santoshlite / Empyrial

An Open Source Portfolio Backtesting Engine for Everyone | 面向所有人的开源投资组合回测引擎
MIT License
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Issue with Pandas datareader #28

Closed geofffoster closed 3 years ago

geofffoster commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug This seems to effect all your branches

RemoteDataError Traceback (most recent call last)

in ----> 1 oracle(portfolio) ~/anaconda3/envs/empyr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ in oracle(my_portfolio, prediction_days, based_on) 334 335 --> 336 df = web.DataReader(asset, data_source='yahoo', start = my_portfolio.start_date, end= my_portfolio.end_date) 337 df = pd.DataFrame(df) 338 df.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True) ~/anaconda3/envs/empyr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/util/ in wrapper(*args, **kwargs) 197 else: 198 kwargs[new_arg_name] = new_arg_value --> 199 return func(*args, **kwargs) 200 201 return cast(F, wrapper) ~/anaconda3/envs/empyr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas_datareader/ in DataReader(name, data_source, start, end, retry_count, pause, session, api_key) 374 375 if data_source == "yahoo": --> 376 return YahooDailyReader( 377 symbols=name, 378 start=start, ~/anaconda3/envs/empyr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas_datareader/ in read(self) 251 # If a single symbol, (e.g., 'GOOG') 252 if isinstance(self.symbols, (string_types, int)): --> 253 df = self._read_one_data(self.url, params=self._get_params(self.symbols)) 254 # Or multiple symbols, (e.g., ['GOOG', 'AAPL', 'MSFT']) 255 elif isinstance(self.symbols, DataFrame): ~/anaconda3/envs/empyr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas_datareader/yahoo/ in _read_one_data(self, url, params) 151 url = url.format(symbol) 152 --> 153 resp = self._get_response(url, params=params) 154 ptrn = r"root\.App\.main = (.*?);\n}\(this\)\);" 155 try: ~/anaconda3/envs/empyr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas_datareader/ in _get_response(self, url, params, headers) 179 msg += "\nResponse Text:\n{0}".format(last_response_text) 180 --> 181 raise RemoteDataError(msg) 182 183 def _get_crumb(self, *args): RemoteDataError: Unable to read URL: Response Text: b'\n \n \n \n Yahoo\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n Yahoo Logo\n

Will be right back...


Thank you for your patience.


Our engineers are working quickly to resolve the issue.

\n ' 1
santoshlite commented 3 years ago


Indeed pandas datareader is no longer working for yahoo finance. Which version of Empyrial are you using? Normaly, oracle function is no longer available I forgot to remove it from the README and we switched Empyrial to Yfinance which should work now. Hope it helps!

geofffoster commented 3 years ago

I've been pip'ing your beta wheels. I've just updated pandas datareader with yfinance in them and am getting  ValueError: The time index of the provided DataArray is missing the freq attribute.

I'll look in your Release version and see what I'm doing wrong. Nice work btw - much appreciated.  On Saturday, 10 July 2021, 10:32:35 pm GMT+1, Santosh @.***> wrote:


Indeed pandas datareader is no longer working for yahoo finance. Which version of Empyrial are you using? Normaly, oracle function is no longer available I forgot to remove it from the README and we switched Empyrial to Yfinance which should work now. Hope it helps!

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santoshlite commented 3 years ago

Hi, Strange... you confirm that you use Empyrial 1.8.3? Is it possible to send me the code you are running, please?

geofffoster commented 3 years ago

Hi,I am probably going off course as you said oracle doesn't work pip install empyrial-0.2.7-py3-none-any.whl

Release � Predict the market with Oracle · ssantoshp/Empyrial


Release � Predict the market with Oracle · ssantoshp/Empyrial

Adding Oracle function which : contains several predictions models such as Exponential smoothing, Prophet, Auto... |



and I've replaced dataReader with yfinance

On Sunday, 11 July 2021, 07:55:04 am GMT+1, Santosh ***@***.***> wrote:  

Hi, Strange... you confirm that you use Empyrial 1.8.3? Is it possible to send me the code you are running, please?

