sanskrit-lexicon / SKD

Discussion of corrections and other issues pertaining to Sabdakalpadruma dictionary at Sanskrit-Lexicon
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Wikisource शब्दकल्पद्रुमः Edition #6

Open gasyoun opened 6 years ago

gasyoun commented 6 years ago

@drdhaval2785 so there is SKD in Bengal and Devanagari fonts, at least 2 different paper editions. I wonder if is based on the Tirupati edition, @funderburkjim .

funderburkjim commented 6 years ago

A.F.A.I.K, VCP is the one with a Tirupati edition, not SKD.

I see a mention of 'Stardict' on the home page.

The main language of the wiki seems to be Hindi. Maybe Dhaval could interpret it and determine the source of the digitization. If the digitization is not that of Cologne, i.e., if there is an independent digitization of skd, then it might prove useful as comparison to the Cologne digitization.

Based solely on a comparison of the first few lines of headword a to the Cologne digitization, the wikisource edition appears the same as Cologne.

gasyoun commented 6 years ago

Based solely on a comparison of the first few lines of headword a to the Cologne digitization, the wikisource edition appears the same as Cologne.

Oh, might be. Like the sitewide representation, miss it on Cologne.

funderburkjim commented 6 years ago

Like the sitewide representation,

I agree. Its a nice display. The first page provides a sort of jump table.
I also like the wiki idea, as it allows the possibility of having a local copy of a dictionary, where the user could (via the wiki process) made personal annotations.

gasyoun commented 6 years ago

I agree. Its a nice display.

Actually there are advanced users who open Page view every time, just to see what's around. They use Cologne only as a way to open scanned images quicker because there is no way to open the digital copy of a page.

gasyoun commented 5 years ago

@drdhaval2785 any ideas?

The layout is just what we could only wish for, a page style layout, not as we have - it semi-column-wise. skd