santhoshkolloju / Abstractive-Summarization-With-Transfer-Learning

Abstractive summarisation using Bert as encoder and Transformer Decoder
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Facing memory exhausted while running inference #33

Open Tanmay06 opened 5 years ago

Tanmay06 commented 5 years ago

I've partially trained the model, but when I went for testing the model and ran, with static story and summaries in the script, it gave me the insufficient memory error from tensorflow. tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.ResourceExhaustedError: OOM when allocating tensor with shape[512,10,50,512] and type float on /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0 by allocator GPU_0_bfc

santhoshkolloju commented 5 years ago

Have u checked u might be using bigger batch size which doesn't fit in your memory

Tanmay06 commented 5 years ago

No I haven't changed any batch sizes, by default it should be 1 for inference too, right ? And I'm using Azure Nvidia Tesla M60 GPU with 8Gib of memory.

santhoshkolloju commented 5 years ago

I think model is around 250 million parameters I doubt 8gb can handle this along with the data. Please try with 16gb ram.

Tanmay06 commented 5 years ago

But I was able to train the model on same gpu without any issues. I'm facing this problem only when i try to do inference on the trained model / last checkpoint.

santhoshkolloju commented 5 years ago

Please post the link to inference code you are running. 512,10,50,512 this tensor size seems to be wrong. Might be the problem with way you are passing the data. Check the size of input tensor it should be 1×512

Tanmay06 commented 5 years ago

This is the inference code that I'm running.

`from flask import Flask,request,render_template import requests import json from collections import OrderedDict import os import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf

app =Flask(name)

import sys

if not 'texar_repo' in sys.path: sys.path += ['texar_repo']

from config import from model import from preprocess import *

start_tokens = tf.fill([tx.utils.get_batch_size(src_input_ids)], bos_token_id) predictions = decoder( memory=encoder_output, memory_sequence_length=src_input_length, decoding_strategy='infer_greedy', beam_width=beam_width, alpha=alpha, start_tokens=start_tokens, end_token=eos_token_id, max_decoding_length=300, mode=tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT ) if beam_width <= 1: inferred_ids = predictions[0].sample_id else:

Uses the best sample by beam search

inferred_ids = predictions['sample_id'][:, :, 0]

tokenizer = tokenization.FullTokenizer( vocab_file=os.path.join(bert_pretrain_dir, 'vocab.txt'), do_lower_case=True)

sess = tf.Session() def infer_single_example(story,actual_summary,tokenizer): example = {"src_txt":story, "tgt_txt":actual_summary } features = convert_single_example(1,example,max_seq_length_src,max_seq_length_tgt,tokenizer) feed_dict = { src_input_ids:np.array(features.src_input_ids).reshape(-1,1), src_segment_ids : np.array(features.src_segment_ids).reshape(-1,1)


  references, hypotheses = [], []
  fetches = {
  'inferred_ids': inferred_ids,
  fetches_ =, feed_dict=feed_dict)
  labels = np.array(features.tgt_labels).reshape(-1,1)
  hypotheses.extend(h.tolist() for h in fetches_['inferred_ids'])
  # references.extend(r.tolist() for r in labels)
  hypotheses = utils.list_strip_eos(hypotheses, eos_token_id)
  # references = utils.list_strip_eos(references, eos_token_id)
  hwords = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(hypotheses[0])
  # rwords = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(references[0])

  hwords = tx.utils.str_join(hwords).replace(" ##","")
  # rwords = tx.utils.str_join(rwords).replace(" ##","")
  # print("Original",rwords)
  return hwords

@app.route("/results",methods=["GET","POST"]) def results(): story = request.form['story'] summary = request.form['summary'] hwords = infer_single_example(story,summary,tokenizer) return hwords

if name=="main": saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_dir))"",port=1118,debug=False)

story = "Story text about 200 tokens"
summary = "Summary text about 150 tokens"
# story = input("Enter article:").strip("/n")
# summary = input("Enter summary:").strip("/n")
hwords = infer_single_example(story.strip("/n"), summary.strip("/n"), tokenizer)

and this is the config,py import texar as tx dcoder_config = { 'dim': 768, 'num_blocks': 6, 'multihead_attention': { 'num_heads': 8, 'output_dim': 768

See documentation for more optional hyperparameters

'position_embedder_hparams': {
    'dim': 768
'initializer': {
    'type': 'variance_scaling_initializer',
    'kwargs': {
        'scale': 1.0,
        'mode': 'fan_avg',
        'distribution': 'uniform',
'poswise_feedforward': tx.modules.default_transformer_poswise_net_hparams(


loss_label_confidence = 0.9

random_seed = 1234 beam_width = 5 alpha = 0.6 hidden_dim = 768

opt = { 'optimizer': { 'type': 'AdamOptimizer', 'kwargs': { 'beta1': 0.9, 'beta2': 0.997, 'epsilon': 1e-9 } } }

warmup steps must be 0.1% of number of iterations

lr = { 'learning_rate_schedule': 'constant.linear_warmup.rsqrt_decay.rsqrt_depth', 'lr_constant': 2 * (hidden_dim ** -0.5), 'static_lr': 1e-3, 'warmup_steps': 10000, }

bos_token_id =101 eos_token_id = 102

model_dir= "./models" run_mode= "train_and_evaluate" batch_size = 1 eval_batch_size = 1 test_batch_size =1

max_train_steps = 100000

display_steps = 1 checkpoint_steps = 500 eval_steps = 50000

max_decoding_length = 400

max_seq_length_src = 512 max_seq_length_tgt = 400

epochs =10

is_distributed = False

data_dir = r"data/"

train_out_file = r"data/train.tf_record" eval_out_file = r"data/eval.tf_record"


train_story = r"data/train_story.txt" train_summ = r"data/train_summ.txt"

eval_story = r"data/eval_story.txt" eval_summ = r"data/eval_summ.txt"

bert_pretrain_dir = r"../uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12"


santhoshkolloju commented 5 years ago

Can you change this in infer single example src_input_ids:np.array(features.src_input_ids).reshape(1,-1), src_segment_ids : np.array(features.src_segment_ids).reshape(1,-1)

Simons2017 commented 5 years ago

Hello, I met the same problem. How did you solve it?@Tanmay06

Tanmay06 commented 5 years ago

Hi, actually I was away and was working on a different project. @Simons2017 I think you should try @santhoshkolloju 's reply just before your comment. I think it should work.

yuyanzhoufang commented 4 years ago

@santhoshkolloju, hi, How do I change this? src_input_ids:np.array(features.src_input_ids).reshape(1,-1), src_segment_ids : np.array(features.src_segment_ids).reshape(1,-1),

Tanmay06 commented 4 years ago

@yuyanzhoufang change this line in the original code.

yuyanzhoufang commented 4 years ago

hi, in class "CNNDailymail", "if set_type == "test" and i == 0:continue",Why filter out "test == 0" ?