sanskrit-lexicon / csl-corrections

Replacement for sanskrit-lexicon/CORRECTIONS. User corrections to sanskrit-lexicon/csl-orig
GNU General Public License v3.0
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PUI English errors #41

Closed funderburkjim closed 3 years ago

funderburkjim commented 3 years ago


Let's try that 'Process 2' approach (see #31) for pui (purana index).

  1. Be sure your fork of csl-orig is up to date
  2. I see that as of now, in, This branch is 1 commit ahead, 2 commits behind sanskrit-lexicon:master.

    This syncing step is probably the hardest step.

Once syncing is done, Work with local copy of

Once you've done the corrections:

Then, the ball will be in my court (or Dhaval's) to deal with the pull request.

gasyoun commented 3 years ago

Then, the ball will be in my court (or Dhaval's) to deal with the pull request.

Let it be @drdhaval2785 court, let him be the gatekeeper, please.

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

I am happy to be gatekeeper for github repo. But Jim will have to do everything on Cologne servers. My account there has expired.

AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago
  1. Be sure your fork of csl-orig is up to date

I need your advice, since I am in doubt what to do next


I suppose I should do something with "write access"


AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago

Or I did something wrong?

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

I am not sure, but it seema that you did the reverse thing.

Be sure your fork of csl-orig is up to date

You need to create a pull request on AnnaRybakovaT/csl-orig from sanskrit-lexicon/csl-orig to update your fork.

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago

I am not sure, but it seema that you did the reverse thing.

I also this noticed. Probably, I undestood the problem. Will try one more time.

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

Most crucial step is 4. Click on 'switching the base'

If that is missed, it may lead to such problem.

AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago

There is something wrong from the beginning.

and after it looks like I wanna to merge into sanskrit-lexicon (but it is wrong) and of course I don't have 'switching the base'


drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

Ok. Leave it for now . I am going off to sleep. Will see tomorrow morning. Please bear with me. It is midnight in India

AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago

Dear Dhaval, I didn't want to bother you. I am so sorry. Good night!

Will find solution tomorrow.

gasyoun commented 3 years ago

everything on Cologne servers. My account there has expired.

@funderburkjim whom to write at Cologne?

funderburkjim commented 3 years ago

whom to write at Cologne?

I think Dhaval knows who. He can email me otherwise.

funderburkjim commented 3 years ago


In this circumstance, one solution would be to delete your fork:

This can be done in browser interface:

On your local machine, you could either save local csl-orig under a new name or delete local csl-orig

Then, you can again fork, clone to your machine, etc. etc.

But you may prefer to work with Dhaval to get another solution.

AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago

But you may prefer to work with Dhaval to get another solution.

Dear Jim, Thanks a lot for your support. I suppose - better to wait for a Dhaval's feed-back and after I will try to solve this issue. In any case I did a copy of pui_error.txt and I started analyzing.

AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago
  • You may need to do another sync before next step. I'm not sure.

Dear Jim, I have one, maybe silly qestion, but I wanna to be sure for avoiding future mistakes. So - I corrected my local copies of pui_error.txt and pui.txt and if before pull request I have to do syncing, I worry if my corrected local files could be updated according to the pero, where exist only initial files pui_error.txt and pui.txt whithout corrections..

If it can be - of course before syncing I can save copies of corrected files (somewhere out of my local repo). I just would like to understand - there is sense to do it or not.

AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago

Now 1/3 of work has done. In couple of days I will be ready to make pull request of the whole list of errors.

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

@AnnaRybakovaT as we are doing mass pull request for the first time, I would advise to store the corrected files and notes somewhere else, outside the repo. If we bungle anything, we do not want to loose your hard work.

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

I worry if my corrected local files could be updated according to the pero, where exist only initial files pui_error.txt and pui.txt whithout corrections..

I dont think this would happen. There is only one rare event, which may do so. If there are changes in the same line of pui.txt on the sanskrit-lexicon/csl-orig repo and your repo, there will be a problem. Git would not know what to keep and what to discard. It will be on our shoulders to decide that. But in that case 'Able to merge' message would nog come. It will say 'There is a conflict' kind of message.

funderburkjim commented 3 years ago

I can save copies of corrected files (somewhere out of my local repo).

@AnnaRybakovaT When I was getting used to git, I obsessively saved copies my work outside of the repo, so I would have my work in case I goofed with git. With experience, this need to save is less. So I commend your conservative instinct to save work.

AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago

Dear all, Many thanks for your comments and advices.

AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago

Once you've done the corrections:

  • Probably your fork will again be behind sanskrit-lexicon/csl-orig (since this repository gets lots of changes). You may need to do another sync before next step. I'm not sure.
  • create pull request

Dear all, Could I clarify something?

Is this algorithm correct:

1) The correction of PUI is ready

2) My fork is behind sanskrit-lexicon/csl-orig and I have to make syncing

3) I have to make the Step 6 image

4) And the Step 7 image

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

As your fork is behind the original repo, correct order would be the following.


Kindly give it a try and let me know.

AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago

Kindly give it a try and let me know

Dear Dhaval, Thanks a lot! Will try)))

AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago

Dear Dhaval, I have difficulties on the step 7 I created the pull reguest but I can't merge


drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

@AnnaRybakovaT You have done everything properly. There is nothing remaining to be done from your side.

You can't merge in sanskrit-lexicon/csl-orig, because you are not the owner of that repository.

It will be a duty of Jim / me to review your corrections and merge them to sanskrit-lexicon/csl-orig repository.

Well done. You submitted your corrections via pull request. I see your pull reuest .

@funderburkjim I want to give it a try to review the changes in PUI, and merge.

Anna, you may continue with dictionary of your choice for next batch.

gasyoun commented 3 years ago

Anna, you may continue with dictionary of your choice for next batch.

Hurray. I'm proud of Anna.

AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago

Anna, you may continue with dictionary of your choice for next batch.

Dear all, I let you to make the choice. I will be happy to work with any dictionary))) I am waiting for your next task.

gasyoun commented 3 years ago

I let you to make the choice

Here it comes:

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

Completed the review of the work. My comments added .

