sanskrit-lexicon / PWK

Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung, 7 Bände Petersburg 1879-1889
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Chrestomathy ls markup #93

Closed funderburkjim closed 1 year ago

funderburkjim commented 1 year ago

There are about 6000 PWK numeric ls references. The second paragraph from this front matter page translates as

In conclusion, I list the works cited in this first part. Two numbers without specifying a book refer to the second edition of my chrestomathy. The name in parentheses at the end of a title designates the scholar who made all or most of the contributions to this dictionary from the book indicated.

Markup needs to be enhanced for these, in order that tooltip will be available for these.

We may also choose to add links.

funderburkjim commented 1 year ago

There is already a tooltip for 'Chr.' BÖHTLINGK'S Sanskrit-Chresthomathie, 2te Aufl. This occurs 287 times. First example under aMSaBAj:


First example of numbers only is


The change in markup in digitization pw.txt will be

<div n="1">— 1) {%Theil%}: {#svaMSAtas#} <ls>139,1.</ls>
<div n="1">— 1) {%Theil%}: {#svaMSAtas#} <ls n="Chr.">139,1.</ls>
funderburkjim commented 1 year ago

In case we decide to make a link target, one potential source is

There may be a better source at Bayerische StaatsBibliothek (see links for mbh at this comment).

funderburkjim commented 1 year ago

I think there is a version at BSB, but couldn't find the exact link for downloading. Probably @Andhrabharati can find the download link.

Andhrabharati commented 1 year ago

Here is the link for the 1877 ed. --

Start the downloading process by clicking on the "Online lesen" button.

funderburkjim commented 1 year ago

Great! Thank you!

Andhrabharati commented 1 year ago

This is the final link--

Andhrabharati commented 1 year ago


Just like to remind you that @maltenth had given the link long back, when the discussion about the B.'s Chrestomathie took place (wrt pwk).

funderburkjim commented 1 year ago

changes now installed.

Work is in issue93 directory.

My next step will be to make a link target for Chrestomathie.

Andhrabharati commented 1 year ago
  • still has 23 'UNKNOWN' ls references. They will need to be investigated some other time.


would you list these 23 items?-- so that I can see if they can be resolved (of course, if you wish me to!)

funderburkjim commented 1 year ago

link target is link target for Boehtlingk Chrestomathie, 2nd edition.

Need to add this (and the rest of current link targets) to link tracker at

funderburkjim commented 1 year ago

The link target is active in displays of PW. For instance try the word 'akIrtita'.

funderburkjim commented 1 year ago

@Andhrabharati Here's that list of unknown ls (along with 5 or so 'number' ls).

ls_num_and_unknown.txt has 28 <ls> cases where either the abbreviation is unknown (no tooltip) or the ls element starts with a number.

Andhrabharati commented 1 year ago


Here are the resp. entries (in no particular order)--

  1. pl. recall that S. as Seite (page) and Z. as Zeile (line) were already deciphered earlier. This should resolve the "; problem with: S." cases [9 nos.]
  2. Kadambari of Banabhatta is in two parts (Purva & Uttara), and the II denotes the 2nd half of Kadambari. This should resolve the "; problem with: II," cases [10 nos.]
  3. "; problem with: Hariv. 9940." denotes the verse 9940 of Harivamsa. [1 no.]
  4. "; problem with: 2, S. 40" denotes the ch. 2, p.40 (cf. "S." denoting 'page' in 1 above) [1 no.]
  5. "; problem with: R. 1,1,55" is the Gorr. Ramayana (cf. PWG entry for the same HW) [1 no.]
  6. "; problem with: 772" and "; problem with: 58" denote the verses in Medinikosa in resp. letter varga. [2 nos.] ; ab and lex tags are wrongly put here.
  7. "; problem with: 30." the 30 should be padded with "BĀDAR. 2,2," [1 no.]
  8. "; problem with: 1,31,13." refers to Āpastamba Dharmasūtra 1,31,13 [1 no.]
  9. "; problem with: VP. 6,4,29." refers to the Vishnu Purana Bombay ed. [1 no.]
  10. what's the "; problem with: MAITR. 4,9,5."? the same citation appears at three places just above this entry! [1 no.] ; yes, this should've been "MAITR. S." image
funderburkjim commented 1 year ago

Question re Medinikosa

The references in PW are generally like <ls>MED. k. 13</ls> which occurs under headword DUmaka

<div n="1">— 1) am Ende eines <lex>adj.</lex> Comp. = {#DUma#} {%Rauch.%}
<div n="1">— 2) <lex>m.</lex> {%eine <ab>best.</ab> Gemüsepflanze%} <ls>CARAKA. 1,27.</ls>
<div n="1">— 3) <lex>f.</lex> {#DUmikA#}
<div n="2">— a) {%Rauch.%}
<div n="2">— b) {%*Nebel.%}
<div n="2">— c) <ls>MED. k. 13</ls> fehlerhaft für {#BUmikA#}.

I expected 'k. 13' to relate to

image ?

But none of 'DUmaka, DUmikA, BUmikA' is found there. What am I missing?

funderburkjim commented 1 year ago

Changes made based on @Andhrabharati suggestions (Thanks for those!).

Andhrabharati commented 1 year ago

Question re Medinikosa

The references in PW are generally like <ls>MED. k. 13</ls> which occurs under headword DUmaka

<div n="1">— 1) am Ende eines <lex>adj.</lex> Comp. = {#DUma#} {%Rauch.%}
<div n="1">— 2) <lex>m.</lex> {%eine <ab>best.</ab> Gemüsepflanze%} <ls>CARAKA. 1,27.</ls>
<div n="1">— 3) <lex>f.</lex> {#DUmikA#}
<div n="2">— a) {%Rauch.%}
<div n="2">— b) {%*Nebel.%}
<div n="2">— c) <ls>MED. k. 13</ls> fehlerhaft für {#BUmikA#}.

I expected 'k. 13' to relate to image ?

But none of 'DUmaka, DUmikA, BUmikA' is found there. What am I missing?

You did miss it for a reason, @funderburkjim ; it's because pwk is having a print error (13 instead of 134) here!

pwk has the entry as image

whereas PWG has the entry as image

and here is the Medinikosa ed. referred in PWG (GILD. Bibl. 258), having the error (DUmikA for BUmikA) image

And here is the Medinikosa snippet (Med. k. 135) from the Chowkhamba ed. you referred-- image

Finally, here is a Bengal Medinikosa ed. [1870] having the verse (Med. k. 134) cited-- image

funderburkjim commented 1 year ago

@Andhrabharati thank you for helpful analysis that '13' should be '134'.

This is a typo (digitization error in cdsl pw.txt), since PW scan also shows 134.

cdsl OLD:
<div n="2">— c) <ls>MED. k. 13</ls> fehlerhaft für {#BUmikA#}.
<div n="2">— c) <ls>MED. k. 134</ls> fehlerhaft für {#BUmikA#}.

Correction to pw.txt made -- added to change_2.txt.

gasyoun commented 1 year ago

@funderburkjim here is my scan of it.

Andhrabharati commented 1 year ago

@gasyoun I recall your earlier saying that almost all the Sanskrit collection/Reader (Chrestomathie) works (scanned afresh) would be available with you this year.

Is this a beginning of making them public?

gasyoun commented 1 year ago

Is this a beginning of making them public?


almost all the Sanskrit collection/Reader (Chrestomathie)

Depends on which you are looking for. I know them all (have made a comparison table of all Sanskrit readers in 2013, when was releasing the Reader of my teacher), but have scanned not all, nor have a good source for all of them.