sanskrit-lexicon / SKD

Discussion of corrections and other issues pertaining to Sabdakalpadruma dictionary at Sanskrit-Lexicon
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All Dhatu Entries (SKD) #8

Open Shalu411 opened 4 years ago

Shalu411 commented 4 years ago

Hariom, Greetings to all. Having worked with VCP dhAtus lately, here is another request- Now let's go for SKD. I need the whole list of all existent dhAtus, not just headwords but with inner explanatory text contents separately.. either each as a separate text file or whole as one file.. whichever is easy. Text should be in Devanagari inevitably.

-Warm wishes-
gasyoun commented 4 years ago

Text should be in Devanagari inevitably.

Is a matter of a single click.

funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

@Shalu411 Please look at the report skd_verb1_deva. (Note you can download or view 'raw').

skd_verb1 is the same but with slp1 spellings.

There are 2260 entries. For each entry there is a header line and then the full text from skd. Each of these is believed to be a root. A sample header line is ;; Case 2258: L=42186, k1=hlAda, k2=hlAda, vcp=hlAda, mw=hlAd

kavikalpadrumaH the key

Examination of several known roots suggested that skd roots are drawn from kavikalpadruma with the phrase iti kavikalpadrumaH appearing in the first few lines of the text of records. AFAIK, this is the only filter needed to get the roots.

There are only a very small number of cases where iti kavikalpadrumaH appears in the text but the entry is not a root. An example is andUkaH; but this can be excluded as a verb because it is marked as 'puM' (masculine). Thus all cases marked as 'klI' (neuter), 'puM' (masculine), 'strI' (feminine), or 'tri' [?? adjective] were excluded.

upasargas not found

I could find no definite instances of upasargas mentioned in the skd verb text, nor did I find prefixed verbs as separate entries in skd. This is surprising, so maybe prefixed verbs are mentioned in skd in some way that eluded my analysis.

gasyoun commented 4 years ago

So quick, so good.

All but 20 of the 2260 are matched

So close.

prefixed verbs are mentioned in skd in some way that eluded my analysis.

@drdhaval2785 any clue?

drdhaval2785 commented 4 years ago

Kavikalpadruma did not handle upasargas. It seems that SKD has also not handlec upasargas.

The words formed by upasargas are handled in their own right rather than preverb+root.

gasyoun commented 4 years ago

It seems that SKD has also not handlec upasargas.

Can it be?

The words formed by upasargas are handled in their own right rather than preverb+root.

Sure, but they should still remain verbs, right? Can you think of an example?

Shalu411 commented 4 years ago

Namaste Jim, It was great to see the file. Yes, SKD mostly had KKD.. We three had once worked on it some years ago- This file seems so much perfect initially! Still will look at it again deeper and will get back. Your analysis is very helpful. Would love to know if machine can give SKD dhatus, and VCP dhatus sid eby side (which ever are matching) with inner detail; For Eg. SKD- अंश¦, त् क विभाजने । अंशकरणे । इति कविकल्प- <>द्रुमः । तालव्योपधः । विभाजन इति भाज त् क तु <>पृथक्कृत्यां इत्यस्य रूपं । अंशयति अंशापयति <>धनं वणिक् । इति दुर्गादासकृतधातुदीपिका ॥

VCP- अंश¦ विभाजने अद० चु० उभ० । अंशयति ते आंशिशत् त । <>अङ्कापयतीतिवत् आपुकि अंशापयतीत्येके । अच् अंशः <>उ--अंशुः णिनि अंशी क्त अंशितः ।

..say- in two adjacent cells of an excel sheet- And we can keep non-matching ones as separate entries..

That was my idea initially to compare all dhatus and prepare an excel sheet with inner detail.. VCP and SKD are the two major Skt-Skt-dictionaries. We can see others later- But atleast these two would be helpful. I am not aware of possibility.. But you could give all vcp and mw comparisons, unasked; so am asking this to know, if that way we can make by machine? -Shalu

gasyoun commented 4 years ago

if that way we can make by machine?

Guess yes, because Jim has compared a lot in the past in regards of dhatus.