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.

geofffoster commented 3 years ago

and code

import numpy as np import pandas as pd import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import yfinance as yf from pandas_datareader import data as web import datetime as dt from empyrical import import quantstats as qs from darts.models import from darts import TimeSeries from darts.utils.missing_values import fill_missing_values from darts.metrics import mape, mase import logging import warnings from warnings import filterwarnings

today =

class Engine:

def init(self,start_date, portfolio, weights, benchmark, end_date=today): self.start_date = start_date self.end_date = end_date self.portfolio = portfolio self.weights = weights self.benchmark = benchmark



def get_returns(stocks,wts, start_date, end_date=today): if len(stocks) > 1:

assets = web.DataReader(stocks, data_source='yahoo', start = start_date, end= end_date)['Adj Close']

assets =,  start = start_date, end= end_date, progress=False)['Adj Close']
ret_data = assets.pct_change()[1:]
returns = (ret_data * wts).sum(axis = 1)
return returns


df = web.DataReader(stocks, data_source='yahoo', start = start_date, end= end_date)['Adj Close']

df =, start = start_date, end= end_date, progress=False)['Adj Close']
df = pd.DataFrame(df)
returns = df.pct_change()
return returns


def get_pricing(stocks, start_date, end_date=today, pricing="Adj Close", wts=1): if len(stocks) > 1:

assets = web.DataReader(stocks, data_source='yahoo', start = start_date, end= end_date)[pricing]

assets =,  start = start_date, end= end_date, progress=False)['pricing']

return assets


df = web.DataReader(stocks, data_source='yahoo', start = start_date, end= end_date)[pricing]

df =, start = start_date, end= end_date, progress=False)['pricing']

return df


def get_data(stocks, period="max", trading_year_days=252):

p = {"period": period} for stock in stocks: years = { '1mo' : math.ceil(trading_year_days/12), '3mo' : math.ceil(trading_year_days/4), '6mo' : math.ceil(trading_year_days/2), '1y': trading_year_days, '2y' : 2trading_year_days, '5y' : 5trading_year_days, '10y' : 10trading_year_days, '20y' : 20trading_year_days, 'max' : len(yf.Ticker(stock).history(**p)['Close'].pct_change()) }

df = web.DataReader(stocks, data_source='yahoo', start = "1980-01-01", end= today)

df =, start = '1980-01-01', end = today) df = pd.DataFrame(df) df = df.tail(years[period]) df = pd.DataFrame(df) df = df.drop(['Adj Close'], axis=1) df = df[["Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume"]] return df


def creturns(stocks,wts=1, period="max", benchmark= None, plot=True, pricing="Adj Close", trading_year_days=252): p = {"period": period} for stock in stocks: years = { '1mo' : math.ceil(trading_year_days/12), '3mo' : math.ceil(trading_year_days/4), '6mo' : math.ceil(trading_year_days/2), '1y': trading_year_days, '2y' : 2trading_year_days, '5y' : 5trading_year_days, '10y' : 10trading_year_days, '20y' : 20trading_year_days, 'max' : len(yf.Ticker(stock).history(**p)['Close'].pct_change()) }

if len(stocks) > 1:

df = web.DataReader(stocks, data_source='yahoo', start = "1980-01-01", end= today)[pricing]

df =, start = '1980-01-01', end = today_[pricing])
if benchmark != None:
  #df2 = web.DataReader(benchmark, data_source='yahoo', start = "1980-01-01", end= today)[pricing]
  df2 =, start = '1980-01-01', end = today)[pricing]
  df = pd.DataFrame(df)
  df = df.tail(years[period])
  df2 = df2.tail(years[period])
  return_df2 = df2.pct_change()[1:]
  ret_data = df.pct_change()[1:]
  ret_data = (ret_data + 1).cumprod()
  port_ret = (ret_data * wts).sum(axis = 1)
  return_df2 = (return_df2 + 1).cumprod()
  ret_data['Portfolio'] = port_ret
  ret_data['Benchmark'] = return_df2
  ret_data = pd.DataFrame(ret_data)
  df = pd.DataFrame(df)
  df = df.tail(years[period])
  ret_data = df.pct_change()[1:]
  ret_data = (ret_data + 1).cumprod()
  port_ret = (ret_data * wts).sum(axis = 1)
  ret_data['Portfolio'] = port_ret
  ret_data = pd.DataFrame(ret_data)

