santagada / xontrib-powerline

Powerline for Xonsh shell
MIT License
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Display error in bash on windows #12

Closed rmreq closed 7 years ago

rmreq commented 7 years ago

When using WSL the prompt and status bar aren't displayed correctly. Rather than modifying the color of the relevant characters, the color code strings are displayed:

powerline Note: the last line is the prompt, after loading the plugin.

Any ideas about what's causing this? The same issue appears when I use the WSL standard terminal, as well as others like HyperTerm

santagada commented 7 years ago

no idea, maybe asking on xonsh gitter might help, it might be related to readline/prompt-toolkit differences maybe.

santagada commented 7 years ago

@rmreq can you give me the value of your $PROMPT variable before loading powerline?

rmreq commented 7 years ago

Thanks, but it appears to be working now. I was using the Hyper terminal emulator, which seems to have a ton of display errors that mysteriously come and go. I suspect that was the cause.