sanweiliti / RoHM

The official PyTorch code for RoHM: Robust Human Motion Reconstruction via Diffusion.
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Good work! How can i run demo on Internet videos? #8

Open jihg88 opened 4 months ago

jihg88 commented 4 months ago

Thanks for releasing such an outstanding work, I wonder how to test it on Internet video? Now i can get the init_motion with WHAM project (contains :world_pose_root\cam_pose_root、body_pose、transl_cam\trans_world、openpose25 joints),and i want to use your work to refine the init_motion (reduce foot sliding、jitter、kp2d consistency),will you provide the demo code for Internet videos?

sanweiliti commented 3 months ago


Currently we do not have plans for a demo code, to test on internet videos, you can use any off-the-shelf method for the initialization, and format the initialized motion sequnece following the sample sequences' data format provided in 'Test and evaluate on PROX/EgoBody' in README, with z(or y)-axis.

Era-Dorta commented 3 months ago

I'm trying to run this on method on a custom dataset of only RGB videos. Preparing the dataset to run your model is becoming quite a challenge. Please reconsider releasing a demo script, easier reproducibility means more citations after all ;)

areiner222 commented 3 months ago

Thank you for this impressive work!

+1 on some demo code. A documented colab would be SO useful even if it starts from something like pre-computed (from LEMO or GT data perhaps) smpl-x shape, pose, translation sequences without directly relying on images.

An idea for a possible flow that I'd personally find helpful!

  1. Prepare an input sequence a. show how to take per-frame inputs from GT datasets and add noise, occlude, etc. b. and/or, use an in-the-wild inference example
  2. Explain / demonstrate the pertinent inference modules and how they work together to produce a final smoothed output trajectory a. Usage breakdown of PoseNet, TrajNet, SpacedDiffusionPoseNet, SpacedDiffusionTrajNet, gaussian_diffusion_posenet, gaussian_diffusion_trajnet, create_gaussian_diffusion (or the pertinent subset for running the example!) b. Discuss / show how to convert to motion representation (i.e., X = (R, P)) c. Perform inference
  3. Visualize input vs output sequences
bring-nirachornkul commented 1 month ago

Hi, we stuck on download SMPL-X in AMASS dataset as well. The instruction is quite ambiguity. Can you tell me what dataset can we use so far?