if plot==True:
  plt.title(period + 'Portfolio Cumulative Returns')
  return ret_data

else: df = web.DataReader(stocks, data_source='yahoo', start = "1980-01-01", end= today)[pricing] if benchmark != None:

df2 = web.DataReader(benchmark, data_source='yahoo', start = "1980-01-01", end= today)[pricing]

  df2 =, start = '1980-01-01', end = today)[pricing]
  return_df2 = df2.pct_change()[1:]
  df = pd.DataFrame(df)
  df = df.tail(years[period])
  df2 = df2.tail(years[period])
  return_df2 = df2.pct_change()[1:]
  returns = df.pct_change()
  returns = (returns + 1).cumprod()
  return_df2 = (return_df2 + 1).cumprod()
  returns["benchmark"] = return_df2
  returns = pd.DataFrame(returns)
  df = pd.DataFrame(df)
  df = df.tail(years[period])
  returns = df.pct_change()
  returns = (returns + 1).cumprod()
  returns = pd.DataFrame(returns)

if plot==True:
    plt.title(stocks[0] +' Cumulative Returns (Period : '+ period+')')

    return returns


def information_ratio(returns, benchmark_returns, days=252): return_difference = returns - benchmark_returns volatility = return_difference.std() * np.sqrt(days) information_ratio = return_difference.mean() / volatility return information_ratio

def graph_allocation(my_portfolio): fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1.pie(my_portfolio.weights, labels=my_portfolio.portfolio, autopct='%1.1f%%', shadow=False, startangle=90) ax1.axis('equal') # Equal aspect ratio ensures that pie is drawn as a circle. plt.title("Portfolio's allocation")


def empyrial(my_portfolio, rf=0.0, sigma_value=1, confidence_value=0.95):

returns = get_returns(my_portfolio.portfolio, my_portfolio.weights, start_date=my_portfolio.start_date,end_date=my_portfolio.end_date) benchmark = get_returns(my_portfolio.benchmark, wts=[1], start_date=my_portfolio.start_date,end_date=my_portfolio.end_date)

print("Start date: "+ str(returns.index[0])) print("End date: "+ str(returns.index[-1])) CAGR = cagr(returns, period=DAILY, annualization=None) CAGR = round(CAGR,2) CAGR = CAGR.tolist() CAGR = str(round(CAGR*100,2)) + '%'

CUM = cum_returns(returns, starting_value=0, out=None)*100 CUM = CUM.iloc[-1] CUM = CUM.tolist() CUM = str(round(CUM,2)) + '%'

VOL = qs.stats.volatility(returns, annualize=True, trading_year_days=252) VOL = VOL.tolist() VOL = str(round(VOL*100,2))+' %'

SR = sharpe_ratio(returns, risk_free=rf, period=DAILY) SR = np.round(SR, decimals=2) SR = str(SR)

CR = qs.stats.calmar(returns) CR = CR.tolist() CR = str(round(CR,2))

STABILITY = stability_of_timeseries(returns) STABILITY = round(STABILITY,2) STABILITY = str(STABILITY)

MD = max_drawdown(returns, out=None) MD = str(round(MD,2))+' %'

'''OR = omega_ratio(returns, risk_free=0.0, required_return=0.0) OR = round(OR,2) OR = str(OR) print(OR)'''

SOR = sortino_ratio(returns, required_return=0, period=DAILY) SOR = round(SOR,2) SOR = str(SOR)

