sanskrit-lexicon / csl-orig

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SHS - 1 #8

Closed drdhaval2785 closed 7 months ago

drdhaval2785 commented 4 years ago

Case 1

{#adfzwapUrvva#}¦ mfn.({#-rvvaH-rvvA-rvvaM#}) Unseen previously, unseen till now. E. {#adfzwa,#}

There is a missing space after mfn.

Case 2

{#aDaHkzipta (-ptaH-ptA-ptaM)#}¦ Precipitated, thrown down. E. {#aDas#} down, and {#kzipta#}

This one doesn’t have the gender information, and this is according to the original which lacks it too. On my copy I changed it to the following:

Case 3

{#aDaHkzipta (-ptaH-ptA-ptaM)#}¦ mfn. Precipitated, thrown down. E. {#aDas#} down, and {#kzipta#}

Case 4

{#aciradyuti#}¦ ({#-tiH#}) Lightning. E. {#a#} neg. {#cira#} long. and {#dyuti#} light.

Missing gender again, M-W gives it as a feminine, and so on mine I put:

Case 5

{#aciradyuti#}¦ f. ({#-tiH#}) Lightning. E. {#a#} neg. {#cira#} long. and {#dyuti#} light.

Case 6

{#ana#}¦ ({#-Ga#}) r. 2d. cl. ({#aniti#}) Also of 4th cl. {#(Na) (anyate)#} To breathe, to

Should this ({#-Ga#}) be really before r.? I haven’t seeing another example of this, nor do I know what to do with it. The original has the same.

Case 7

{#anuSAsitf (-tA-trI-tf)#}¦ Ruling, governing, commanding, directing, a ruler,

the gender is missing, but clearly implied

Case 8

{#andola#}¦ ({#-ta#}) r. 10th cl. ({#andolayati#}) To agitate, to swing.

What does this mean?

Case 9

{#anDa#}¦ ({#-ta#}) r. 10th cl. ({#anDayati#}) To be or become blind.


Case 10

{#x#}¦ aptote. 1. The divine nature. 2. The earth. 3. A mountain. ind. A

as in the original. should this mean "ind.", indeclinable, avyayam?

Case 11

{#X#}¦ aptote. 1. A divine female. 2. The female nature. 3. A mother. m.


Case 12

{#oja#}¦ ({#ta#}) r. 1st. cl. ({#ojati#}) 1. To live, to have the vital faculties and


Case 13

{#KaRqakAvya#}¦ ({#-vyaM#}) n. A poem interspersed with prose. E. {#KaRqa,#} and {#kAvya#} a

This is the only (?) case with the last akṣara of the nominative before the gender.

Case 14

{#KaleDAnI#}¦ ({#-nI#}) Tho post of a threshing floor, round which the oxen

just a feminine? if so, why the akṣara? to mark it isn’t like śrīḥ?

Case 15

{#goDenu#}¦ ({#-nuH#}) A milch cow. E. {#go#} a cow, and {#Denu#} the same. {#savatsAyAM gavi .#}

I’ve added an f. there.

{#goDenu#}¦ f. ({#-nuH#}) A milch cow. E. {#go#} a cow, and {#Denu#} the same. {#savatsAyAM gavi .#}

Case 16

{#cucu#}¦ imitative sound, (such as a child makes in sucking,) and {#ka#}

ind. perhaps?

Case 17

{#QuQa (i) QuQi#}¦ Sautra root, ({#QuRQati#}) To search, to seek. {#BvA-para-saka-sew .#}

That instead of r. something is quite irregular.

Case 18

{#Cfda#}¦ ({#u#} and {#ira#}) {#uCfdira#} r. 7th cl. ({#-CfRatti-CiMtte#}) 1. To shine 2. To vomit.


Case 19

{#tad#}¦ Relative or third personal pronoun. ({#saH sA tad#}) He, she, it, that

idam has pron. first.

Case 20

{#tuqa (f) tuqf dviDAkaraRe (toqati)#}¦ also {#(i) tuqi#} r. 1st cl. {#nizpIqane (tuRqate)#} also

Case 21

{#dArGasatra(-traH-trI-traM)#}¦ Performing a long continued sacrifice, &c. E. {#dIrGasatra#}

missing gender:

{#dArGasatra(-traH-trI-traM)#}¦ mfn. Performing a long continued sacrifice, &c. E. {#dIrGasatra#}

Case 22

{#durGoza#}¦ ({#-zaH-zA-zaM#}) Harsh-voiced, roaring, bellowing. m. ({#-zaH#}) 1. A bear.


