Open ademir10 opened 1 day ago
After to update our project to the new arch onPressItem stoped to work, do you know what can we do to fix it?
relevant code:
async function sendWhatsAppMessage(tipo_suporte) { . . . }
<LinearGradient> {dadosSession.whats_suporte && dadosSession.perfil_admin == 'Sim' ? ( <View style={styles.positionButtonWhats}> <FloatingAction floatingIcon={<Image source={require('../../assets/buttons/whats-suporte.png')} />} color="white" actions={actions} onPressItem={name => { if(name == 'bt_financeiro') { sendWhatsAppMessage('financeiro'); } else if(name == 'bt_suporte') { sendWhatsAppMessage('técnico'); } }} /> </View> ) : null} </LinearGradient>
Plugin version: "react-native-floating-action": "^1.22.0", npmPackages: "@react-native-community/cli": installed: 15.0.1 wanted: 15.0.1 react: installed: 18.3.1 wanted: 18.3.1 react-native: installed: 0.76.3 wanted: 0.76.3
Android: hermesEnabled: true newArchEnabled: true iOS: hermesEnabled: true newArchEnabled: true
After to update our project to the new arch onPressItem stoped to work, do you know what can we do to fix it?
relevant code:
async function sendWhatsAppMessage(tipo_suporte) { . . . }
Plugin version: "react-native-floating-action": "^1.22.0", npmPackages: "@react-native-community/cli": installed: 15.0.1 wanted: 15.0.1 react: installed: 18.3.1 wanted: 18.3.1 react-native: installed: 0.76.3 wanted: 0.76.3
Android: hermesEnabled: true newArchEnabled: true iOS: hermesEnabled: true newArchEnabled: true