santhoshse7en / news-fetch

A Python Package which helps to scrape all news details from any news websites
MIT License
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"Special letters" are being converted to regular ones #92

Open jkreuz opened 3 years ago

jkreuz commented 3 years ago


Is it possible in some way to define what language the news is in, so it could be fetched correctly? I used the library for a news in Portuguese, but it converted "special letters" to regular ones. It highly compromises NLP procedures that deals with syntax, context etc.

example: "àáéóíúâôêãõç" is converted to "aaeiuaoeaoc"

from import newspaper news = newspaper('')

I saw inside the class it is used Newspaper3K Scraper and if I enforce the right language it returns the correct text.

from newspaper import Article article = Article(url, language='pt')

thank you