I observed that although I use
feed_dict = {
iterator.handle: iterator.get_handle(sess, 'eval'),
tx.global_mode(): tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL,
in the _eval_epoch method ,I observed that it is using a few examples from train dataset as well.
Is this the desired behavior as we use FeedableDataIterator which is supposed to iterates through multiple datasets and switches between datasets.
If so could you please explain why such a behavior is necessary .
I observed that although I use feed_dict = { iterator.handle: iterator.get_handle(sess, 'eval'), tx.global_mode(): tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL, } in the _eval_epoch method ,I observed that it is using a few examples from train dataset as well. Is this the desired behavior as we use FeedableDataIterator which is supposed to iterates through multiple datasets and switches between datasets.
If so could you please explain why such a behavior is necessary .