sanskrit-lexicon / SKD

Discussion of corrections and other issues pertaining to Sabdakalpadruma dictionary at Sanskrit-Lexicon
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High-resolution scans used by Thomas Malten for digitization #14

Closed Andhrabharati closed 8 months ago

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

@funderburkjim / @thomasincambodia

Could these SKD HR scans mentioned in the skd-meta2.txt be made accessible?

They would be helpful for error checking in the text.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago
  1. The 3 MACRONs can safely be deleted, as they are extra characters wrt the print.

  2. The × at <L>13677 हरि × काम्यः could be replaced as हरिᳲकाम्यः or हरिᳵकाम्यः with a jihvAmUlIya character (ᳲ : \u1CF2 or ᳵ : \u1CF5); and at <L>36451 शूर × ष्यञ् be replaced as शूर + ष्यञ् with a + character [as present everywhere else as + ष्यञ्].

  3. The „ at <L>1861 to be replaced with a regular comma (typo); at <L>16330 to be replaced with a “ (\u201C); at <L>17510 to be replaced by a comma (print error).

  4. The £ (24 places) to be replaced by ꣳ (\uA8F3) throughout.

  5. The ¤ character is a special one, only to be seen in the private area of Siddhanta font! However it could be approximately rendered as ॱᳪ᳭ (\u0971 + \u1CEA + \u1CED).

  6. And like in VCP, the SKD also has unmatched quote marks (‘ :1398 vs. ’ :1350 and “ :53134 vs. ” :52816); hence could be resolved quickly.

This finishes my looking against the meta2 data!

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago


like to do these corrections?

drdhaval2785 commented 2 years ago

I would be able to do these tomorrow.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

Have found email from Thomas from 2017 on this subject, and have mentioned this request to him.

maltenth commented 2 years ago

here is the link:

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

23 GB scan - now this is a big file I call ))

maltenth commented 2 years ago

@gasyoun it's not a single file, but each page in a jpeg file, size ca. 8 MB

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

These scans definitely helped the typists doing a good job with this work.

I have another source (Rastriya Sanskrita Samsthan, New Delhi), that was independently done and brought out as a digital CD version and is better at many places (though poor at some places) wrt Cologne text; a MELD comparison (as initiated for VCP, with Tirupati & Cologne versions) would definitely be a job worthwhile. [I also have the physical copies of RSS edition volumes, which are far better than the Chowkhamba edition volumes.]

@thomasincambodia, could you pl. give the HR scans of Sabdakalpadruma front pages as well?

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

I had shared the CD original content with Marcis few months back, when he wanted to try extracting the text; do not know if any attempt was made at his end or about its outcome.

drdhaval2785 commented 2 years ago

Points 1-5 done. Point 6 remaining.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

here is the link:

@thomasincambodia The page skd1_283 is cut at the bottom; the 7 pages skd2_280, skd3_437, skd3_648, skd3_695, skd4_017, skd4_177, skd4_465 are empty (zero bytes) and the 4 pages skd2_257, skd2_402, skd2_414, skd2_415 are missing altogether.

Could you pl. check these once in you data and update?

maltenth commented 2 years ago

@thomasincambodia, could you pl. give the HR scans of Sabdakalpadruma front pages as well? @Andhrabharati these were not scanned.

maltenth commented 2 years ago

@thomasincambodia The page skd1_283 is cut at the bottom; the 7 pages skd2_280, skd3_437, skd3_648, skd3_695, skd4_017, skd4_177, skd4_465 are empty (zero bytes) and the 4 pages skd2_257, skd2_402, skd2_414, skd2_415 are missing altogether.

Could you pl. check these once in you data and update?


Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

@thomasincambodia, uploaded at the same link as earlier?

I see the above pages' status (at this link) to be the same (cut, zero size and missing) still.

maltenth commented 2 years ago


hope this will work now

files skd1_317 to 331 contain preface material pages {in reverse order)

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

hope this will work now

@thomasincambodia This link has SabdasAgara, not the Sabdakalpadruma! And of course, I will take it as well.

