sanskrit-lexicon / csl-devanagari

Convert SLP1 data from csl-orig into Devanagari for easy proofreading.
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YAT diff #22

Closed drdhaval2785 closed 3 years ago

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

typical diff

< <>unnecessary to give any lengthened explanation of them. 1. {%m|%} means
< <>a noun of the first declension, masculine; 1. {%f|%} of the first declension,
< <>feminine; and 1. {%n|%} of the first declension, neuter. So the other
< <>declensions 2. {%m|,%} 2. {%f|,%} 2. {%n|,%} &c.--{%a|%} is used for adjective; {%pro|%} for
< <>pronoun. 1. {%a|%} attached to a root signifies that it is of the first conjuga-
< <>tion, active; 1. {%d|%} first conjugation, deponent or middle, and 1. {%c|%} first
> <>unnecessary to give any lengthened explanation of them. 1. {%m.%} means
> <>a noun of the first declension, masculine; 1. {%f.%} of the first declension,
> <>feminine; and 1. {%n.%} of the first declension, neuter. So the other
> <>declensions 2. {%m.,%} 2. {%f.,%} 2. {%n.,%} &c.--{%a.%} is used for adjective; {%pro.%} for
> <>pronoun. 1. {%a.%} attached to a root signifies that it is of the first conjuga-
> <>tion, active; 1. {%d.%} first conjugation, deponent or middle, and 1. {%c.%} first
< <>conjugations, ? {%a|,%} 2. {%d|,%} 2. {%c|,%} &c. For the explanation of the
> <>conjugations, ? {%a.,%} 2. {%d.,%} 2. {%c.,%} &c. For the explanation of the