santhoshkolloju / Abstractive-Summarization-With-Transfer-Learning

Abstractive summarisation using Bert as encoder and Transformer Decoder
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Can you provide some summary examples from text? #24

Closed michelecafagna26 closed 5 years ago

pidugusundeep commented 5 years ago

much needed

santhoshkolloju commented 5 years ago

I have trained this architecture on a private data.. Will train on cnn daily mail. Will post examples soon

Vibha111094 commented 5 years ago

Output of BERT summarization Model(Single Layer with beam width=5 and length penalty = 1.0) arturo hernandez garcia , 42 , has been living in a denver church for the past six months. he has been living in a denver church for six months to avoid deportation. he has been living in the u . s . illegally since 1999 ,when his wife and two children are 9 and 15. This is an example summary for url: https : / / www . dailymail . co . uk / news / article - 2925810 / Father - two - living - church - six - months - order - avoid - deportation - Mexico . html