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ap:916 #1700

Open funderburkjim opened 2 weeks ago

funderburkjim commented 2 weeks ago

date: 04/29/2024 11:57:31 dict: ap Lnum: 916 hw: अदध्र्यञ्च् old: अदध्र्यञ्च् [अमुं अञ्चति अदस्-अञ्च् क्विप् अध्प्यागमः new: अदद्र्यञ्च् [अमुं अञ्चति अदस्-अञ्च् क्विप् अद्र्यागमः comm: Typo

funderburkjim commented 2 weeks ago

Not sure:

AP 1957: adaDryaYc

{#adaDryaYc#}¦ [{#amuM aYcati adas-aYc kvip aDpyAgamaH#} 
 <ls>P. VIII. 2. 80-81.</ls>]
 Going to that, tending to that.

ap90: adaDryaMc

{#adaDryaMc#}¦ [{#amuM aMcati#} <lbinfo n="adas-aMc#kvip"/>
{#adas-aMc kvip aDyAgamaH#} <ls>P. VIII. 2. 80-81</ls>]

Other dictionaries spell this word adadryaYc (mw, pune dictionary, mw72, pwg, gst, vcp)