saoudrizwan / Disk

Delightful framework for iOS to easily persist structs, images, and data
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Warnings after importing disk #64

Closed Faiyyaz closed 5 years ago

Faiyyaz commented 5 years ago


After using disk I am getting below warnings so please let me know how to get rid of the warnings.

/Users/faiyyazkhatri/Documents/IntroApp/Pods/Disk/Sources/Disk+Helpers.swift:34:6: Unexpected version number in 'available' attribute for non-specific platform '*'

/Users/faiyyazkhatri/Documents/IntroApp/Pods/Disk/Sources/Disk+VolumeInformation.swift:39:5: 'public' modifier is redundant for static property declared in a public extension

/Users/faiyyazkhatri/Documents/IntroApp/Pods/Disk/Sources/Disk+VolumeInformation.swift:47:5: 'public' modifier is redundant for static property declared in a public extension

/Users/faiyyazkhatri/Documents/IntroApp/Pods/Disk/Sources/Disk+VolumeInformation.swift:58:5: 'public' modifier is redundant for static property declared in a public extension

/Users/faiyyazkhatri/Documents/IntroApp/Pods/Disk/Sources/Disk+VolumeInformation.swift:73:5: 'public' modifier is redundant for static property declared in a public extension

saoudrizwan commented 5 years ago

Please use pod 'Disk', '~> 0.6.1' and let me know if that fixes your issues.

Faiyyaz commented 5 years ago

Thank you after updating the version the warnings gone