santinic / how2

AI for the Command Line
MIT License
5.71k stars 156 forks source link

Support #84

Closed gillescastel closed 5 years ago

gillescastel commented 6 years ago

TeX is a programming language that has its own stackexchange site.

dietercastel commented 5 years ago

Hi @gillescastel ;-) I think this has become moot PR is moot at this point since with a fresh install of how-2 I get e.g. a nice result like this:

⟩ how2 -l latex enumerate with roman numerals
Need to change section to Roman, but keep Arabic for for ...

These two lines did it for me:

   \renewcommand \thesection{\roman{section}}
   \renewcommand \thesubsection{\arabic{section}.\arabic{subsection}}

Subsubsection also works, I assume because it takes its section number from subsection.

Maybe you should just close or delete it so there's less clutter for the maintainer?

gillescastel commented 5 years ago

The command how2 -l latex ... corresponds to googling ' latex ...'. While this gives you some answers, most of the (La)TeX related stuff is located at, so googling ' ...' would be more appropriate.

However, given that this pull request is already more than a year old, I might as well just close it.