santropolroulant / volunteerdb

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Minify JSON output #26

Open kousu opened 6 years ago

kousu commented 6 years ago

The JSON-viewable outputs e.g. http://localhost:8765/volunteers/search.json?term=Boris

give results like

"[\n {\n \"id\": 16,\n \"firstname\": \"Boris Azia\",\n \"lastname\": \"Empada\",\n \"orientationdate\": null\n }\n]"

The extra whitespace is nice if it's to be read by a human, but wasteful for computers. Also, a good debugger, like Chrome or Firefox, will parse and render JSON responses cleanly anyway. There's probably a setting in CakePHP to control minification of JSON output; we should turn it on. And this was probably caused by updating in #1.