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VCP: another upasarga format #181

Open funderburkjim opened 4 years ago

funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

Most upasarga forms for verbs in VCP may be detected by the form: <HI>aBi + .... For example,

<HI>aBi + pra + aBilAze “karmaRA yamaBiprEti sa sampradAnam”

There are about 700 such cases.

However, by accident another form was noticed: <HI>aBi-- .... For example,

<HI>aBi--ABimuKyena sTitO nEkawye ca aka0 aByAsaH a-

48 such cases were noticed.

This difference in form is present in the printed text: image

To facilitate the analysis of preverbs so as to include this second form, a temporary version of the digitization was prepared, with the difference being that the forms for these 48 cases was changed to the majority standard form.

The next comment shows these changes.

Should we make print changes?

As mentioned, the base digitization has NOT been changed for these cases.
It makes some sense to me TO make the changes in vcp.txt, and note them as print changes; this different format seems to be a difference without a distinction. On the other hand, maybe we should resist improving the vcp digitization.

What do others think?

funderburkjim commented 4 years ago

change transactions

;Case 001: L=5696, k1=asa
49809 old <HI>parA--nirAkAraRe “etena KaRqanakAramatamapi parAstam” cintA0
49809 new <HI>parA + nirAkAraRe “etena KaRqanakAramatamapi parAstam” cintA0
;Case 002: L=5696, k1=asa
49810 old <HI>pari--parAvarttanena sTApane “muKena paryyastavilocanena” kumA0 .
49810 new <HI>pari + parAvarttanena sTApane “muKena paryyastavilocanena” kumA0 .
;Case 003: L=5696, k1=asa
49816 old <HI>pra--prakzepe “apsu prAsya vinazwAni gfhRItAnyAni mantravat”
49816 new <HI>pra + prakzepe “apsu prAsya vinazwAni gfhRItAnyAni mantravat”
;Case 004: L=5696, k1=asa
49818 old <HI>anu--pra--Anulomyena anugatatayA ekarUpeRa niveSane anuprAsaH
49818 new <HI>anu + pra + Anulomyena anugatatayA ekarUpeRa niveSane anuprAsaH
;Case 005: L=5696, k1=asa
49819 old <HI>prati--pratirUpakzepaRe . “tadyaTA'hinirlayaRI valmIke mftA pra-
49819 new <HI>prati + pratirUpakzepaRe . “tadyaTA'hinirlayaRI valmIke mftA pra-
;Case 006: L=5696, k1=asa
49821 old <HI>vi--viSezarUpeRa samyagavaboDanAya niveSane vyAsaH vigrahavAkyam
49821 new <HI>vi + viSezarUpeRa samyagavaboDanAya niveSane vyAsaH vigrahavAkyam
;Case 007: L=5696, k1=asa
49831 old <HI>vi--ni--arpaRe . “vizRorvakzasi viSvanATakftinA sidDAntamuktAvalI
49831 new <HI>vi + ni + arpaRe . “vizRorvakzasi viSvanATakftinA sidDAntamuktAvalI
;Case 008: L=5696, k1=asa
49833 old <HI>sam--saMkzepe “samAsena niboData” purA0 samasyA . saMkzipyanyasane
49833 new <HI>sam + saMkzepe “samAsena niboData” purA0 samasyA . saMkzipyanyasane
;Case 009: L=7029, k1=Apa
69051 old <HI>pra--prakarzeRAptO prApnoti prAptaH prAptiH “aprAptasya ca yAprAptiHsaMyogaH sa udAhftaH” BAzA0 .
69051 new <HI>pra + prakarzeRAptO prApnoti prAptaH prAptiH “aprAptasya ca yAprAptiHsaMyogaH sa udAhftaH” BAzA0 .
;Case 010: L=7853, k1=Asa
81464 old <HI>aDi--aDyArohaRe saka0 . gaganamaDyamaDyAste divAkaraH
81464 new <HI>aDi + aDyArohaRe saka0 . gaganamaDyamaDyAste divAkaraH
;Case 011: L=7853, k1=Asa
