sanskrit-lexicon / alternateheadwords

Prepare list of alternate headwords for all Cologne dictionaries
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AP alternate headword issues #20

Open drdhaval2785 opened 7 years ago

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

I opened akzara and I see in Apte Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary, revised edition, 1957

-BAj a. having a share in the syllables (of a prayer ?). 
-BUmikA tablet; nyastAkzarAmakzaraBUmikAyAm R. 18. 46. 
-muKaH [akzarARi tanmayAni SAstrARi vA muKe yasya] a scholar, student. 
-Kam [za. ta.] the beginning of the alphabet; the letter a. 
-muzwikA ‘finger-speech’, speaking by means of finger-signs. 
-varjita a. unlettered, illiterate, not knowing how to read or write. a. of an epithet of paramAtman. 
-vyaktiH f. [za. ta.] distinct articulation of syllables. 
-SikzA [za. ta.] the science of (mystic) syllables; theory of brahma (brahmatattva); mahyaM °kzAM viDAya Dk. 11. 
-saMsTAnam [akzarARAM saMsTAnaM yatra] arrangement of letters, writing, alphabet.

As I understand that the work done for MW and partly for PWG, has not been done and compounds not formed, right? Because in hwnorm1c I see that akzaraBUmikA:akzaraBUmikA:PD belongs only to PD, but could be Apte as well. And there is no akzarasaMsTAnam at all.

gasyoun commented 7 years ago

Not all are equal. 1) last consonant of base + aḥ, last consonant of base + ā, last consonant of base + m:


2) everything that comes after -Comp.

-jananī, -tūlikā

(so it's 2, not 1).