SK = qs.stats.skew(returns) SK = round(SK,2) SK = SK.tolist() SK = str(SK)

KU = qs.stats.kurtosis(returns) KU = round(KU,2) KU = KU.tolist() KU = str(KU)

TA = tail_ratio(returns) TA = round(TA,2) TA = str(TA)

CSR = qs.stats.common_sense_ratio(returns) CSR = round(CSR,2) CSR = CSR.tolist() CSR = str(CSR)

VAR = qs.stats.value_at_risk(returns, sigma=sigma_value, confidence=confidence_value) VAR = np.round(VAR, decimals=2) VAR = str(VAR*100)+' %'

AL = alpha_beta(returns, benchmark, risk_free=rf) AL = AL[0] AL = round(AL,2)

BTA = alpha_beta(returns, benchmark, risk_free=rf) BTA = BTA[1] BTA = round(BTA,2)

def condition(x): return x > 0

win = sum(condition(x) for x in returns) total = len(returns) win_ratio = win/total win_ratio = win_ratio*100 win_ratio = round(win_ratio,2)

IR = information_ratio(returns, benchmark.iloc[:,0]) IR = round(IR,2)

data = {'':['Annual return', 'Cumulative return', 'Annual volatility','Winning day ratio', 'Sharpe ratio','Calmar ratio', 'Information ratio', 'Stability', 'Max Drawdown','Sortino ratio','Skew', 'Kurtosis', 'Tail Ratio', 'Common sense ratio', 'Daily value at risk', 'Alpha', 'Beta'

], 'Backtest':[CAGR, CUM, VOL,f'{win_ratio}%', SR, CR, IR, STABILITY, MD, SOR, SK, KU, TA, CSR, VAR, AL, BTA]}

Create DataFrame

df = pd.DataFrame(data) df.set_index('', inplace=True)**{'background-color': 'white', 'color': 'black', 'border-color':'black'})


y = [] for x in returns: y.append(x)

arr = np.array(y) arr returns.index my_color = np.where(arr>=0, 'blue', 'grey') plt.figure(figsize=(30,8)) plt.vlines(x=returns.index, ymin=0, ymax=arr, color=my_color, alpha=0.4) plt.title('Returns')

return qs.plots.returns(returns,benchmark, cumulative=True), qs.plots.monthly_heatmap(returns), qs.plots.drawdown(returns), qs.plots.drawdowns_periods(returns), qs.plots.rolling_volatility(returns), qs.plots.rolling_sharpe(returns), qs.plots.rolling_beta(returns, benchmark)


def oracle(my_portfolio, prediction_days=30, based_on='Adj Close'): logger = logging.getLogger() warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning) filterwarnings('ignore')


mape_df = pd.DataFrame() mape_df = mape_df.append({'Exponential smoothing' : 0, 'Prophet' : 0, 'Auto-ARIMA' : 0, 'Theta(2)':0, 'ARIMA' : 0, 'FFT' : 0, 'FourTheta' : 0, 'NaiveDrift':0, 'NaiveMean' : 0, 'NaiveSeasonal':0 }, ignore_index = True)

final_df = pd.DataFrame() final_df = final_df.append({'Exponential smoothing' : 0, 'Prophet' : 0, 'Auto-ARIMA' : 0, 'Theta(2)':0, 'ARIMA' : 0, 'FFT' : 0, 'FourTheta' : 0, 'NaiveDrift':0, 'NaiveMean' : 0, 'NaiveSeasonal':0 }, ignore_index = True)

for asset in my_portfolio.portfolio:

result = pd.DataFrame()
def eval_model(model):
  forecast = model.predict(len(val))
  result[model] = [mape(val, forecast)]

prediction = pd.DataFrame()
def predict(model):
  forecast = model.predict(len(val))
  pred = model.predict(prediction_days)

  b = [str(pred[-1])]
  b = [words for segments in b for words in segments.split()]
  b = float(b[2])
  prediction[model] = [str(round(((b-start_value)/start_value)*100,3))+' %']

