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Topicos Junho 2024 #29

Closed oleonardolima closed 2 months ago

oleonardolima commented 2 months ago

Issue para sugestao de topicos pro encontro de Junho.

Por favor incluam suas sugestoes no seguinte formato para facilitar a vida dos editores:

Desculpa pelo front-running @lorenzolfm 😅

oleonardolima commented 2 months ago

Proposing a P2QRH BIP towards a quantum resistant soft fork

oleonardolima commented 2 months ago

Burak Introduces Ark v2 with Liquidity-efficient Design

oleonardolima commented 2 months ago

Amboss Lightning Decoder

oleonardolima commented 2 months ago

A new BOLT12 website

oleonardolima commented 2 months ago

Differential Fuzzing of Bitcoin implementations

oleonardolima commented 2 months ago

Payjoin Release v0.17.0

j-moreno-c-r commented 2 months ago

This link is more symbolic, the topic is more important, windos will start to print the screen, officially...

j-moreno-c-r commented 2 months ago Translation of a god text about PGP, for Alex emidio

oleonardolima commented 2 months ago

DoS: LND Onion Bomb

oleonardolima commented 2 months ago

How Silent Payments Work

storopoli commented 2 months ago

BitcoinJ ran out of space (12-byte SIGNED integer) to encode chain work data:

The fix was to make the 12-byte UNSIGNED integer which kicks this a little bit down the road:

This made Bisq crash and need a very fast hotfix:

PS: with 5 tabs of Java code open in my browser the Geiger counter is going crazy... 💀

storopoli commented 2 months ago

Let's add cryptographic nerdy stuff.

Constant-time analysis tool cargo-checkct announced: A Ledger blog post announced cargo-checkct, a tool that evaluates whether Rust cryptographic libraries run in constant time to avoid timing attacks.

storopoli commented 2 months ago

Joinstr adds electrum support: Coinjoin software joinstr added an electrum plugin.


storopoli commented 2 months ago

Proposing a P2QRH BIP towards a quantum resistant soft fork

So, in a VERY hand-weaving overview: DLP (Discrete log problem) and prime factorization, technologies both used in EC (Elliptic Curve) and RSA signatures, are hard problems (related to negligible functions) for classical computers, but not for quantum computers.

Hence, we need to find other sources of hard problems that are quantum resistant. One major candidate of problems is to use Lattices problems such as Shortest vector problem (SVP) and Closest vector problem (CVP), which, for now, we don't have a very efficient quantum algorithm to solve. So, they are still "hard". (A nice accessible overview by quanta magazine)

Now this SQISign proposed in the BIP, is based on "Isogeny graphs of supersingular elliptic curves" which seems to be a "hard" problem (see theorem 1 of section 3.2 in the PDF of the paper) for both classical and as well quantum computers:

The security of these schemes relies on the hardness of finding a path in the $\ell$-isogeny supersingular graph between two given vertices. This problem is believed to be hard for both classical and quantum computers

Ref: Wikipedia on Supersingular isogeny graph.

Should be fun 😂

EDIT: Signal post-quantum crypto protocol relies on the Lattice hard stuff.

brunoerg commented 2 months ago

Novos bugs encontrados pelo bitcoinfuzz!