274:aRqam:egglike: OK 585:apasvAnta:loveable: OK ; alternative form is "lovable" 588:apANkteya:interdining: OK (to join in a common meal) 1197:AtatAyin:seditionists: OK (one who engages in sedition) 1398:Arza:doab: OK (in South Asia - the land lying between two confluent rivers) ; similar to "interfluve" 1570:indrARI:kuladevatas: OK (Sanskrit term) ; Kuladevatā - a tutelary deity, the guardian deity of a family ; Dhaval : Should it not be Kuladevatās ? Missing diacritic mark? 1640:IhASila:dualities: OK 2462:kapAlitvam:theophany: OK (a visible manifestation of a deity) 2734:kaSyapapadam:perfomance: performance ; scan error 2842:kAmyA:daughtes: daughters ; scan error 2916:kAlanemI:abhastalam: gabhastalam ; Scan error. I corrected like in 3100:kuYjara. Please - recheck ; Dhaval: I checked it with kuYjara. It shows fourth tala or gabhastalam. Therefore, We have to mark this entry in kAlanemI as print error. 3171:kumAra:resplendant: OK ; Obsolete, modern spelling is "resplendent" 3252:kurava:presious: precious ; scan error 3506:kfzRa:stupifying, embarassment: stupefying, embarrassment ; scan error ; a link to the scan page 346 [Page1-436 + 43] doesn't work ; Dhaval: Both items are typed as they are in the scan. But they are wrong words as per English. Therefore, marking it as print change. 3507:nAmakaraRam:seagod,topcrest,blindmans,externment,invisilability,aIb ; links to the scan pages 346-350, mentioned here, don't work. ; I can't check scan errors 3507:nAmakaraRam:seagod: sea-god ; Dhaval: reverted to seagod as per scan. 3507:nAmakaraRam:topcrest: top crest ; Dhaval: reverted to topcrest as per scan. 3507:nAmakaraRam:blindmans: OK (blindman's buff) 3507:nAmakaraRam:externment: OK (banishment) 3507:nAmakaraRam:invisilability: inviolability ; I am not sure. I don't see the scan. ; Dhaval: I am also not sure. inviolability seems right in the context. Changing to print change. 3507:nAmakaraRam:aIb: OK ( a)Ib.) ; Maybe to put a gap " " between ")" and "Ib." There are some similar lines with gapes, some without. ; Dhaval: Noted the issue at 3631:kESika:caidyas: OK (Sanskrit word - descendants of Cedi) 3833:kzatriya:bX: OK (we see - b)X ) 3865:kzIroda:yoganidra: OK (Sanskrit term) ; Dhaval: yoganidrā . Print error 4024:ganDa:gandhamodavaha: OK (Sanskrit word) 4039:ganDarva:semidivine: OK 4078:gayAsura:perforhmed: performed ; scan error 4233:guRa:prakrti: prakṛti ; "ṛ" in scan - is not clear ; Dhaval: It is there. But quite smudged. 4317:goDarma:becme: became ; scan error 4457:grAmyAraRya:vritri: OK (Sanskrit word) ;Dhaval: It seems to be a print error for vrIhi. Debatable. 4521:cakravartin:rathakrit: OK (Sanskrit word) 4632:candramaRqalam:degresses: OK 4840:cidvahni:hotri: OK (Sanskrit word) 4993:jambU:roseapple: rose apple ; scan error ; Dhaval: print change. 5057:jayaviGnam:stupefication: stupefaction ; scan error ; Dhava: print change. 5250:jYAnam:aVi: OK ( 2a)Vi.) 5342:taptakumBa:gaolers: OK ; more common spelling is "jailers" 5828:dandaSUka:serpant: serpent ; scan error ; Dhaval: print change. 6068:durga:outways: OK ; rare, synonyms "ways out", "exits" 6302:devahUtI:stupour: OK ; Obsolete, a modern form is "stupor" 6427:dvAdaSAkzara:medidate: meditate ; scan error ; Dhaval: Whenever Anna has noted 'scan error', it is supposed to be read as 'print change' 6563:DarmayAga:mudhouses: mud houses ; scan error 6576:DarmavratA:despitc: despite ; in the scan "e" is not clear 6930:narakam:bhaumam: OK (Sanskrit word) 6949:narmadA:austereties: austerities ; scan error 6987:nahuza:efflulgence,overweaning: effulgence, overweening ; scan error 7285:nIdAGa:thousannd: thousand ; scan error 7371:nErfta:valourous: OK ; more common form is "valorous" 7392:nyAsa:eg,gairikam: OK (1. abbreviation, 2. a Sanskrit word) 7438:paYcamuKa:sthambha: OK (Sanskrit word) 7505:patram:likhitam: OK (Sanskrit word) 7641:parIkzit:detatched: detached ; scan error 7774:pApA:trafficing: trafficking ; scan error 7795:pArijAta:izens: citizens ; in the scan "t" is invisible 7884:piRyAkam:ingudi: OK (tree) 7934:piSAcA:professionalists: OK 7981:puRqram:snowfed: snow-fed ; scan error 8229:pUraRa:plumpy: OK (from "plump") ; Please double check, since this meaning is strange in context of the sentence ; Dhaval: Seems to denote its plump look. Keep as it is. 8360:pEla:flating: floating (I am not sure, please, recheck) ; probably - scan error ; Dhaval: flate is not a proper word. floating seems fine. 8369:potriRI:cakraratha: OK (Sanskrit term) 8441:prakfti:acquiesed: acquiesced ; scan error 8587:prabala:attendent: attendant ; scan error 8705:prahlAda:nector,poohpoohed,predicetd: nectar, pooh-poohed, predicted ; links to the scan pages 435-437, mentioned here, don't work ; probably scan errors (I don't see the scan) ; Dhaval: All three are print changes. 