sanskrit-lexicon / csl-devanagari

Convert SLP1 data from csl-orig into Devanagari for easy proofreading.
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Correction work based on #32 #33

Closed funderburkjim closed 2 years ago

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

This issue documents several corrections to Benfey, based upon the specific suggestions noted in several comments of #32.

funderburkjim commented 2 years ago

The files pertaining to the corrections are in

Altogether, 180 lines in ben.txt are changed. These may be reviewed via the csl-orig commit above, or by the change1.txt transactions.

ṣ -> sh

23 changes here. These agree with AB's list, except for Ghoṣā, siriṣa (changed to śirīṣa for consistency, a print change), and śirīṣa. Although these are plant names, I don't think they are exactly Latin scientific names; hence, the diacritics are maintained. A small point, probably debatable.

In the course of looking at word with an ṣ , several inconsistent spellings were changed, such as Kriṣṇa -> Kṛṣṇa.


These were changed to [Page10. Also, enclosing markup, such as {%...%} was removed, as being incosistent with the convention for page break lines.

Bad pc numbers

These were caused by the [Pagê errors. All the relevant metalines were changed, and now have accurate <pc> values.

2 bad scan errors

the niryUha error and the `{#Sa#} error were corrected.