sapcc / juno

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Tab navigation #481

Closed franzheidl closed 7 months ago

franzheidl commented 7 months ago

Adds both <TabNavigation> and <TabNavigationItem> components.

These are meant as a more flexible alternative to our <Tabs> etc components, as the these equire <TabPanel> components to be present, instead, TabNavigation tabs manage themselves and can run any handler when the active tab changes, thus allowing for a much more flexible and dynamic usage.

Also, <TabNavigation> does not expect the index of an active tab as a prop, the active tab can be set / accessed using its label as a string as this seems more intuitive. This solution, however, forbids using the same label on two or more tabs within a tablist, but this shouldn't occur for usability/ accessibilty reasons anyway.

To be more consistent with all other forms of navigation we have, <TabNavigation> renders an element with role="navigation".

<TabNavigationItem> renders button elements by default, or <a> elements when href prop is passed.