BTW, are there any other HR scans that you would like to share? ---------------------------------

files skd1_317 to 331 contain preface material pages {in reverse order)

Yes, seen that the front pages' last portion is at the end the SKD1 scans. [Another 14 pages in the beginning are not in the scan.]

gasyoun commented 2 years ago

BTW, are there any other HR scans that you would like to share?

Seems there is more than just Sabdakalpadruma

maltenth commented 2 years ago hope this will work now

@thomasincambodia This link has SabdasAgara, not the Sabdakalpadruma! And of course, I will take it as well.

BTW, are there any other HR scans that you would like to share? ---------------------------------

files skd1_317 to 331 contain preface material pages {in reverse order)

Yes, seen that the front pages' last portion is at the end the SKD1 scans. [Another 14 pages in the beginning are not in the scan.]

new link with the missing parts of SKD (except for the English title an preface):

@thomasincambodia This link has SabdasAgara, not the Sabdakalpadruma! And of course, I will take it as well.

you are welcome! (in case you use any of the Cologne materials for your publications an acknowledgment to will always be appreciated.)

BTW, are there any other HR scans that you would like to share?

Seems there is more than just Sabdakalpadruma

I will try to find out. (sorry for the late reply)

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

new link with the missing parts of SKD (except for the English title an preface):

Thank you for filling the SKD gaps, @thomasincambodia.

you are welcome! (in case you use any of the Cologne materials for your publications an acknowledgment to will always be appreciated.)

No, I am not into any publishing (so far!); I would just be using these for going through (proofing etc.) the Cologne works themselves. And I agree that an acknowledgement is always to be given if the Cologne texts are used somewhere else.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

new link with the missing parts of SKD (except for the English title an preface):

Thank you for filling the SKD gaps, @thomasincambodia.

Seen that the 7 'zero byte' pages are yet to be filled up, @thomasincambodia

The page skd1_283 is cut at the bottom; the 7 pages skd2_280, skd3_437, skd3_648, skd3_695, skd4_017, skd4_177, skd4_465 are empty (zero bytes) and the 4 pages skd2_257, skd2_402, skd2_414, skd2_415 are missing altogether.

maltenth commented 2 years ago


this is my download of page skd1_283.jpg via link which doesn't seem to be cut.

I also find the four pages in skd2 you report as missing.

I will check for the other seven pages and upload them if necessary.

maltenth commented 2 years ago


please check if everything is complete now at your end.

@funderburkjim please check your mail.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

Thank you @thomasincambodia, now I have all the scanned pages in tact at my end also.

Any specific reason for your giving 3_473 again (though not in my list as required)? Also the pages 1_317 to 1_332 are there in the initial link itself, though you had given them again in the next batches too!

maltenth commented 2 years ago

@Andhrabharati just ignore them

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago


You may consider replacing the present cdsl scan pages with these HR scans from Thomas.

Though the individual jpg files are of large size, the pdf pages can be made smaller (to the tune of 25-30 times less), without losing the clarity.

This would help any interested people (are there any!!?) to benefit from these good scans of SKD.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

And, so is the case with SHS HR scans given here by Thomas.

Andhrabharati commented 8 months ago

Unless Jim would like to replace the SHS scans, this issue may be closed now.

The remaining point in my post that is left by Dhaval shall be handled in my present exercise.

Andhrabharati commented 8 months ago

@gasyoun might be interested in seeing these original title pages of SKD Devanagari edition--

SKD-1 1886

SKD-1 1886

SKD-2 1889

SKD-2 1889

SKD-3 1887

SKD-3 1887

SKD-4 1892

SKD-4 1892

SKD-5 1894

SKD-5 1894

Interesting to note that Vol.2 got published after Vol.3 (2 years later), could it be because the volume size is quite bigger (nearly double!)?

Andhrabharati commented 8 months ago

Some statistics:

Out of the ~40k substantives of SKD,

Andhrabharati commented 8 months ago

Noticed, by chance, two entry words that were merged into the previous entry in the CDSL text.

This prompts me to look for all such entries, to be the next point in my SKD work.

funderburkjim commented 8 months ago

Unless Jim would like to replace shs.scans ...

@Andhrabharati SHS = 'Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English Dictionary'. I think there is no need for higher resolution scans for SHS at the present time.

Accordingly, closing this issue.