sapcc / elektra

An opinionated openstack Web UI for consumer self service and operations.
Apache License 2.0
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Dependency Dashboard #926

Open renovate[bot] opened 3 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

Repository problems

These problems occurred while renovating this repository. View logs.

[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:

Datasource Name Replacement PR?
npm check-files Unavailable
npm crypto Unavailable
npm raven-js Unavailable
npm redux-devtools-extension Available


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These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Ignored or Blocked

These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.

Detected dependencies

Gemfile - `unf ">= 0.2.0beta2"` - `rails ""` - `jsbundling-rails undefined` - `bootstrap-sass undefined` - `haml-rails undefined` - `simple_form undefined` - `redcarpet undefined` - `spinners undefined` - `friendly_id undefined` - `high_voltage undefined` - `simple-navigation undefined` - `font-awesome-sass "~>4"` - `kaminari undefined` - `filewatcher undefined` - `responders undefined` - `pg "1.3.4"` - `activerecord-session_store undefined` - `net-ssh undefined` - `ed25519 '>= 1.2', '< 2.0'` - `bcrypt_pbkdf '>= 1.0', '< 2.0'` - `netaddr "2.0.4"` - `colorize undefined` - `ruby-radius undefined` - `config "~> 2.2.1"` - `prometheus-client undefined` - `sentry-raven undefined` - `httpclient undefined` - `sdoc "~> 2.6.0"` - `puma "6.4.2"` - `aws-sdk-ses undefined` - `aws-sdk-sesv2 undefined` - `aws-sdk-cloudwatch undefined` - `rails_stdout_logging undefined` - `sass-rails undefined` - `web-console undefined` - `dotenv-rails undefined` - `byebug undefined` - `spring undefined` - `foreman "~> 0.87.0"` - `rspec-rails undefined` - `factory_bot_rails undefined` - `database_cleaner undefined` - `pry-rails undefined` - `prettier undefined` - `listen undefined` - `rails-controller-testing undefined` - `faraday-httpclient "~> 2.0"`
.github/workflows/ci-checks.yaml - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/cache v4` - `actions/cache v4` - `ruby 3.2` - `postgres 16`
.github/workflows/close-stale-issues.yml - `actions/stale v9`
package.json - `@cloudoperators/juno-messages-provider ^0.1.18` - `@cloudoperators/juno-ui-components ^2.17.1` - `@popperjs/core ^2.11.6` - `@rails/actioncable ^7` - `@tanstack/react-query ^4.28.0` - `ansi-up ^1.0.0` - `axios ^0.21` - `bootstrap 3.4.1` - `bootstrap-3-typeahead ^4.0.2` - `bootstrap-multiselect 0.9.15` - `bootstrap-select 1.13.6` - `bootstrap-slider 9.1.3` - `check-files ^0.0.2` - `clipboard ^2.0.10` - `coffeescript ^2.6.1` - `crypto ^1.0.1` - `d3 3.5.17` - `d3-drag ^3.0.0` - `d3-force ^3.0.0` - `d3-scale ^4.0.2` - `d3-selection ^1.4.1` - `d3-timer ^3.0.1` - `d3-transition ^3.0.1` - `d3-zoom ^3.0.0` - `date-fns ^2.30.0` - `esbuild ^0.14.34` - `file-saver 1.3.2` - `global ^4.4.0` - `ip-range-check ^0.2.0` - `ip-regex ^5.0.0` - `jquery 1.12.4` - `jquery-ujs ^1.2.3` - `jquery.cookie 1.4.1` - `js-base64 ^2.1.8` - `jsoneditor 5.5.6` - `moment ^2.29.2` - `numeral ^2.0.6` - `prop-types ^15.5.7` - `query-string ^7.1.1` - `raven-js 3.7.0` - `react 18.2.0` - `react-bootstrap-typeahead ^3.0.0-alpha.1` - `react-clipboard.js ^2.0.16` - `react-datetime *` - `react-day-picker ^8.7.1` - `react-dom 18.2.0` - `react-jss ^10.9.0` - `react-native-dotenv ^2.3.0` - `react-popper ^2.3.0` - `react-redux ^7.0.0` - `react-router-dom ^5.1.2` - `react-select ^5.5.2` - `react-transition-group ^4.3.0` - `react-window ^1.8.7` - `redux ^4.0.0` - `redux-devtools-extension ^2.13.5` - `redux-thunk ^2.2.0` - `topojson-client ^3.1.0` - `uuid ^3.4.0` - `zustand ^4.3.6` - `@babel/preset-env ^7.24.7` - `@babel/preset-react ^7.24.7` - `@testing-library/react ^14.0.0` - `autoprefixer ^10.4.12` - `axios-mock-adapter 1.18.2` - `babel-plugin-transform-import-meta ^2.2.0` - `chokidar ^3.5.3` - `cypress 9.0.0` - `eslint ^8.14.0` - `eslint-plugin-cypress ^2.12.1` - `eslint-plugin-react ^7.29.4` - `glob ^8.0.1` - `jest ^29.7.0` - `jest-environment-jsdom ^29.7.0` - `js-yaml ^4.1.0` - `jsdom ^24.1.0` - `node-fetch ^3.3.0` - `postcss ^8.4.21` - `postcss-minify ^1.1.0` - `postcss-url ^10.1.3` - `redux-mock-store 1.5.4` - `sass ^1.77.6` - `tailwindcss ^3.0.24`

hgw77 commented 3 weeks ago

closed because it is more than a year without activity