8772:prAyopaveSa:pratcised: practised ; scan error 8780:prAsAda:descrbied: described ; scan error 8920:balarAma:sufference: sufferance ; links to the scan pages 464-466, mentioned here, don't work ; probably scan errors (I don't see the scan) ; Dhaval: print change. 8942:bali:protcction: protection ; "e" in scan - is not clear 8954:balipAtra:gmelina: OK (plant) 8954:balipAtra:arborca: arborea ; "e" in scan - is not clear 8954:balipAtra:jonesia: OK (plant) 9076:buDa:constellar: ; I didn't find "constellar" in any English dictionaries. ; maybe it is an obsolete form of "constellational", "constellatory" ; I didn't correct pui.txt ; Dhaval: Agree. Leave as it is. 9136:bfhadukTa:tripravara: OK (Sanskrit term) 9188:bfhadvanam:neghbouring: neighbouring ; scan error 9229:brahmaja:youthhood: OK ; synonym "youth" 9302:brahmA:subtlity: subtlety ; links to the scan pages 515-516, mentioned here, don't work ; scan error probably (I don't see the scan) 9328:brAhmaRa:himseslf: himself ; scan error 9342:brAhmI:kalpalata: OK (Sanskrit word) ; Dhaval: kalpalatā. Print change 9452:BadrASva:excell: excel ; scan error 9535:BAgavata:essense: essence ; scan error 9585:BAratAKyAnam:cssence: essence ; "e" in scan - is not clear 9630:Bikzu:sangha: OK (Sanskrit word) 9630:Bikzu:resig: resig- ; Scan error, "-" is invisible ("resignation" is hyphenated) 9926:maRqapa:tapovanam: OK (Sanskrit term) 9958:matsya:trible: tribe (I am not sure, better to recheck) ; Scan error ; Dhaval: It is a typo. The scan has 'tribe'. Digitization was done wrongly to 'trible'. 10354:mahAn:sankalpa: OK (Sanskrit word) 10526:maheSvara:angas: OK (Sanskrit word) 10550:mAGa:saptami: OK (Sanskrit word) 10689:mAruta:incure: incur ; Scan error 10706:mArga:uparathyas: OK (Sanskrit word) ; but mayby upārathyas (in this case - scan error) ; Dhaval: Keep uparathyas. 11144:yajYa:vikarika: OK (Sanskrit word) 11145:yajYa:balikarma: OK (Sanskrit term) 11149:yajYadravya:pavitram: OK (Sanskrit word) 11163:yajYaSrI:karnika: OK (Sanskrit word) 11180:yadu:sannyasin: OK (Sanskrit word) 11222:yayAti:punyam: puṇyam 11351:yogi:ahimsaka: OK (Sanskrit word) 11584:rAjasUyam:hota: OK (Sanskrit word) ; but mayby hotā (in this case - scan error) ; Dhaval: This is a generic issue in PUI. Noted at . 11667:rukmapArijAtavana:blackman: OK 11727:ruDirAnDa:begger: beggar ; Scan error 11769:revatI:daugter: daughter ; Scan error 11819:rohiRI:deceuse: decease ; "a" in the scan - is not clear 11848:rOrava:incendiarism: OK 11957:lAvaRyavati:ayatam: OK (Sanskrit word) ; Dhaval: ayatam is not a Sanskrit word. ayutam is. Print change. to 'ayutam'. 12291:varRASrama:homekeepers: home-keepers ; Scan-error, synonym "householders" 12603:vAruRakratu:sthopa,devakanyas: OK (Sanskrit words) 12925:vinAyaka:enragement: OK 13247:viSvasPAni:enuch: eunuch 13288:vizaGnAni:antedotes: antidotes ; Scan error 13426:vfka:whosesoever: OK 13461:vftra:dharmic: OK 13628:vEkArika:digdevatas: OK (Sanskrit term) 13709:vEBrAja:quartzite: OK (rock) 13772:vESvadeva:chamsi: OK (Sanskrit word) ; Better to recheck ; Dhaval: No idea. Leave as it is. 13846:vyucCinna:avyucchinna: OK (Sanskrit word) 13997:Satakratu:anadhyaya: OK (Sanskrit word) 14135:Sambara:bady: baby 14297:SAnti:hetrodoxy: heterodoxy ; Scan error 14445:Siva:receving: receiving ; links to the scan pages 422-423, mentioned here, don't work ; Maybe - Scan error (I don't see the scan) 14462:Sivapuram:utpalam: OK (Sanskrit word) 14662:SuBalakzaRa:devasvastika: OK (Sanskrit word) 14681:SUdra:panktibhojanam: OK (Sanskrit word) 14740:Seza:venomed: OK ; Archaic 14800:SOcam:mlecchahood: OK ; synonym "barbarism" 14879:SrAdDam:hemophrodites,hemophrodite: hermaphrodites, hermaphrodite ; links to the scan pages 477-478, mentioned here, don't work ; Maybe - Scan error (I don't see the scan) ; Dhaval: print change. 14931:SrIvanam:bilvavanam: OK (Sanskrit word) 15123:saMgraha:muhurta: OK (Sanskrit word) 15193:satyam:tapolokam: OK (Sanskrit word) 15243:satrAjita:seperate: separate ; Scan error 15326:sannati:repentence: repentance ; Scan error 15418:samudrasena:horsefaced: horse-faced ; Scan error, BUT maybe "horsefaced" is also correct ; Dhaval: horse-faced kept. 15502:saMsAra:duhham: OK (Sanskrit word) 15543:sarga:rudimental: OK 15546:sarpa:nabhonabha: OK (Sanskrit word) 15897:sidDi:vaivastya: OK (Sanskrit word) 16020:sugrIva:satsanga: OK (Sanskrit word) 16091:sudakziRa:vengence: vengeance ; Scan error 16636:sUkara:stealers: OK (larcenists, thiefs) 16640:sUkzmam:indiriyas: OK (Sanskrit word) ; Dhaval. Print change to indriyas. Removed extra i. 16845:sOBAgyazwakam:kurumbham: OK (Sanskrit word) 16920:stamBa:octogonal: octagonal ; "octogonal" (which is in the scan) is also correct but it is an obsolete form 16920:stamBa:dvivajra,bakulu: OK (Sanskrit words) 16947:sTalapadmini:anantasada: OK (Sanskrit word) 16999:sva:divaloka: OK (Sanskrit word) 17192:hari:indwellers: OK 17279:havi:havyakavyam: OK (Sanskrit word) ;EXTRA 9136:bfhadukTa:An: An- ; An-giras, "-" in the scan is invisible