#df = web.DataReader(asset, data_source='yahoo', start = my_portfolio.start_date, end= my_portfolio.end_date)
df =,  start = my_portfolio.start_date, end= my_portfolio.end_date, progress=False)
df = pd.DataFrame(df)
df.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)

series = TimeSeries.from_dataframe(df, 'Date', based_on, freq='D')
series = fill_missing_values(series)

train_index = round(len(df.index)*0.7)
train_date = df.loc[[train_index]]['Date'].values
date = str(train_date[0])[:10]
date = date.replace('-', '') 
timestamp = date+'000000'
train, val = series.split_before(pd.Timestamp(timestamp))
result.columns = ['Exponential smoothing','Prophet', 'Auto-ARIMA', 'Theta(2)', 'ARIMA', 'FFT','FourTheta','NaiveDrift','NaiveMean', 'NaiveSeasonal']
result.index = [asset]
mape_df = pd.concat([result, mape_df])
start_pred = str(df["Date"].iloc[-2])[:10]
start_value = df[based_on].iloc[-2]
start_pred = start_pred.replace('-', '') 
timestamp = start_pred+'000000'
train, val = series.split_before(pd.Timestamp(timestamp))


prediction.columns = ['Exponential smoothing','Prophet', 'Auto-ARIMA', 'Theta(2)', 'ARIMA', 'FFT','FourTheta','NaiveDrift','NaiveMean', 'NaiveSeasonal']
prediction.index = [asset]
final_df = pd.concat([prediction, final_df])

print("Assets MAPE (accuracy score)") with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', None, 'display.max_columns', None) and pd.option_context('expand_frame_repr', False): print(mape_df.iloc[:-1,:]) mape_df = pd.DataFrame(mape_df.iloc[:-1,:]) print("\n") print("Assets returns prediction for the next "+str(prediction_days)+" days") with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', None, 'display.max_columns', None) and pd.option_context('expand_frame_repr', False): print(final_df.iloc[:-1,:]) final_df = pd.DataFrame(final_df.iloc[:-1,:])

portfolio_pred = pd.DataFrame()

for column in final_df.columns: rets = [] for index in final_df.index: place = my_portfolio.portfolio.index(index) returns = float(final_df[column][index][:-1]) wts = my_portfolio.weights[my_portfolio.portfolio.index(index)] ret = (returns*wts) rets.append(ret) portfolio_pred[column] = rets portfolio_pred[column] = portfolio_pred[column].sum()

print("\n") print("Portfolio returns prediction for the next"+str(prediction_days)+" days") display(portfolio_pred.iloc[0])

logger.disabled = False

santoshlite commented 3 years ago


Yes, this is certainly the problem, oracle no longer exists in Empyrial. The thing is that I don't understand what are you trying. What you are showing me is the source code of Empyrial.

Moreover, you are using Empyrial 0.2.7 not version 1.8.3. In order to install the new version you can do: pip install empyrial==1.8.3

Hope it helps, if it's cool for you we can close this issue :)

geofffoster commented 3 years ago

Hi,please close.I was just playing around - in the 0.2.7 (with oracle) code - i just changed datareader to yfinance. I liked how you bundled all the models together for a prediction. So you could estimate what was likely to happen for say the next month and use this for validation of you portfolio selection

On Monday, 12 July 2021, 11:36:11 am GMT+1, Santosh ***@***.***> wrote:  


Yes, this is certainly the problem, oracle no longer exists in Empyrial. The thing is that I don't understand what are you trying. What you are showing me is the source code of Empyrial.

Moreover, you are using Empyrial 0.2.7 not version 1.8.3. In order to install the new version you can do: pip install empyrial==1.8.3

Hope it helps, if it's cool for you we can close this issue :)

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.

santoshlite commented 3 years ago

Ok, I see no problem, if I have time this week I'll try to send you the code adapted to yfinance, can you send me an email at please, I'll come back to you as soon as I can.