81470 old <HI>anu--paScAdupaveSanena sevane saka0 . “anvAsitamarunDatyA
81470 new <HI>anu + paScAdupaveSanena sevane saka0 . “anvAsitamarunDatyA
;Case 012: L=7853, k1=Asa
81473 old <HI>aBi--ABimuKyena sTitO nEkawye ca aka0 aByAsaH a-
81473 new <HI>aBi + ABimuKyena sTitO nEkawye ca aka0 aByAsaH a-
;Case 013: L=7853, k1=Asa
81475 old <HI>ud--OdAsye prakftakarmmaRa uparame aka0 “viDAya vEraM sAmarze
81475 new <HI>ud + OdAsye prakftakarmmaRa uparame aka0 “viDAya vEraM sAmarze
;Case 014: L=7853, k1=Asa
81477 old <HI>upa--sevane saka0 . “nopAste yaSca paScimAm” manuH .
81477 new <HI>upa + sevane saka0 . “nopAste yaSca paScimAm” manuH .
;Case 015: L=7853, k1=Asa
81481 old <HI>pari--upa--upAsanasya prakarzArTe “yaTEva kzuDitA bAlA mAtaraM
81481 new <HI>pari + upa + upAsanasya prakarzArTe “yaTEva kzuDitA bAlA mAtaraM
;Case 016: L=7853, k1=Asa
81484 old <HI>sam--upa--samyagupAsane saka0 . “samupAsyata putraBogyayA” raGuH
81484 new <HI>sam + upa + samyagupAsane saka0 . “samupAsyata putraBogyayA” raGuH
;Case 017: L=7853, k1=Asa
81485 old <HI>pari--paritaH sTitO aka0 samyak sevane saka0 . tAmetaddevASca
81485 new <HI>pari + paritaH sTitO aka0 samyak sevane saka0 . tAmetaddevASca
;Case 018: L=7853, k1=Asa
81487 old <HI>sam--samyak sTitO upaveSane ca . “BogiBogasamAsInam”
81487 new <HI>sam + samyak sTitO upaveSane ca . “BogiBogasamAsInam”
;Case 019: L=8130, k1=iR
85410 old <HI>aBi--AmimuKyena gatO saka0 “dehAn yaTezwamaByeti hitve-
85410 new <HI>aBi + AmimuKyena gatO saka0 “dehAn yaTezwamaByeti hitve-
;Case 020: L=8130, k1=iR
85415 old <HI>ava--avagame, jYAne, saka0 “avEmi te sAramataH Kalu tvAm”
85415 new <HI>ava + avagame, jYAne, saka0 “avEmi te sAramataH Kalu tvAm”
;Case 021: L=8130, k1=iR
85427 old <HI>A--Agamane saka0 . “paYcAlanAM samitimeyAya” “stabDa-
85427 new <HI>A + Agamane saka0 . “paYcAlanAM samitimeyAya” “stabDa-
;Case 022: L=8130, k1=iR
85436 old <HI>ud--udgatO aka0 . “udeti savitA tAmrastAmra evAstameti
85436 new <HI>ud + udgatO aka0 . “udeti savitA tAmrastAmra evAstameti
;Case 023: L=8130, k1=iR
85447 old <HI>nir--nirgamane . “rniyadantraviBUzitam” durgADyAnam . niragAcCatruhastaM tvam” BawwiH
85447 new <HI>nir + nirgamane . “rniyadantraviBUzitam” durgADyAnam . niragAcCatruhastaM tvam” BawwiH
;Case 024: L=8130, k1=iR
85448 old <HI>parA--pretaBAvaprAptO paretaH . palAyane ca “yaH parEti
85448 new <HI>parA + pretaBAvaprAptO paretaH . palAyane ca “yaH parEti
;Case 025: L=8130, k1=iR
85452 old <HI>pari--vyAptO saka0 parItaH “pavitraM paryyozi viSvataH” f0 7,
85452 new <HI>pari + vyAptO saka0 parItaH “pavitraM paryyozi viSvataH” f0 7,
;Case 026: L=8489, k1=Ikza
92728 old <HI>apa--AkANkzAyAmanuroDe avaDiniyame ca . “apekzate
92728 new <HI>apa + AkANkzAyAmanuroDe avaDiniyame ca . “apekzate
;Case 027: L=10162, k1=uza
124967 old <HI>aBi--sarvvato dAhe . “yo'ByuzwamiSra iva” Sata0 brA0
124967 new <HI>aBi + sarvvato dAhe . “yo'ByuzwamiSra iva” Sata0 brA0
;Case 028: L=10162, k1=uza
124970 old <HI>ava--aDaHsantApanena dAhe . avozaH aDoBAge dagDo annaBedaH apUpAdi0 .
124970 new <HI>ava + aDaHsantApanena dAhe . avozaH aDoBAge dagDo annaBedaH apUpAdi0 .
;Case 029: L=10162, k1=uza
124971 old <HI>ud--ADikyena dAhe . “mA modozizwam mA mA hiMsizwa-
