santthosh / aws-es-kibana

AWS ElasticSearch Kibana Proxy
Apache License 2.0
323 stars 134 forks source link

Question: Could your provide example of setting AWS_PROFILE? #33

Closed yeryomenkom closed 6 years ago

yeryomenkom commented 7 years ago

Could your provide example of AWS_PROFILE setting? I mean the full string. I use docker compose on my AWS instance and aws-es-kibana docker image. Always get: "The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method."

Johnius commented 7 years ago


momota10s commented 7 years ago


hassankhan commented 6 years ago

Usually its just something like:

export AWS_PROFILE=MyWorkProfile

where MyWorkProfile is an AWS profile under ~/.aws/credentials on your machine.

cortopy commented 6 years ago

I've spent some "good" few hours on this. It appears this package has not been updated for a long while and there not one, not two, but three awaiting pull requests that would solve the issue!!!

In my case my error was writing the endpoint with https://. Either apply or just remove it

santthosh commented 6 years ago

23 has been applied, Thanks