akṣara a. [na kṣaratīti; kṣar calane ac-na. ta.] 
1 Imperishable, indestructible, undecaying, epithet of the Supreme as well as the Individual soul; yamakṣaraṁ kṣetravido vidustamātmānamātmanyavalokayantam Ku. 3. 50; dvāvimau puruṣau loke kṣaraścākṣara eva ca . kṣaraḥ sarvāṇi bhūtāni kūṭastho'kṣara ucyate Bg. 15. 16. yasmātkṣaramatīto'hamakṣarādapi cottamaḥ . ato'smi loke vede ca prathitaḥ puruṣottamaḥ Bg. 15. 18; the unconcerned (Spirit); akṣaraṁ brahma paramam Bg. 8. 3. 
2 Fixed, firm, unalterable. 
1 Śiva. 
2 Viṣṇu. 
3 A sword. 
-rā Sound, word, speech (Ved.). 
-ram [aś-saraḥ Uṇ. 3. 70, aśeḥ saraḥ; aśnute vyāpnoti vedādiśāstrāṇi.] 
(a) A letter of the alphabet; akṣarāṇāmakāro'smi Bg. 10. 33; mudrākṣarāṇi, madhura°, tryakṣara &c. 
(b) a syllable; ekākṣaraṁ paraṁ brahma Ms. 2. 83 the monosyllable; girāmasmyekamakṣaram Bg. 10. 25, Ms. 2. 78, 84, 125 (sacred syllable). Hence 
(c) a word or words, speech collectively; pratiṣedhākṣaraviklavābhirāmam Ś. 3. 24; aho saṁdīpanānyakṣarāṇi U. 4; bharturetāni praṇayamayānyakṣarāṇi M. 3 words; brāhmaṇasaṁkramitākṣareṇa pitāmahena V. 3; akṣaraṁ varṇanirmāṇaṁ varṇamapyakṣaraṁ viduḥ . akṣaraṁ na kṣaraṁ vidyādaśnotervā saro'kṣaram .. 
2 A document (letter &c.), sacred writing; writing in general (in pl.); tatra bhuktiḥ pramāṇaṁ syānna sākṣī nākṣarāṇi ca Pt. 3. 93; tatrabhavatyā akṣarāṇi visṛṣṭāni syuḥ V. 2. 
3 The highest deity or Godhead, the indestructible spirit, Brahman (paramabrahman, mūlakāraṇam); akṣaraṁ brahma paramam Bg. 8. 3; karma brahmodbhavaṁ viddhi brahmākṣarasamudbhavam 3. 15; yathā sataḥ puruṣātkeśalomāni tathākṣarātsaṁbhavatīha viśvam Chān. Up. 
4 Religious austerity, penance. 
5 Sacrifice. 
6 Water. tataḥ kṣarati akṣaram Rv. 1. 164. 42. 
7 The sky. 
8 Final beatitude, emancipation from further transmigration. 
9 Continuance, permanence.  [Page0009-2]  
10 Right, justice (Ved. in these two senses). 
11 N. of a plant, Achyranthes Aspera. (apāmārga Mar. aghāḍā.) 12 A measure of time, equal to one-fifth of a Kāṣṭhā. 
-akṣaraḥ a kind of religious meditation; Kāraṇḍavyūha (Metrical recension) 
-aṅgam ?1. a part of a syllable. 
2 alphabet. 
-arthaḥ [ṣa. ta.] meaning (of words); kiṁ tāvat gītyā avagato'kṣarārthaḥ Ś. 5. 
-ñcuḥ -ñcaṇaḥ, -naḥ [akṣareṇa varṇavinyāsalipyā vittaḥ akṣara--caṇap or cu (ñcuṁ) ñcup tena vittaścuñcup caṇapau; P. V. 2. 26.] a scribe, writer, copyist; so °jīvakaḥ, -jīvī, akṣareṇa jīvati; jīv ṇini or ṇvul; also °jīvikaḥ. 
-cyutakam [akṣaraṁ cyutaṁ luptaṁ yatra; ba kap] getting out a different meaning by the omission of a letter (e. g. kurvan divākaraśleṣaṁ dadhaccaraṇaḍambaram . deva yauṣmākasenayoḥ kareṇuḥ prasaratyasau where another meaning may be got by omitting ka in kareṇuḥ i. e. by taking reṇuḥ). 
-chandas n. 
-vṛttam a metre regulated by the number of syllables it contains; chandastu dvividhaṁ proktaṁ vṛttaṁ jātiriti dvidhā . vṛttamakṣarasaṁkhyātaṁ jātirmātrākṛtā bhavet .. unshaken resolve, resolute (akṣaraṁ niścilaṁ chando'bhiprāyo yasya); 
-jananī, -tūlikā [akṣarāṇāṁ jananīva; tallipilekhānāṁ tūlikeva vā sādhanatvāt] a reed or pen. -jīvakaḥ or -jīvin m. ‘One who lives by writing’, a scribe. (-vi) nyāsaḥ [ṣa. ta. bhāve ghañ] 
1 writing, arrangement of letters; bhūrjapatragato °saḥ V. 2. 
2 the alphabet. 
3 scripture. 4 hṛdayādyādhārasparśapūrvakaṁ tadakṣarāṇāṁ smaraṇoccāraṇarūpastantraprasiddho varṇanyāsaḥ. 
-paṅkti a. 
1 having 5 syllables (paṅkti = Gr. pentas-five) su mat pad vaga de ityeṣa vai yajño'kṣarapaṅktiḥ Ait. Br. (tānyotānyakṣarāṇi hotṛja-pādau prayoktavyāni). 
2 N. of metre of four lines (dvipadā virāj) each having five syllables (one dactyl and one spondee). 
-bhāj a. having a share in the syllables (of a prayer ?). 
-bhūmikā tablet; nyastākṣarāmakṣarabhūmikāyām R. 18. 46. 
-mukhaḥ [akṣarāṇi tanmayāni śāstrāṇi vā mukhe yasya] a scholar, student. 
-kham [ṣa. ta.] the beginning of the alphabet; the letter a. 
-muṣṭikā ‘finger-speech’, speaking by means of finger-signs. 
-varjita a. unlettered, illiterate, not knowing how to read or write. a. of an epithet of paramātman. 
-vyaktiḥ f. [ṣa. ta.] distinct articulation of syllables. 
-śikṣā [ṣa. ta.] the science of (mystic) syllables; theory of brahma (brahmatattva); mahyaṁ °kṣāṁ vidhāya Dk. 11. 
-saṁsthānam [akṣarāṇāṁ saṁsthānaṁ yatra] arrangement of letters, writing, alphabet.
funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

I don't think we have indexed sub-entries in any dictionary except MW.

The task is applicable to many dictionaries; I know Odille has wanted this for her favorite Burnouf and Schtoupak dictionaries, for instance.

Our assignment of <div> elements is probably a step towards indexing sub-entries.

I estimate the task to be formidable. Maybe we can reconsider it next year.

gasyoun commented 7 years ago

Odille has wanted this for her favorite Burnouf and Schtoupak dictionaries

But no coding, right? You had done experiments with PWG, can you share the code that was responsible with the roots with prefixes, please? I guess that's a similar task.

Maybe we can reconsider it next year.

I'll be bald-headed by that time. What're the top priorities as you see them now? Would love to see your vision before it's too late in

funderburkjim commented 7 years ago

Have I done coding for PWG for roots with prefixes? Please remind me.

drdhaval2785 commented 7 years ago

Maybe this is what Marcis is referring to. Not sure.

gasyoun commented 7 years ago

Maybe this is what Marcis is referring to.

Seems to be the one, thanks, Dhaval. Could not find it myself in PWG project. A spring cleanup or interlinking might be a good idea.