sanukin39 / UniColliderInterpolator

Unity plugin of interpolate non-convex collider to convex.
MIT License
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Generation not working in Unity 2021.2.16f1 #4

Open DavidColladoGitHub opened 2 years ago

DavidColladoGitHub commented 2 years ago

I am trying to generate a concave collider for a bridge and it generates cubes that do not correspond to the shape of the model.


Changing the division unit length gives wrong results as well.


It happens with all the models I have tested. May be related to the unity version?

Stereowalker commented 1 year ago

Hello, it's been a year since you opened this and I'm not totally sure you'd see this, but I just recently found a sort of workaround to the issue. Apparently, this project will "detect" colliders in your current active scene when calculating the boxes, and if there is/should be a collider in the active scene where your mesh is positioned, it will affect the final result. You should move your model to another position to generate a more accurate collider. Note: I was using 2022.3.12f1