santaevpavel / OutlineSpan

Android library for outlining text
Apache License 2.0
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When set span on whole text the text becomes invisible #2

Closed mianaliasjad closed 4 years ago

mianaliasjad commented 4 years ago

I am setting the span on whole text but there is a problem if a set it on complete text length then the text becomes invisible.

spannableString.setSpan(testSpan,0,txt.length(),Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); If i set like this then it works: spannableString.setSpan(testSpan,2,txt.length(),Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); just set srtart to any other numbe than 0.

santaevpavel commented 4 years ago

Ok, will check it today.

santaevpavel commented 4 years ago

@mianaliasjad i had fixed the issue. Please, check it on version 0.1.1

mianaliasjad commented 4 years ago

@mianaliasjad i had fixed the issue. Please, check it on version 0.1.1

Thanks Appreciated.

AkashKrx commented 4 years ago

@santaevpavel Please update the readme with the latest version. As many developers like me will end up using the mentioned version in the Readme and will waste several hours like me.

santaevpavel commented 4 years ago

@skyyyme done. Thank you for feedback.