sap9433 / filewatcher-webpack-plugin

Watch files / folders not under webpack watch. Accepts glob pattern. Turbo powered by chokidar
MIT License
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Webpack v4 compatibility issue? #7

Open ChrisBAshton opened 6 years ago

ChrisBAshton commented 6 years ago


When I run webpack-dev-server it compiles fine, but when I save a file that is being watched by this plugin, I get the following error:

Compilation Started  after change of - source/app/vocabs/english.json

              if (err) throw err;

ConcurrentCompilationError: You ran Webpack twice. Each instance only supports a single concurrent compilation at a time.
    at (node_modules/webpack/lib/Compiler.js:149:37)

It may be because I'm compiling multiple JS files at a time, or it could be that I'm using Webpack v4...? Here is my Webpack config:

const webpackConfig = {
        entry: {
            'app': `./source/app/app.js`,
            'widget': `./source/widget/app.js`,
        output: {
            path: path.resolve(__dirname, `${config.outputDir}/assets/`),
            publicPath: `${config.outputDir}/assets/`,
            filename: '[name].js',
            libraryTarget: `amd`,
        devServer: {
            contentBase: __dirname,
            compress: true,
            port: 1031,
            disableHostCheck: true,
            host: ``, // needed for hot reloading to work (binds to all hosts)
            https: {
                key: fs.readFileSync(`${pathToCerts}/device.key`),
                cert: fs.readFileSync(`${pathToCerts}/${root_domain}.crt`),
            before: beforeCompile, // function defined earlier in file
            after: afterCompile, // function defined earlier in file
        mode: (shell && shell.NODE_ENV) ? shell.NODE_ENV : `development`,
        module: {
            rules: [{
                test: /\.js$/,
                use: {
                    loader: 'babel-loader',
                    options: {
                        presets: [['env', {
                            targets: {
                                browsers: ['ie 9'],
                            useBuiltIns: true,
                            loose: true,
        externals: [
        plugins: [
            new filewatcherPlugin({watchFileRegex: ['**/vocabs/*.json']}),
    return webpackConfig;
ChrisBAshton commented 6 years ago

Same issue reported with Webpack v4 in a similar plugin:

sap9433 commented 6 years ago

You cant have 2 app.js .

On Wed, May 2, 2018, 07:49 Chris Ashton wrote:

Same issue reported with Webpack v4 in a similar plugin: Fridus/webpack-watch-files-plugin#6

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sap9433 commented 6 years ago

For webpqck, entry point will always be 1.

On Wed, May 2, 2018, 10:20 Saptarshi Chatterjee <> wrote:

You cant have 2 app.js .

On Wed, May 2, 2018, 07:49 Chris Ashton wrote:

Same issue reported with Webpack v4 in a similar plugin: Fridus/webpack-watch-files-plugin#6

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ChrisBAshton commented 6 years ago

Hmmm the docs allow multiple entrypoints:

Everything else works fine out of the box (individual runs of webpack, or webpack-dev-server without this plugin).

heyflo commented 6 years ago

I'm having the exact same issue, same error, almost the same config 🦄

retnag commented 6 years ago

I had the same issue, running webpack without the --watch option did the trick. Now it rebuilds on filechanges as I would expect, but it watches only the files/directories specified in the config for this plugin, it won't watch anythin that webpack would watch by default. You have to manually add those dirs to the config as well, to get to where you were before.

hopperhuang commented 6 years ago

i encouter the same bugs, when i write my component star kit code is here

i don't use webpack as a cli, but use it's apis. i use webpack to compile the files in example folder.

what i wonder is that, it's very strange for me to two wepback instance

in my code, every time i start another wacther, i will close the previous one..

code like below:

// compile example with webpack
let compiler;
if (env !== 'production') {
  compiler = webpack(webpackConfig);
let webpackWatcher;
const compileExample = () => {
  // close exist watcher
  if (webpackWatcher) {
  // make a new watcher
  webpackWatcher ={
    // watch /example/src files
    aggregateTimeout: 300,
    ignored: /node_modules/,
    poll: undefined,
  }, (err, stats) => {
    // logger
    if (err || stats.hasErrors()) {
      console.log('error: ', err);
    } else {
      const logs = stats.toString ? stats.toString({ colors: true }) : 'waiting for watching ....';

      // serve for dist

so, can some tell me why this will appear, when i save my files in a very high frequent.

leifdejong commented 5 years ago

@sap9433 can you update everyone on the progress with fixing this?

sap9433 commented 5 years ago

PR please ..

leifdejong commented 5 years ago

@sap9433 considering you wrote this code, don't you think you would be best suited for the job?

stokescomp commented 5 years ago

Does this work with webpack 3? I am getting the same error mentioned above with webpack 4. I am using this: .addPlugin(new WatchFilePlugin({watchFolder: "templates/"})) and it fails with two instances of webpack running when I add this too: .addPlugin(new WatchFilePlugin({watchFolder: "templates/", watchExtension: "php"}))

ConcurrentCompilationError: You ran Webpack twice. Each instance only supports a single concurrent compilation at a time. at (C:\web\symfony-recipe-factory\node_modules\webpack\lib\Compiler.js:211:37) at EventEmitter. (C:\web\symfony-recipe-factory\node_modules\watchfile-webpack-plugin\index.js:17:18) at emitThree (events.js:136:13) at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:217:7) at C:\web\symfony-recipe-factory\node_modules\watch\main.js:155:22 at StatWatcher. (C:\web\symfony-recipe-factory\node_modules\watch\main.js:83:38) at emitTwo (events.js:131:20) at StatWatcher.emit (events.js:214:7) at StatWatcher._handle.onchange (fs.js:1452:10)

Here is my webpack.config.

{ context: 'C:\web\symfony-recipe-factory', entry: { app: './assets/js/app.js' }, mode: 'development', output: { path: 'C:\web\symfony-recipe-factory\public\build', filename: '[name].[contenthash:8].js', publicPath: '/build/', pathinfo: true }, module: { rules: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ] }, plugins: [ MiniCssExtractPlugin { options: [Object] }, DeleteUnusedEntriesJSPlugin { entriesToDelete: [] }, ManifestPlugin { opts: [Object] }, LoaderOptionsPlugin { options: [Object] }, WebpackChunkHash { algorithm: 'md5', digest: 'hex', additionalHashContent: [Function] }, CleanWebpackPlugin { paths: [Array], options: [Object] }, DefinePlugin { definitions: [Object] }, { options: [Object], lastBuildSucceeded: false, isFirstBuild: true }, FriendlyErrorsWebpackPlugin { compilationSuccessInfo: [Object], onErrors: undefined, shouldClearConsole: false, formatters: [Array], transformers: [Array] }, AssetOutputDisplayPlugin { outputPath: 'public\build', friendlyErrorsPlugin: [Object] }, LiveReloadPlugin { options: {}, defaultPort: 35729, port: 35729, ignore: null, quiet: false, instanceId: 'e30f2961593c9640', delay: 0, lastHash: null, lastChildHashes: [], protocol: '', hostname: '" + location.hostname + "', server: null }, watchFilePlugin { options: [Object] }, AssetsWebpackPlugin { options: [Object], writer: [Function: queuedWriter] } ], optimization: { namedModules: true, chunkIds: 'named', runtimeChunk: 'single', splitChunks: { chunks: 'async' } }, devtool: 'inline-source-map', performance: { hints: false }, stats: { hash: false, version: false, timings: false, assets: false, chunks: false, maxModules: 0, modules: false, reasons: false, children: false, source: false, errors: false, errorDetails: false, warnings: false, publicPath: false, builtAt: false }, resolve: { extensions: [ '.wasm', '.mjs', '.js', '.json', '.jsx', '.vue', '.ts', '.tsx' ], alias: {} }, externals: {} }

pitpit commented 5 years ago is a good candidate to replace this plugin if you face this issue

const WatchFilesPlugin = require('webpack-watch-files-plugin').default;

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new WatchFilesPlugin({
      files: [
backflip commented 4 years ago

I have switched to the afterPlugins hook in my fork:

Not sure whether this works in any situation, but works fine for my use case.