124971 new <HI>ud + ADikyena dAhe . “mA modozizwam mA mA hiMsizwa-
;Case 030: L=10162, k1=uza
124974 old <HI>upa--sAmIpyena dAhe . “agninA vA kakzamupozet” ASva0
124974 new <HI>upa + sAmIpyena dAhe . “agninA vA kakzamupozet” ASva0
;Case 031: L=10162, k1=uza
124977 old <HI>prati--pratidAhe . “sa tvamagne pratIkena pratyozaH yAtuDAnyaH”
124977 new <HI>prati + pratidAhe . “sa tvamagne pratIkena pratyozaH yAtuDAnyaH”
;Case 032: L=10274, k1=UrRRu
126033 old <HI>A--samagAcCAdane . “indraM somErorRRuta jUrRRavastrEH” f0 2, 14, 3
126033 new <HI>A + samagAcCAdane . “indraM somErorRRuta jUrRRavastrEH” f0 2, 14, 3
;Case 033: L=10274, k1=UrRRu
126034 old <HI>pra--pracCAdane . prOrRRuvan SaravarzeRa tAnapOhInniSAcaraH” .
126034 new <HI>pra + pracCAdane . prOrRRuvan SaravarzeRa tAnapOhInniSAcaraH” .
;Case 034: L=10274, k1=UrRRu
126036 old <HI>vi--vigatApavaraRe prakASane . “savitarvyUrRuze'nucInA” f04,
126036 new <HI>vi + vigatApavaraRe prakASane . “savitarvyUrRuze'nucInA” f04,
;Case 035: L=10356, k1=Uha
126861 old <HI>ati--ekadeSasTitasya tadviparItadeSapreraRe “droRakalasamatyU-
126861 new <HI>ati + ekadeSasTitasya tadviparItadeSapreraRe “droRakalasamatyU-
;Case 036: L=10356, k1=Uha
126908 old <HI>sam--samavetaBavane saMhanane samyakprApaRe ca . “yadgavyantA
126908 new <HI>sam + samavetaBavane saMhanane samyakprApaRe ca . “yadgavyantA
;Case 037: L=10356, k1=Uha
126914 old <HI>pari--sam--samantAt parimArjane “vediM parisamuhya” kAtyA0
126914 new <HI>pari + sam + samantAt parimArjane “vediM parisamuhya” kAtyA0
;Case 038: L=12456, k1=kala
160527 old <HI>ava--avagame avakalayati vi + ava viyojane “yadi vyakte
160527 new <HI>ava + avagame avakalayati vi + ava viyojane “yadi vyakte
;Case 039: L=14622, k1=kf
195620 old <HI>dur--duzwAcaraRe duzkftaM duzkftiH .
195620 new <HI>dur + duzwAcaraRe duzkftaM duzkftiH .
;Case 040: L=14737, k1=kfpa
197566 old <HI>sam--kalpi idaM karizyAmItyebaMrUpe mAnasavyApAraBede .
197566 new <HI>sam + kalpi idaM karizyAmItyebaMrUpe mAnasavyApAraBede .
;Case 041: L=15904, k1=kzipa
213956 old <HI>aDi--tiraskAre “tasmAdetEraDikziptaH saMhetAsaMjvaraH sadA”
213956 new <HI>aDi + tiraskAre “tasmAdetEraDikziptaH saMhetAsaMjvaraH sadA”
;Case 042: L=20539, k1=jana
273144 old <HI>ati--atikramya janane saka0 .
273144 new <HI>ati + atikramya janane saka0 .
;Case 043: L=22121, k1=tapa
292760 old <HI>ava--aDastAse . avataptenakulasTitam” si0 kO0 .
292760 new <HI>ava + aDastAse . avataptenakulasTitam” si0 kO0 .
;Case 044: L=23509, k1=trapa
305541 old <HI>apa--anyato lajjAyAm “tasmAdbalErapatrepe” BawwiH . “lajjA
305541 new <HI>apa + anyato lajjAyAm “tasmAdbalErapatrepe” BawwiH . “lajjA
;Case 045: L=25071, k1=diSa
327303 old <HI>prati--upa + upadeSasya pratirUpopadeSe “vyAGiM prati pratyupade-
327303 new <HI>prati + upa + upadeSasya pratirUpopadeSe “vyAGiM prati pratyupade-
;Case 046: L=36708, k1=BU
434795 old <HI>aDi--ADikyena Bavane ESvaryye .
434795 new <HI>aDi + ADikyena Bavane ESvaryye .
;Case 047: L=36708, k1=BU
434796 old <HI>anu--anuBave jYAnaBede saka0 anuBavaSabde dfSyam .
434796 new <HI>anu + anuBave jYAnaBede saka0 anuBavaSabde dfSyam .
;Case 048: L=36708, k1=BU
434800 old <HI>ud--utpattO aka0 .
434800 new <HI>ud + utpattO aka0 .
gasyoun commented 4 years ago

