sap-labs-france / ev-server

The Open e-Mobility Charging Station management backend server (check also ev-dashboard and ev-mobile)
Apache License 2.0
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requestGetConfiguration called without params #42

Closed mehdijouan closed 6 years ago

mehdijouan commented 6 years ago

in ChargingStation.js, the function requestGetConfiguration is called without providing params.

Running OCPPSoap15Test.js will pass but if you check the logs you can see:

{ source: undefined,
  module: undefined,
  method: undefined,
  action: 'RequestConfiguration',
  message: 'Cannot destructure property `keys` of \'undefined\' or \'null\'.',
   [ { stack: 'TypeError: Cannot destructure property `keys` of \'undefined\' or \'null\'.\n    at SoapChargingStationClient.getConfiguration (/Users/i058319/devel/ev/ev-server/src/client/soap/SoapChargingStationClient.js:236:22)\n    at ChargingStation.requestGetConfiguration (/Users/i058319/devel/ev/ev-server/src/model/ChargingStation.js:1357:46)\n    at <anonymous>\n    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7)' } ],
  type: 'S',
  level: 'E',
  timestamp: 2018-10-29T15:21:32.066Z }
LucasBrazi06 commented 6 years ago

OCPP 1.5 tests do not check request sent to the charger like Reset, Clear Cache, Request Conf. We would need a charger for this. I'll check the bug, Thanks for reporting!

LucasBrazi06 commented 6 years ago

Fixed in 86753ec360d55e614dda530ab4051af88e6e035a