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hiatus iast transcoding #39

Open funderburkjim opened 1 month ago

funderburkjim commented 1 month ago

Ideally, a transcoding scheme between scheme X and scheme Y should have the invertibility property. e.g. if x -> y -> x' then x' = x.

But the iast system does not have this invertibility property with respect to devanagari (or slp1). For instance,

So if we convert back from iast prauga to Devanagari, do we convert to प्रउग or to प्रौग ? This is viewed as a problem with iast scheme.

Since the iast system has asserted no standard solution to this problem, cdsl transcoding has the following extension of the transcoding between slp1 and iast (roman).

This is implemented in the transcoding files: slp1_roman.xml and roman_slp1.xml.