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

This dictionary is too erratic in diacritics. Also, printing errors are also myriads. Therefore, hard effort is not made to mark all print changes religiously.

gasyoun commented 3 years ago

too erratic in diacritics + printing errors are also myriads

Maybe we should have such data for each one? Let's say printing quality.

funderburkjim commented 3 years ago

Dhaval: print change.

@drdhaval2785 Are you going to add to ?

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

Yes. Will transfer print changes to this file today.

AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago

Here it comes:

Dear all,

I suggest to start from the beginning of this list - from Puranic Encyclopedia

funderburkjim commented 3 years ago

@AnnaRybakovaT Go for it! Looks like a good choice.

Are you comfortable now with 'process2' (the one with forked csl-orig?)

AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago

Are you comfortable now with 'process2' (the one with forked csl-orig?)

Yes, I don't see any difficulties. In any case I have all instructions and your support.

How I see - the Puranic Encyclopedia consists around 300 potential errors. Should I create Pull Request: a) when I finish analysing the all list of errors? b) or I can make some Pull Requests?

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

B is better. Let us keep it around 100 entries per pull request.

gasyoun commented 3 years ago

Let us keep it around 100 entries per pull request.


AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago

Let us keep it around 100 entries per pull request.

OK. Thanks!

AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago

Let us keep it around 100 entries per pull request.

Dear all,

I am ready to make the 1st Pull Request. Could you create for me the file pe_error.txt? Or I can try to push my file with errors (where I copied the all list of errors) to - ?

funderburkjim commented 3 years ago


I can think of 4 ways to deal with pe_error.txt.

Method 1

I've added corrections team to the sanskrit-lexicon/CORRECTIONS repository -- this is the repository where Dhaval put the original pe_error.txt, in the english_errors/output folder.

Since you are a member of this team, and the members of this team can write to the repository,

You should now be able to (in browser), edit the pe_error.txt file, replacing it with your revised file (copy/paste), and commit the revision.

Method 2

  1. clone (not fork) the sanskrit-lexicon/CORRECTIONS repository
  2. Put your modified pe_error.txt where it belongs in your local repository
  3. git add, git commit, git push to get the updated pe_error.txt file

Method 3

drag your local copy of pe_error.txt into a comment here in this issue.

Method 4

  1. fork sanskrit-lexicon/CORRECTIONS
  2. put your revised pe_error.txt file where it belongs in your forked local repository
  3. make pull request.

Probably method 1 or 3 is simplest. Just let know where to look for the revised pe_error.txt.

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

Method 2 is the way to go

AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago

2. Put your modified pe_error.txt where it belongs in your local repository

Dear all, thanks for your comments!

According to the method 2 - I cloned (not fork) the sanskrit-lexicon/CORRECTIONS repository. This repository has a lot of folders. Where exactly I should put my modified pe_error.txt ? Probably to this folder: C:\Users\Rybakova\Documents\sanskrit-lexicon\CORRECTIONS\english_error\output ? (In this case I should use the name of my modified file - something like pe_error1.txt )

funderburkjim commented 3 years ago

Yes, in english_error/output/

I would use pe_error.txt --- same name as it started with. That way, we will be able to see that pe_error.txt has been modified.

gasyoun commented 3 years ago

same name as it started with. That way, we will be able to see that pe_error.txt has been modified.


AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago

Yes, in english_error/output/

Many thanks!! It has done.

As I understand - now I should follow the process2 (with forked csl-orig) to create pull request for modified pe.txt?

AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago

Dear all, I have just created pull request for the Batch 1- pe.txt. I hope, everyhing is ok.

gasyoun commented 3 years ago

I hope, everyhing is ok.

No, it's not ok, it's perfect.


AnnaRybakovaT commented 3 years ago

Dear all, May I create pull request for the Batch 2 - pe.txt ?