santalu / empty-view

A view that displays state of screen like loading, error, empty
Apache License 2.0
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Custom font support #5

Closed santalu closed 6 years ago

santalu commented 7 years ago

We should add custom font support asap.

Gounlaf commented 7 years ago

There are, at least, two ways to do that:

IMO, keep it simple. Maybe turn variable from private to protected or provide getters/setters for each component...

santalu commented 7 years ago

I think we should wait Android Studio 3.0 update to implement this feature. Due to new font resources support.

Gounlaf commented 7 years ago

Already available and functional on Preview ;)

santalu commented 7 years ago

I know. But we need stable release to make this feature available for everyone

Gounlaf commented 7 years ago

Create a develop branch and work on it. The new branch will be available automatically on jitpack.