{#durGoza#}¦ mfn. ({#-zaH-zA-zaM#}) Harsh-voiced, roaring, bellowing. m. ({#-zaH#}) 1. A bear.

Case 23

{#dvijihva#}¦ (mfn.) ({#-hvaH-hvA-hvaM#}) Double-tongued, (literally or figuratively.) m.

why the parentheses?

Case 24

{#Darmapatra#}¦ ({#-traM#}) Glomerous fig tree, (Ficus glomerata) E. {#Darma#} sacrifice,

missing gender

{#Darmapatra#}¦ n. ({#-traM#}) Glomerous fig tree, (Ficus glomerata) E. {#Darma#} sacrifice,

Case 25

{#pariBUzaRa#}¦ Peace obtained by cession of the revenue of a land.

M-W gives it as a masculine.

Case 26

{#saptadvIpA#}¦ ({#-pA#}) An epithet of the earth.

M-W gives as mfn., but here it’s only feminine...

Case 27

{#supratIka#}¦ ({#-kaH-kA-kaM#}) 1. Well-made, handsome. 2. Having a beautiful


drdhaval2785 commented 4 years ago

cases 2-5, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27

Not required to add details on our own. If the lexicographer has given it, we use it. Otherwise we leave it as it is.

parjanya commented 4 years ago

<>to go, to rpeserve, &c. {#man#} Unadi affix, the radical being convert-<>to go, to preserve, &c. {#man#} Unadi affix, the radical being convert-

parjanya commented 4 years ago

{#vaprAntara#}¦ 1nd. In or between banks, mounds, &c. E. {#vapra, antar#} within.{#vaprAntar#}¦ Ind. In or between banks, mounds, &c. E. {#vapra, antar#} within.

It’s indeclinable, but actually written 1nd. in the original, and the र for र् looks very much like a typographical error.

drdhaval2785 commented 4 years ago

Good catches @parjanya

parjanya commented 4 years ago

{#Rasa#}¦ r., 1st cl. ({#nasate (praRasate)#} 1. To be crooked, (literally or metaphorical-{#Rasa#}¦ r., 1st cl. ({#nasate (praRasate)#} 1. To be crooked, (literally or metaphorical-

the ., is in the original, but only here and in the bil does one see r.,

parjanya commented 4 years ago

{#pramATin#}¦ mfw. ({#TI-TinI-Ti#}) 1. Afflicting, inflicting pain or sorrow. 2.{#pramATin#}¦ mfn. ({#TI-TinI-Ti#}) 1. Afflicting, inflicting pain or sorrow. 2.

parjanya commented 4 years ago

{#aBfSam#}¦ ing. A little, a few. E. {#a#} neg. {#BfSam#} much.{#aBfSam#}¦ ind. A little, a few. E. {#a#} neg. {#BfSam#} much.

parjanya commented 4 years ago

"{#asADya#}¦ nfn. ({#-DyaH-DyA-DyaM#}) 1. Not to be effected, not proper or able to be" → "{#asADya#}¦ mfn. ({#-DyaH-DyA-DyaM#}) 1. Not to be effected, not proper or able to be"

parjanya commented 4 years ago

"{#kozWaka#}¦ n, ({#-kaM#}) 1. A granary 2. A treasury. 3. A brick-trough for" → "{#kozWaka#}¦ n. ({#-kaM#}) 1. A granary 2. A treasury. 3. A brick-trough for"

drdhaval2785 commented 4 years ago


If you are doing something programmatically to find out errors, it would be nice if you can provide it in a txt file later

The format can be simple



48902   old {#kozWaka#}¦ n, ({#-kaM#}) 1. A granary 2. A treasury. 3. A brick-trough for
48902   new {#kozWaka#}¦ n. ({#-kaM#}) 1. A granary 2. A treasury. 3. A brick-trough for

This way we can use your data directly for correction, rather than manually doing the corrections.

parjanya commented 4 years ago

ok! will compile like that from now on :)

drdhaval2785 commented 3 years ago

Whether these SHS changes were ever incorporated? I am not sure. Maybe we will have to look into SHS digitization.

drdhaval2785 commented 7 months ago

Corrected some vide above commit. Rest may be treated as documentation of quirks.