Shalu411 commented 4 years ago

Hariom A perfect file, as I told you before. Now it's checked thoroughly (as much as my limit permits). I didn't find any non-dhatu. Thanks for this one-go-complete-work..!! Jim, you are a magician. A thousand thanks for this. Just three issues of typo-errors, for which I will come back again. SKD has no upasargas, but it is useful for one of my dream-projects (personal) to compare dhatu-pathas- and make a good exhaustive dhatu-database.
Apte Skt-Eng-Dic. has upasargas again. Would write a request for that- but please do when your time and convenience permit. Thanks a again. ( time) -Shalu

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

This issue's title attracted my eyes!

Seen that the main points (in my view) talked about here are-

  1. Extract the dhAtus from SKD text, with some 'clue'
  2. Checking the extracted list to find non-dhAtus

Other sub-points (again in my view) are-

  1. Comparing SKD list with MW list
  2. Comparing SKD list with VCP list

@gasyoun is this issue concluded by all parties involved earlier here with Shalu's post, or is there some update on this somewhere else? If there is no pending action by anyone (4 persons) involved earlier, I would like to say something. Otherwise I shall have a look at other places [if any update link(s) suggested] before my posting.

drdhaval2785 commented 2 years ago

I dont think anyone is working on anything here. You may proceed. Shalu is not returning to this work anytime soon.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

ok, good to hear the point.

Just wanted to say that I had spent a little time today in cross-checking the main points I listed, and got 40 more dhAtus from SKD text (@funderburkjim was almost there at the clue but missed it by an inch); Usha missed identifying a non-dhAtu in Jim's list.

Just posting my comparision here, for @funderburkjim to get the correct clue required to get the dhAtus. SKD dhAtus from first line.pdf

With due regard to his ability and analysing skills, I should not dare to teach Jim anything, but just giving a hint through my file. [I guess, the file speaks for itself.]

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

If someone wants to work on it, I can give the .txt file of this; otherwise for studying .pdf is enough.

drdhaval2785 commented 2 years ago

txt is needed for machines. PDF is just for human consumption.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

understood; that's why I said, "If someone wants to work on it".

drdhaval2785 commented 2 years ago

We should be guided by the immortal words of Bhavabhūti : ये नाम केचिदिह नः प्रथयन्त्यवज्ञां जानन्ति ते किमपि तान्प्रति नैष यत्नः । उत्पत्स्यते तु मम कोऽपि समानधर्मा कालो ह्ययं निरवधिर्विपुला च पृथ्वी ॥

There will be someone somewhere who would appreciate your work. It may be handled now, may be a century later. Our job is to put whatever we have done till now in open domain, so that someone somewhere sometime may carry that work forward.

So, even if someone is not going to WORK on it immediately, I would request you to put the working files here, so that it may be tackled.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

I am touched by your citation.

Incidentally, it is interpreted that Bhavabhuti had mentioned it in anguish that his contemporaries did not recognise/appreciate his work; same thing that I feel myself many a times!

drdhaval2785 commented 2 years ago

Anguish is a strong emotion. Very few people channelize anguish and do something to reduce anguish of others in future. Good to see a helping hand in you @Andhrabharati .

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

I can give the .txt file of this

Yes please. Looked at the pdf, and anticipate the data will be useful whenever time permits work on this to resume. However, the txt form will be much more useful to work with when that time comes.

So, request you to upload the text form now.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

Glad to hear from you @funderburkjim, on this. SKD dhAtus from first line.txt [This is a tab separated file.]

Pl. note that I had made some corrections in my file and hence some spelling differences etc. between my text and your text.

Andhrabharati commented 2 years ago

You just need to take the 40 lines that are without corresponding text in both AB and Jim versions, and add to your skd_verb1_deva file.

And the 0133 in Jim's version is a non-dhAtu entry.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

Thanks for file and hint on the 40 missed.

Andhrabharati commented 8 months ago

Now, I found 3 addl. dhatus, that were merged into the previous entries in the cdsl text. And one of them is 'merged' in the SKD print itself!!