different format seems to be a difference without a distinction

@drdhaval2785 I can't grasp a distinction.

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

I also can not grasp the distinction.

funderburkjim commented 3 years ago

We should leave this open -- sometime, we'll decide how to handle.

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

There is no difference syntactically. Let us make print changes and note as print change. @Andhrabharati may give a second look and decide whether there is any syntactic difference which we may have missed. A fresh eye may help.

Andhrabharati commented 3 years ago


I am no expert in Sanskrit (rather in any language), but just learnt a few points by self-study and observing various Skt. (or other) works of variety of categories.

Now coming to the point under discussion-

I guess the + sign could be used only between two or more upasargas involved (to denote a combination), but the ending upasarga should have a -- followed by a space.

At all other places having the -- after a single upasarga is the way the Skt. works are printed [primarily after यथा to denote the following text to be a citation/explanation/… etc.] and it should not be changed to +. In fact we should do the reverse, correcting the + in all such places to --.

As I has remarked earlier, while looking at VCP sometime back, the print itself has too many errors and inconsistencies (esp. with parentheses and spaces) which need proper corrections.

Now the above 48 cases are shown in the file below, the way I would've done them. csl-orig #181.txt

Andhrabharati commented 3 years ago

@drdhaval2785 and @funderburkjim,

Just went through the VCP text all over again.

Even the upasarga combinations, apart from the grammatical explanations of word formation (vyutpatti), seem to have the -- more often than the +.

Looks we should replace all the + signs within the text with the -- sign, in the name of consistency (in style).

Or leave them all as is; as there are quite many other inconsistencies in the whole print pages, as I had mentioned earlier (in one of the VCP repo issues). This would just be one among the flock.

Andhrabharati commented 3 years ago

A good finding indeed just by chance, @drdhaval2785 and @funderburkjim.

Andhrabharati commented 3 years ago

Tārānātha gave the details of abbreviations used in his other (smaller) dictionary, the śabdastomamahānidhi.

He mentions thus-

+ प्रातिपदिकम् - धातुः

And these are consistently used throughout this book at resp. places (for etymology), unlike in VCP which is quite irregular and inconsistent in many aspects.

Here is the full list of abbr.s in the book- Sabdastoma mahanidhi-Abbr.txt

Andhrabharati commented 3 years ago

This book was originally published as 5 parts, during 1869-70, at the behest of the Principal of the Sanskrit College, Calcutta.


And again got reprinted as a (combined) new edition in 1876. [I've noticed some minor changes between the two editions.]

Andhrabharati commented 3 years ago

In view of this new finding about using the + and - (-- in VCP), all the 48 cases of + as reported by @funderburkjim should be changed to --.

So, my statement above

Looks we should replace all the + signs within the text with the -- sign, in the name of consistency (in style).

stands very much valid, atleast for these 48 cases.