Open bhupiister opened 3 years ago
Here is the log snipper, i dont know if you will find something useful.
12-10 15:04:58.631 14640 14691 E AndroidRuntime: at namespace)::ScopedCheck::Check(art::ScopedObjectAccess&, bool, char const*, art::(anonymous namespace)::JniValueType*)(:652) 12-10 15:04:58.631 14640 14691 E AndroidRuntime: at namespace)::CheckJNI::GetStringLength(_JNIEnv*, _jstring*)(:544) 12-10 15:04:58.631 14640 14691 E AndroidRuntime: at libunity.0x1bd633(Native Method) 12-10 15:04:58.631 14640 14691 E AndroidRuntime: at libunity.0x1c00c1(Native Method) 12-10 15:04:58.631 14640 14691 E AndroidRuntime: at UnityEngine.AndroidJNI.CallStringMethod (intptr,intptr,UnityEngine.jvalue[])(Native Method) 12-10 15:04:58.631 14640 14691 E AndroidRuntime: at UnityEngine.AndroidJNISafe.CallStringMethod (intptr,intptr,UnityEngine.jvalue[])(0x27:39) 12-10 15:04:58.631 14640 14691 E AndroidRuntime: at UnityEngine.AndroidJavaObject._Call<ReturnType_REF> (string,object[])(0x78f:1935) 12-10 15:04:58.631 14640 14691 E AndroidRuntime: at UnityEngine.AndroidJavaObject.Call<ReturnType_REF> (string,object[])(0x33:51) 12-10 15:04:58.631 14640 14691 E AndroidRuntime: at AndroidBoard.GetText ()(0x33:51)
12-10 15:04:58.631 14640 14691 E AndroidRuntime: at UniClipboard.GetText ()(0x1f:31)
12-10 15:04:58.631 14640 14691 E AndroidRuntime: at multiplayer_play_with_friends.PasteButton ()(0x1b:27) 12-10 15:04:58.631 14640 14691 E AndroidRuntime: at UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke ()(0x3b:59) 12-10 15:04:58.631 14640 14691 E AndroidRuntime: at UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke ()(0xc7:199) 12-10 15:04:58.631 14640 14691 E AndroidRuntime: at UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press ()(0x5b:91) 12-10 15:04:58.631 14640 14691 E AndroidRuntime: at UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData)(0x27:39) 12-10 15:04:58.631 14640 14691 E AndroidRuntime: at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerClickHandler,UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData)(0x3f:63) 12-10 15:04:58.631 14640 14691 E AndroidRuntime: at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute<T_REF> (UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData,UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents/EventFunction
12-10 15:04:58.647 1304 4746 D OpQuickReply: setQuickReplyResumed focusedApp AppWindowToken{2bd290 token=Token{21be953 ActivityRecord{7a4e542 u0 net.oneplus.launcher/.Launcher t1932}}} pkgName net.oneplus.launcher 12-10 15:04:58.649 1304 4746 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger 12-10 15:04:58.658 1304 1437 D gwy : OS Event: appuse 12-10 15:04:58.649 1304 4746 D OpQuickReply: setQuickReplyResumed focusedApp AppWindowToken{2bd290 token=Token{21be953 ActivityRecord{7a4e542 u0 net.oneplus.launcher/.Launcher t1932}}} pkgName net.oneplus.launcher
12-10 15:09:22.281 15566 15618 F digiart2.quizu:] native: #02 pc 00066633 /apex/ (sem_wait+100)
12-10 15:09:22.281 15566 15618 F digiart2.quizu:] native: #04 pc 004035e0 /data/app/com.digiart2.quizup-2i0jk1SzvRW0A4b6QlX3AA==/lib/arm/ (???)
12-10 15:09:22.281 15566 15618 F digiart2.quizu:] native: #10 pc 0047d18c /data/app/com.digiart2.quizup-2i0jk1SzvRW0A4b6QlX3AA==/lib/arm/ (GC_start_routine+40)
12-10 15:09:22.281 15566 15618 F digiart2.quizu:] | stack=0xc06fa000-0xc06fc000 stackSize=1040KB
12-10 15:09:22.281 15566 15618 F digiart2.quizu:] native: #14 pc 001c00c1 /data/app/com.digiart2.quizup-2i0jk1SzvRW0A4b6QlX3AA==/lib/arm/ (???)
12-10 15:09:22.281 15566 15618 F digiart2.quizu:] native: #15 pc 0000c876
I have highlighted the text, is this causing error? One more finding. It works perfectly fine if I use copy command from WhatsApp own button at the top bar. However, if u use the copy command which pops up after selecting the text, it causes the app crash. Also there are two types of pop ups, one that is shown in google specific apps like google keyboard, google sheets ,etc. are crashing it. And the one which are native android one are not crashing.
While copying to android from outside apps like WhatsApp or note editor, as soon as we paste, the app crashes. The same code is working for IOS without any change. Can you please get a workaround for android?