sapmentors / lemonaid

SAP Mentors Lemonaid
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Geographic Map visualization #8

Closed jpenninkhof closed 7 years ago

jpenninkhof commented 8 years ago

Add visualization of selected mentors into a geographic map. Probably needs integration with the list feature as described under issue #2

entmike commented 8 years ago

I mentioned something similar in a new GitHub enhancement idea I just put in for Mentor detail dialog (show a Leaflet Map, for example)

If we begin to carve out who tackles what, I'd be happy to volunteer for any geographic view (such as this) if nobody else wants to do it.

jpenninkhof commented 8 years ago

I was thinking of (also) putting a map in the mentors list. I think it's nice to be able to see the geographic spread after making a selection. I think the list needs to be moved to the master of a split container, and the map to the detail. What do you think? @jasper07 also joined the Git team. He's the "Google maps in UI5"-king, which may also come in handy :)

entmike commented 8 years ago

I've done some maps in UI5 however it's been mostly Leaflet and some D3 TopoJSON. If Google Maps is preferable, no worries here!

A few links re: Leaflet:

jpenninkhof commented 8 years ago

Leaflet sounds excellent to me as well. Seen many great examples of that too. @jasper07 could you let us know what you think?

jasper07 commented 8 years ago

What are the scenarios? What does the data look like? What are the constraints? etc.

You have linked this issue to issue 2, "Mentor list and filter".

Thinking out loud - a Simple scenario User types in "Cloud for Customers Europe" and they expect to get a list of Mentors who have that topic and are located in that region.

The results from the above query can be used to show visually the locations of the selected Mentors.

My first thought here is Fuzzy Search in HANA, can be done with CDS Enitities and Views, however i am not sure how you would map outside in using JPA.

We are obviously not talking about masses of data, however Is there enough location detail currently in the Mentors entity to plot individuals onto a map without being too chatty. CountryId "NL", Region "EU", ZIP, CITY etc. are good for finding a geo location, but maybe best to store geo locations upfront, say do a geo query on save of data.

wrt the constraints, I dont know much about the Design Studio Leaflet feature, how easy is it to install, maintain etc, what are the dependencies, license implications etc. is it a good fit for a SAPUI5 app?

I dont want to shill my own library, but i built OpenUI5-GoogleMaps purposely with a very low barrier to entry. Most of the work can be done declaratively through xml bindings. You want to know how to achieve something - Google it and you will find many examples. The reason i built the library was in repsonse to the very hard to understand SAP Visual Business API Geo features .

entmike commented 8 years ago

@jasper07 I think if something like your UI5-GoogleMaps already exists and fits the use, why reinvent the wheel, right? I have no strong preference for Leaflet over GoogleMaps. Whatever works!

My Leaflet Maps Design Studio component is inside of a UI5 wrapper but therewould be no need for use of Design Studio, that was just the tool I was using for that component (e.g. Leaflet is also quite lightweight, etc)

For scenarios for Lemonaid app, I can think of a few, one with simple markers/cluster markers to plot mentor location.

Other would be a Choropleth map shaded on something like Mentor count or count of mentors with x expertise or type of mentor etc.

jasper07 commented 8 years ago

@entmike @jpenninkhof as a proof of concept i added a simple map control to the Mentors view, didnt do any styling etc, just wanted to show something working

entmike commented 8 years ago

@jasper07 - I think it looks great!

jpenninkhof commented 8 years ago

It looks awesome! Thanks to @raeijpe we now have the gmaps without modifications in the index.html, so that we would even be able to run the app as component (e.g. from FLP).

jpenninkhof commented 7 years ago

Maps are properly integrated now. Closing ticket.