Some idea for GWT client
- on the left side a list of buttons for each objects categories in the
- each of them allows to select/deselect visualization on the floor plan
So If I click LIGHTS button the light are showed on the floor plan and the
button becomes green for example, if I deselect it becomes grey and the lights
are hidden.
- Show the object list as a floating box, when the user clicks on one room on
the map, the room is "selected", maybe do zoom to it so it could show its
objects better, and filter the object list to show only the object in the
selected room.
If the user clicks outside the room, the room is unselected, the zoom is back
to normal and the list is unfiltered.
- Have a panel for "current controled objects".
Every time the user mouse-over a object the behavior list option is shown (as
now), and if the object loose the "mouse-over" it will hidde. This is now. This
tooltip could have a "pin icon", if it is selected the behavior list will be
showed on the "current controled objects". This way the user could select what
objects wants to have always controlled.
- plugins: a button to show / hidden the list
Original issue reported on by on 8 Oct 2012 at 4:19
Original issue reported on by
on 8 Oct 2012 at 4:19