As proposed in issue #12 , it is needed a way to check the availability and health of the broker in order to be able to raise alarms in case of broker down or malfunction.
This is due to the metrics shown are the last one received, but as they are served as a push service the exporter acts as a proxy and in case of disconnection the exporter will continue showing results.
Two scenarios are contemplated:
Lost of connection with the broker: new metric "broker_connection_up" (0 if down, 1 if up)
Connection is ok, but the broker does not send updates due to problems in the queue, blockage, etc. Added new metric "seconds_since_last_update". (-1 if never received an update and > 0 since first update, restarting to 0 after every update from the broker).
As proposed in issue #12 , it is needed a way to check the availability and health of the broker in order to be able to raise alarms in case of broker down or malfunction.
This is due to the metrics shown are the last one received, but as they are served as a push service the exporter acts as a proxy and in case of disconnection the exporter will continue showing results.
Two scenarios are contemplated: