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Bug : Archivplan #599

Closed b2d3c closed 1 month ago

b2d3c commented 1 month ago

In a item 1047-2-1-18 (, there are a declaration with this string (SPARQL) with inside the value "Prince Alexandre Schervachidzé".

We want to fund it through Archivplan :

But with the string "Schervachidzé" or "Schervachidz*" we have no result et we don't understand why.

With "Prince Alexandre" is no problem.

Cloud you find from where come the problem ?

See also :

fkraeutli commented 1 month ago

The term appears in a longer text and is therefore assigned a low score, below the cutoff. I have lowered the cutoff so it now appears. There will likely be other results that now appear due to the lower cutoff. It's deployed to Dev

b2d3c commented 1 month ago

Perfekt! You can deploy in PROD.

Which is the sign number cutoff know? Could we need a cutoff?

fkraeutli commented 1 month ago

I adjusted the minimum Relevance from 0.1 to 0.06. The lower it is, the more results that are irrelevant appear, so it's something that needs to be tuned (i.e. a minimum relevance of 0 would include also totally irrelevant results)