sapmentors / cds-scp-api

CDS Extension for SAP Cloud Platform API Consumption
MIT License
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Provided headers are deleted before sending the request to Microsoft Graph (OAuth2) #5

Closed EdoB closed 2 years ago

EdoB commented 2 years ago

Problem explanation

In order to upload a large file via the MSGraph DriveItems REST API we need to send a custom header (Content-Range) with a PUT request. During the getAuthorizationHeader function the headers passed with the AxiosConfig object get erased by an initialization.

Code which exposes the problem

const cdsapi = require("@sapmentors/cds-scp-api");

const service = await'destination');{
      method: "PUT",
      url: '',
      headers: {
        "Content-Length": 41024,
        "Content-Range": 'bytes 0-41023/41024',
      data: 'buffer-data-to-be-sent',

Microsoft Graph DriveItems doc for context