see if the Gorresio's vol. 7 too has them all).

As seen in my file, there are 43 occurrences of <ls>R.</ls> <ln>7 in pwk.txt, and atleast 50 places where a v.l. form is cited to be from it as <ls>ed. Bomb.</ls> <ln>.

Do you want the link target for this Bombay ed. of Ramayana?

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

All R. citations having the Kandas 3-6 refer to Gorresio; and all citations having Kanda 7 (most probably) refer to Bombay ed. (Need to see if the Gorresio's vol. 7 too has them all).

So not sure yourself, right?

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

Gorresio had adopted the Bengal version, so there could be some differences wrt the Bombay edition.

Unless someone looks closely, the similarities and differences cannot be identified; and I don't find a pressing need to do so myself.

Does this answer your point, @gasyoun ?